Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing

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Yes, I went there.

Way back in the day – think the 60’s, my Mom taught me about being polite. These days, politeness is called political correctness.

Over the last 8 years, I have been lied to, called a communist, a criminal, had my bags searched for no reason, had my email monitored, had my phone calls monitored and I actually caught a guy in a blacked out Suburban going through my trash.

I am done with politeness. McCain is offended? Fuck him and the Moose he rode in on. I am tired of all this petty bullshit while America burns… while the world burns.

The glaciers are melting, sea level is rising, crops are failing, our planet is a mess. China owns too much of our debt, industry has mostly moved out of America and the GOP sees nothing wrong with this.

Sick. To. Death.

I am sick of the mother fucking war – all fucking war for that matter. I am sick, tired and miserable with the GOP in power. Yes, the Dems have problems, don’t get me started on the traitorous Blue Dogs, I will get back to those assholes once I get Obama in office.

But for now, McCain and Palin need to be beat like rented mules (yes, I am trotting out all sorts of anti-pc phrases today).

Special Note: I will be giving a presentation, open to the public, at Adobe’s San Francisco 601 Townsend Street office on September 16th at 6:45pm. During the presentation I will chat about how I started the strip and show how I use Adobe’s software to create the strip along. Expect antics!

Print out your favorite TCD comic strip and I will autograph it!

The event is free and Adobe feeds you pizza! Seats are still available so RSVP HERE.