Hi everyone!!! If you are like me and have been waiting and searching for a really down and dirty column from ‘someone’ about the latest phenom otherwise known as Sista Sarah, then please read the following exerpt from a Dick Cavett column today in the NY Times.
Any old folks reading this will no doubt be able to picture Dick, with his wicked and sardonic but yet innocent at the same time, manner of delivery, and that could be even more enjoyable.
September 12, 2008, 7:40 pm
Experience 101Dear Reader:It may be time to give up on writing about current events in this space. When you think how news travel time has been telescoped, it’s dizzying. It took days for even the rumors of Custer’s annihilation at Little Big Horn to reach the east. Now any news over two hours old isn’t news — it’s “olds.” Anything from the day before is virtually archaeology.
In reading what follows, be aware that nothing here is exactly meant to be a “this just in” bulletin. And so, the inevitable phrase: “By the time you read this….”
Or, for short:
B.T.T.Y.R.T.: Sarah Palin will doubtless have been outed even further from the witness protection program in which her handlers have kept her secreted since her smasheroo solo performance on That Memorable Night.
There’s no denying that she rocked the place and, as her enthusing boosters said, “She really delivered the goods.”
So she did, even if some were shoddy.
Back here in the past, when I’m writing this, we have just seen part one of her quizzing by Charles Gibson, with mixed reviews for both. So far I have not seen her confronted with some of the things about which she has been, to put it in that awful Diplomatically Correct phrase, “somewhat less than fully truthful.” (Typesetter: If space is scarce, use “lying.”) As in claiming “no thanks” to the bridge money while failing to disclose that she kept it.
and here is a favorite passage:
Every time I nostalgically try to regain my liking of John McCain, he reaches into his sleaze bag and pulls out something malodorous.
If there were a prize cake available, McCain’s lowbrow ad attempting to paint Obama as a virtual pornographer and peddler of sex to kindergarteners would take that pastry. Plate and all.
I’ve been wanting to write something about Sister, for lo these many long days since she was nominated, but was just to lazy. But the fever has been burning inside me to articulate some of the thoughts I have about our new girl, so this was a perfect opportunity.
You know what I like about her, she wears glasses, and she’s proud to wear them. You don’t see many glass wearers at all these days, that is in the public eye. Since I am a glass wearer and have been most of my life I like the idea that women all over are buying the really cute rimless, Kawasaki frame among her several pairs..
I would like a frame like that too, if I hadn’t spent nearly $1000.00 2 years ago for my current pair, incl. exam and the lowest prices frame they had in stock ( I did transition lenses and a special coating for glare from computers.)
I was so shocked at the price that at my age I intend to wear this one pair for the rest of my life, that is unless I live to be 90 at which time I will consider getting a new pair.
I think all in all we are going to see an upswing in the numbers of female Americans wearing glasses.
Anyway, aside from that I am pretty disappointed that the first Rep. female VP pick has to be so near the bottom of the barrell. Watching her interview with Gibson, especially the first one, I believe that not only did she not know the Bush Doctrine, but I don’t think she knew the meaning of some of the words “Charlie” used to describe it, therefore she was at a loss as how to answer and her brain must have been spinning to figure out how to answer.
So bottom line for me is she’s cute as heck in an Alaskan sort of way, but not for one minute would I put the reins of power of the US in her tiny hands. Seriously.
Hi all, so what do you think about Sarah.
that Rove dug into his bag of tricks to get. How on earth do these scumbags do it and how do they keep getting away with it. Now, can we talk about McSame and the issues?
Sad to say but I think Sarah is McCain’s issue, his one single issue, that she is going to be a reformer of he and his cronies oh and plus everyone in Washington. Kind of looks like he is running now on her and what a visual that is.
Forgot to say and she is going to help win the war in Iraq. According to her these are her 2 missions; with McCain of course, don’t let me leave out..
cavett is as always, entertaining, as is james wolcott. here are a pair of his recent barbs…the pithy Palin Precipice:
and the equally snide Dear Yuval Levin… which gets started with:
gotta like those kinds of smackdowns.
For sure you gotta love them, (smackdowns) especially if you watch cable news all the time and hear nothing but drivel, wish I could look away but I just can’t. I am facinated and awed at the country, no more so than when I hear the republican citizens singing and chanting her praises.
In some ways I feel for her being dragged into this with the most nefarious of reasons, they are using her and I think that is a foul on them. Hopefully the masses will wake up and listen carefully.
I just found this link with a letter from Anne Kilkenny, regarding Sarah, some very interesting stuff in there, here’s a peek.
Oh and by the way, she isn’t a hockey mom anymore!!!!