Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This week’s theme is Critters!
Four legs, two legs, no legs; walks wiggles, flies, swims; furry, scaly, feathery; cute, scary, beautiful, ugly. You got ’em, we want to see ’em!
Website of the Week: Digital Photography Review discussion forums where you can “discuss, ask questions or generally debate anything related to digital photography, digital cameras or digital imaging technology”. The site is stuffed with great information and loads of photos, including galleries of photos for specific cameras so you can judge before you buy.
AndiF Gets Wild
olivia’s critters
- Next week’s theme: Silhouettes and Shadows
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, and ImageShack.
This moose was safely in Grand Teton National Park — no hunting allowed. Take that, Pallin.
Palin is not ruining moose for me … I love ’em.
Amazingly, mom mountain goat was completely indifferent to people being close to her baby. We guessed that knowing that you can go where nothing can follow is a real confidence builder.
Peeking through there … 😀
How do I link to a photo on “Picasa web album” as I do on Eurotrib?
I just went over to your diary and looked — it’s the same code that’s been used over there.
I get the following error message:
“Your HTML has the following errors :
* Attribute STYLE for tag TABLE is not allowed
* Attribute STYLE for tag TD is not allowed”
Tables work here but apparently there are some differences. I just emailed you an example of the code I used to create the tables in the diary.
I sent you my code for editing.
Wonderful to see you here!
Andi, let me know if you need any help — one idea, try selecting HTML Format from the drop down (vs. the Auto Format). The Auto Format might be inserting codes. I just tried it w/ a test image from picasa, as was able to get it show here when I turned on HTML Format.
Hey all – LEP is one of the organizers of the European Tribune Friday photoblogging series. Our inspiration … 🙂
At the bottom of the comment box, beside Preview – select HTML Formatted.
Hi Olivia. I’m blushing:-)
and thanks for figuring that out.
Still doesn’t work for me. I get the same error message as with auto format.
Not sure what else to try. Did you modify the code when you posted the pic below?
I used the code that Andi wrote and emailed to me. I’m in Paris now, not at home, and I don’t have a printer here. When I get home tomorrow I’ll print out his code and compare it to the original Picasa to see what he did.
w/ the Picasa code here at BT. Maybe that might help too … 🙂
(And oh, how I would love to go back to Paris … 🙂
Hi Olivia. I was out all afternoon yesterday but I would appreciate that screen shot. 🙂
Thanks Olivia, it worked.
LEP! Its very good to see you here. I’ve enjoyed lurking the Friday Photos at ET for quite some time.
My 14 year old daughter- a regular on the ET photo blog.
Love seeing her photos — the subjects are always so varied and lots of fun. 🙂
Wow – great shots!
Black snakes look so menacing … 🙂
You have a thing for dangerous animals. 😉
Those are both really gorgeous shots — though I might have to put up warning. 🙂
We have some beautiful Blue Racers around here but they always live up to their name and scoot away before I can a shot off.
I took these in the winter when they were sunning and weren’t really too interested in moving.
sleepy head
a little later:
clik images to enlarge
Bu is, as always, so bu-tiful.
There’s the sweetie. 🙂
Love these shots d. That one wee bit of light there … perfect.
What a sweetheart! But is that a concrete block that his beautiful head is resting on?
l shoulda said ms. Bu….she’s the lady of the house…she who must be obeyed, as rumpole would put it.
re concrete: well, sorta….they’re concrete pavers. she has a spot she favours where they turn 90º. they hold the heat and she lays against them with her head on one.
whatever works, eh.
good to see your sig again P4….sorry to hear about your toto….like andi, l know it’s hard, but they’re such joys while they’re here…l wouldn’t give her up for anything.
It seems that the relationship between man & animal is best exemplified by the relationship between A Boy & His Dog.
It`s one that cannot be explained to one who has never had that kind of friend.
Your dog is beautiful & you obviously know exactly what I mean.
Great image of the security it knows you provide, a heated concrete square.
That`s a special photo.
the good: dragonfly
the bad: squirrel [fuzzytailedtreerat]
and the ugly: hummingbird moth larvae [?]
clik images to enlarge
That squirrel picture is wonderfully lit.
OTOH, I’m not about to click to enlarge that larva.
Beautifully detailed … Much easier to see on the large size … 🙂
Puget4’s critters
This guy loved to jump 5 feet into the air to rob my bird feeder which was stuck on my livingroom window.
These two buffalo are both 2 years old. The little one is the only known (not widely) miniature buffalo
Little Bright eyed chickadee before the above squirrel robbed the feeder.
Toto2. RIP We don’t have anyone to order us around anymore……
Great to see you putting pics up and really great to see the pics. 🙂
I hope you’ll be back next week.
