MSNBC Drops Olbermann, Matthews as News Anchors

McCain takes 4-point lead over Obama in poll

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You do not really need much more information than this to see what is up if you really understand the role of hypnomedia in American politics.

Read on for some further elaboration of the facts in this case.
1-Rove and the other Ratpub planners thought that Obama was more vulnerable than Clinton. This was quite plain early on in the primaries when Rove actually made a public speech enumerating the ways that Obama could take Clinton down. Can you imagine some major Democratic hustler publicly enumerating the ways that McCain could beat Romney or Giuliani?

The Rats are WAY ahead of their opposition in the spin area…they’re so far ahead that they live in another dimension, to tell you the truth…which is why they win about 80% of the time.


2-The general tenor of the media news coverage during the primaries was heavily pro-Obama. ESPCIALLY the poor, deluded, mouse-trapped Mssrs. Olbermann and Tweety Bird over at MSNBC, the so-called “liberal” version of Fox. Please Google [CIA + Mockingbird] if you doubt the amount of control the right wing intelligence community has over the media. Asset after asset after asset in executive power positions. Bet on it.

3-Even after Obama clinched the nomination the anti-Hillary drumbeat went on and on and on. Couldn’t take the chance that she might get the VP slot, after all. She’s that good, and that feared by the vast right-wing conspiracy that she and only she of all of the major pols of the last couple of decades has had the courage to publicly brand. Can you imagine the mincemeat that she would have made of Palin had the Rats been so foolish as to nominate that sitcom witch after Hillary was in place on the ticket? Which of course they would not have done. But having been successful in stymying her presence on the ticket…and it would not surprise me in the LEAST if some number of the loudest anti-Hillary Dems were really double agents for the Rats, just as was Joe Lieberman before he came out…having assured themselves that her constituency of semi-undecideds was up for grabs, why…

Here comes Sarah!!!

4-And then suddenly the opposition network’s two most outspoken cheerleaders for Obama are essentially canned as far as non-leftiness viwers are concerned, because Olbermann’s little show is entirely a preaching-to-the-choir affair and Tweety Bird? He’s just a fucking joke to most straight, hetero, undecided white ‘Murricans.

Looka here, Eddie!! Who IS that silly looking bleached blond faggot there!!!?

Bet on it. I’ve been in rural living rooms where that was quite plainly said, one way or another.

Is Fox going to can ITS spinmeisters?


How about NBC, CBS and ABC?

Of course not.





Palin Media Avoidance Watch: Day 9 — McCain Camp Says She Won’t Do Interviews Until It Knows She’ll Be Treated with “Deference”

Rick Davis, campaign manager for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., just told Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace that McCain running mate Gov. Sarah Palin won’t subject herself to any tough questions from reporters until the point in time when she’ll be treated with respect and deference.


ABC News’ Gibson lands first Palin interview.


With deference.

So much for impartial journalism.

The same polls that showed Obama 7 points up after the Dem Convention now show him 4 down.

That’s an 11 point turnaround in about a week and a half!!!


These motherfuckers are good!!!

And the beatdown continues.

Remember…all they need to do is to get to about 48% and the Diebold machines can take care of the rest.

And y’all are part of the plot.

HAW haw haw haw haw haw haw!!!

Still watching the news as if it was something real.


Whadda buncha maroons.

Lemme tell you something, leftinness shmoon.

You done been used.

Used and abused.

They gotcha to hate Ms. Clinton and love Obama.

And now they’re going to take Obama down.

He’s an intellectual.

And he’s black.

Ask yourselves this simple question.

If there is indeed an pro-intellectual, pro-minority voting bloc in this country…how big do you really think it is?

My guess?

Ohhhh…maybe 10%.

15% TOPS.

Nice work, shmoon.

You done did it again.

You done been Adlai-ed
