Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
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Yes, I went there.
Way back in the day – think the 60’s, my Mom taught me about being polite. These days, politeness is called political correctness.
Over the last 8 years, I have been lied to, called a communist, a criminal, had my bags searched for no reason, had my email monitored, had my phone calls monitored and I actually caught a guy in a blacked out Suburban going through my trash.
I am done with politeness. McCain is offended? Fuck him and the Moose he rode in on. I am tired of all this petty bullshit while America burns… while the world burns.
The glaciers are melting, sea level is rising, crops are failing, our planet is a mess. China owns too much of our debt, industry has mostly moved out of America and the GOP sees nothing wrong with this.
Sick. To. Death.
I am sick of the mother fucking war – all fucking war for that matter. I am sick, tired and miserable with the GOP in power. Yes, the Dems have problems, don’t get me started on the traitorous Blue Dogs, I will get back to those assholes once I get Obama in office.
But for now, McCain and Palin need to be beat like rented mules (yes, I am trotting out all sorts of anti-pc phrases today).
Special Note: I will be giving a presentation, open to the public, at Adobe’s San Francisco 601 Townsend Street office on September 16th at 6:45pm. During the presentation I will chat about how I started the strip and show how I use Adobe’s software to create the strip along. Expect antics!
Print out your favorite TCD comic strip and I will autograph it!
The event is free and Adobe feeds you pizza! Seats are still available so RSVP HERE.
fucking war for that matter.”
Obama will continue the Afghan and Iraqi wars, and perhaps give us a new one in Sudan.
Why don’t you GET REAL?
Dumbshit Wednesday.
Here, pig, pig, pig.
Here, pig, pig, pig.