Echoing Andi – great to see you posting! 😀
Love that photo of the squirrel — lol, he looks like trouble. 🙂
I’m so sorry to read that you lost your dear friend … 🙁 Sending condolences to you and Gooserock. It’s so hard to say goodbye to our furry loves. {{{hugs}}}
Thanks Olivia! Someday I’ll post about it on my blog but not yet. This was as much as I could do. There’s quite a collection waiting for me by the Rainbow Bridge now.
I’m sorry about Toto2. I know how hard that is — only too well.
Thanks Andif. And experience doesn’t make it any easier either.
I forgot to mention, that by clicking on the image, you can see my two beauties along with more images of the flags & the scope of the memorial.
Set right on the coast, it was quite a spectacle. (I do mean that in a good way)
Oh jeez, I know exactly how she feels.
And what’s more, that’s exactly what my hair looks like first thing in the morning.
IOW, I love that picture.
It was almost scary to be looking at a young Pterodactyl, while looking around to make sure the mom dinosaur wasn`t around.
Thank you, but you should have a nightcap.
Not “Whiskey on the Rocks”, a night cap.
Sure looks like proof to me of the relationship between dinosaurs and birds. The dinosaurs to still walk (or fly) the earth. Great shot!
It’s an amazing shot Head.
Don`t you mean ‘head shot’ rather than “shot, head”
How about “head shot, Head”?
A curmudgeonly turtle to go w/ the frog … 🙂
I call him “The King” or, in other words, you`re future father-in-law,
if you kiss the frog.
You see, he`s married to the green “Queen” of which we spoke before.
You know,…. my mother.
Thanks for all the great photos. Each one of them was my favorite till I saw the next one (yes, I’m fickle). So now they’re all my favorites, though I do think I have a bit of a crush on old man turtle.
Awesome, incredible! Black and white study. Wow! I run out of expletives!
All I can say is spectacular! All of them.
Teacher Toni,
Thank you.
When looking at the images, do you get the feeling you`re being watched?
Not really. I get the feeling that I need to go everywhere with my camera. Also, I need to take more vacations!
Some advice for Teacher Toni,
Never leave home without it.
I always bring my equipment with me, & sometimes don`t ever use it, but the times that I just saw something & wanted to play a game with the light & mood, I was always in the mood. Without the camera, one can never know how the game ended. Sometimes you win, & move on to share, & always you lose, if you don`t play.
Always bring your camera.
I love the game. (but I never bet on it)
We do this about 34 times a day…the look at the door:
Whitey dreaming that she’s not too wimpy to go outside:
Even upside-down, HJ does the sad eyed thing perfectly.
I love the composition of the Whitey shot — all the angles come together very effectively.
Is this a wild bird beside a grey parrot? Wow again!
All the birds we have here, are rescued birds.
The little sparrows or the hummingbirds are eventually returned to the wild, but even some of those prefer to stay. Obviously we can`t just turn the parrots loose.
They all get along or lose their freedom. If one cause trouble which may result in injury to any other or even themselves, they go to jail.
They learn then to get along, or get along.(down the road)
Photoshop? Excellent work
Imagine that the lizards are mirrored.
One image of one lizard pasted onto a larger canvas twice.
One is then rotated vertically, then horizontally, then both registered at their centerline.
Then how do you account for all the litter in the sand, not being mirrored.
Now imagine that maybe that was to delay the recognition of the mirror, by only long enough that it is then cemented into the perceived reality. The delay is what helps the mind scan the complete picture but not yet the details. The faux mirrored sand is accepted as the background, but the lizards as mirrored.
One spot of the litter IS mirrored. I still vote for Photoshop but with very skillful hands that cleaned up the telltale specks in the litter. It’s the kind of obsessive thing I would do.
Those are beautiful critters. What are they? Yes, I refer to them in the plural. 🙂
You can make the world stand still…..
The lighting and coloration in this is breathtaking.
We’ve got blenny of photos and photos are blenny for me.
Good evening Andif, & everybody else.
I have to go attend to some affairs & if I don`t see all the posted images, I most certainly be back later to view them all.
Thank you, for a wonderful venue.
Is this Ms Longstalking?
You disappoint.
You always knew her as Pipi.
Her friends always call her Pipi, & you know the kind of friend she`s always been.
But she`s really pleased to be noticed as a Ms.
You should see the change in her. She matured since you last saw her, & she knows it.
I love the psychedelic coloring your find in your salt water tank. Spectacular!
Oh my! This is my third time through your photos and I’m just now able to catch a breath to comment on them.
KH, have you ever considered seeing a publisher (National Geographic perhaps) about a book of your critter photography? Then as a follow up, sunsets, etc. These are just incredible. they take my breath away.
You overwhelm me.
Here I was so happy to see the beautiful shots you posted & I read this.
Thank you so much but I prefer to just enjoy. I imagine (in my own little world) that you are a subscriber to my magazine.
” Knucklehead`s Take On Sharing With Friends”
I’m honored to be a subscriber of said journal.
See, Elephants aren’t all bad.
Glad there was a moat between him and me.
Hi mrb … 🙂
That little elephant is so cute!
It is cute. It makes me want a pot-bellied elephant, like the kids tried to create on South Park. Does anyone here know a genetic engineer that could creat little mini elephants we could keep as pets?
Very Cool
I do believe I saw some of your spider shots last week when I linked to your site.
I`ve been having a bit of a problem with the web on my computer, but I think the problem is leaving.
What a wonderful set of photos. I’m awed!
That`s what makes me want to share them.
Your nice compliments, have proved my point.
I`m very glad you enjoyed them.
You know, if I can sidetrack anyone for a second, from the track they`re on, it makes their journey a little different from what the brochure advertised. Then, they can tell their friends.
That’s either a very big spider or a very small iMac.
It`s a Mac Daddy on a Mini Mac.
I have quite a few spider shots but had not seen the one most pictured in your shots.
What an effective shot — stark and beautiful and slightly eerie.
Thanks. I used a flashlight directed at the fence behind the spider to get the silhouette. It took me several tries.
Here’s a critter that I found:
Nifty — and it looks so well-behaved.
messy bloodworms to thaw, too … 🙂
Got to have pootie pix.
I find myself wondering how the devine but very ample bodied pootie got herself up onto the printer?
Those kittens are adorable.
At 20 lbs. it was a bit of a struggle, but the adjacent paper shredder was a helpful stair step on her way up. There are feeders just outside the window and she would chatter constantly at any birds who showed up, as if making casual conversation.
LOL … 🙂
You’re right, this diary was definitely missing kitty photos.
Casual conversation, HAH!!! More like muffled threats, or “You’re lucky my step doesn’t go in your direction”
My critters fervently disagree but I’m going to have to go with you on this. Besides having such cutie patooties, the step shot is really nicely framed.
Thanks! What little photographic skills I have, I learned from a Miami Herald journalist, my best friend when I lived in FL. He taught me to “bracket” my photos. Now, with digital, I can take 30 shots of the same subject and not worry about the high cost of processing. I figure the law of averages says I’ll get one right eventually;-)
Look what I found!
Six Month Old Springer Spaniel
My Toto1 used to carry big sticks around also. He tried to carry them through his doggie door that way. He tried it only once though and then did it with the stick angled backwards. Smart dog.
I love your Springer’s face. It looks right into your heart.
What kind of camera did you use? I find the focus on the face remarkable.
Nikon D-200 with 18-200 lens, and yeah, this pup is pretty well tuned into the humans in its life. Smartest one I’ve ever had.
“Smartest one I’ve ever had.”
Hey NDD,
Are you talking about humans or dogs?
Great shots of your smartest dog ever.
Okay, okay, I can’t deny the
evidencelimb before my eyes … there are trees. 😉And they sure come with cute accouterments.
You can see the intelligence there in your pup’s eyes … 🙂
That is a fantastic shot ND — very crisp and the colours are so rich. Very nice.
Next weekend we are having ET meetups. On Friday we are going to the Quartier Mouffetard on the left bank for a stroll and dinner and I was there yesterday scouting some restaurants. While these are old hat at ET I thought you BT people might like to see some photos I took; the first three are in the St. Germain des Pres area and the last three in Mouffetard. In the second photo the police are blocking traffic because the Pope has arrived to speak at Notre Dame.
Thanks for the really fine set of wish-I-were-there photos.
Yes, thanks LEP! I’m quite jealous of my kid brother who has been over to visit 3 or 4 times now, while I’m stuck at home. Here’s a shot of him with friend Thomas on his last trip over.
Looking forward to seeing more photos from the meet-up. I hope you all have a fabulous time!
More kitties — very contented ones … 🙂
I have discovered that no matter what a pootie is doing, it is graceful and elegant, even if only licking a hind paw while extended toward the pootie nose.
A cousin perhaps?
That looks like my Lucky cat! Were you in my house today?
Ha! Ha! Sassy, meet Lucky. Lucky, meet Sassy. Maybe their daddy is a travelin’ man;-)
She is a very vocal kitty we got from a nearby state forest, where she hung out for several months until the park manager made the employees find a new home for her. Their loss, our gain!