Six months ago if you had asked me to make a list of McCain’s strengths (both real and perceived) I would have given you something like this:
1. The media loves him
2. His military background/sympathetic story
3. His foreign policy experience (Armed Services Committee)
4. His reputation for ‘straight-talk’
5. His reputation for reform (Maverick)
In a contest against Obama, I’d add:
6. His whiteness
What’s remarkable is just how badly he has squandered the first five strengths. Part of the damage was created by the process of winning the Republican nomination, which required McCain to pose as an orthodox Republican who opposes all tax cuts and doesn’t give a whit about balanced budgets, is uncompromising on opposing abortion rights in nearly all circumstances, etc.
But the bulk of the damage was done in one fell swoop when he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate without vetting her. He, and we, immediately found out that her seventeen-year old unmarried daughter was pregnant. And then he, and we, learned a lot of other unflattering things about Ms. Palin. In order to protect her, McCain made a strategic decision to use the GOP convention as one long diatribe against the elitists in the press. And POOF, the media’s love affair with John McCain ended in divorce.
Palin has no military record (despite her role as titular head of the Alaska National Guard) and she has no foreign policy experience (despite being able to see some Russian island in the Bering Sea from some remote island off Alaska). Whatever advantage McCain had in those two areas was severely undermined, if not reversed, the second people got to know Palin.
And as soon as Palin opened her mouth, she began lying. She has told a lie at every campaign stop and every television appearance (are we up to two?) she has made. McCain started telling lies to back up Palin’s lies. And POOF, there went his reputation for ‘Straight-Talk’.
But that’s not all the damage Palin has caused. McCain had a reputation as somewhat of a Maverick. He’s a guy that would pursue campaign finance reform when his party-base firmly opposed it. He’s a guy that didn’t want to drill in ANWR and admitted that global warming is a problem. He’s a guy that opposes earmarks and doesn’t ask for them. And he picked a woman that falls on the other side on all those issues. McCain once said (in 2000) that he didn’t want to see Roe v. Wade overturned. Now he does. But worse, his running mate won’t even make an exception for rape or incest. She’s a creationist. She’s a favorite of the mouth-breathing fundie base of the modern GOP. She’s the biggest earmarker in the country, and she hired a lobbyist to go to Washington to ask for earmarks for Wasilla when she was the mayor there. Gone is the mavericky feel of the McCain campaign.
Now, some people might call the selection of Sarah Palin one of balance. If that’s the case, the effect is total negation. Palin effectively mutes or erases every single perceived strength that McCain enjoyed (except his whiteness). I expect Sarah Palin’s negatives to rise on a consistent basis and that she will eventually fade from view sometime in mid-October. She is an albatross.
He should have vetted her.
We are still in the Palin honeymoon period, but I think it’s going to come to a close. Palin’s only chance to redeem herself is to perform credibly in the debate.
But that would require Gwen Ifill to ask softball questions and no follow-ups, as well as world-class memorization and preparation by Palin. I’ve been an avid news reader since high school and I don’t think I could brush up on foreign and domestic policy 101 in just three weeks, while also maintaining a full-time campaign schedule. It’s impossible.
If her debate performance is anything like the Gibson interview, Palin is toast and McCain is toast. And even if she does okay in the debate, Troopergate and other stinky issues will continue to dog her. She’ll have to do more press interviews at some point…
I put this story back in the queue, but we’ll post it again later and your comment will be there.
He vetted her!
Remember how he met Cindy? He saw her and his eyes glazed over while he chased her around the buffet table like someone obsessed!
He vetted Sarah the same way he vetted all the fashion models, pole dancers, strippers, and beauty queens in his life.
His brains dangle between his legs. With too much testosterone fueling his belligerence and dictating his picks, I can just imagine his cabinet. He’ll need someone like Bert Parks to be Chief of Staff just to keep those egos from clashing.
If the 527’s are going to do anything, they need commercials on the following:
The following commercials
Title: 15 minutes.
Narrator: reading that McCain chose her after a 15 minute interview. Remind folks that McCain had SIX MONTHS TO CHOOSE.
Final line: ” What did you do today that took longer than 15 minutes?”
“Sarah Palin – John McCain’s Judgment at work”
Title: Russia from Alaska
Run the clip of her actually repeating the ridiculousness of SEEING Russia from Alaska
Narrator: We wish she were joking.
Final Line: Sarah Palin – John McCain’s Judgment at work”
Title: WHY HER?
Opening: pictures of all the QUALIFIED GOP women passed over, with their credentials at the bottom of their pics.
Then a picture of Palin.
Narrator: Why Palin?
Because she is the Poster Child of the Religious Right.
Narrator: John McCain – a Maverick? Hardly. More like a sellout to the Religious Right.
Title: WHY LIE?
Opening shot: Palin, McCain, then surrogates repeating the Bridge to Nowhere lie. Count how many times in a week this lie was told.
Narrator: Why do John McCain, Sarah Palin and their surrogates keep on repeating this LIE?
Maybe they’ve decided to take advice from a propogandist.
Put up the quote from Goebbels.
Atribute it to him, and put under it NAZI GERMANY.
Run these ads in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Mountain West. I truly believe it would be game over.
Let’s look at it this way. Palin was always a Hail Mary pass, and we know how often they succeed. Obama blew McCain’s game out of the water with his Convention speech. He made it up front and personal. McCain or rather Schmidt panicked. He needed a fundie Veep to secure the base, which eliminated Ridge, Lieberman, Pawlenty and above all Romney, who would have secured the soccer mom’s he needed to ensure Ohio. Without the fundie vote, he has no chance anywhere. The problem is that fundie’s are crazy and apparently crooked.
As to the press, they are pissed off beyond belief that they can’t interview Palin. I think if she’s been just a bit more seasoned, McCain could have pulled this off. She wouldn’t have actually to say anything that meant anything. Bush showed us how to do that. Wasn’t there another fundie nutcase who isn’t a crook available? That’s the question the McCain campaign is probably asking itself.
Well, Huckabee is a fundie who has more experience than Palin and also more appeal to some moderates because of his folksy style and his willingness as Governor to tax citizens in order to actually supply services. But choosing Huck would have angered Romney supporters.
Well, this can be said to be a Total Negation —
of another GOP member.
Rich and deserving:
via a Laura Rozen reader
Did the hooker run up a flag on the flag pole?
Beautiful! I hope he didn’t even get any from the hooker. After all, what hooker would want it known that she did it with a republican convention delegate?
Second thought, $120K in cash and jewelry? Was he going to do a drug deal after getting his rocks off?
Yeah – that’s a lot of cash to have on your person. WTF??
I loved his excuse too. He explained that as he knew h was being interviewed by a small-time outfit, that he was “joking” about all of that.
Ri-i-i-ight! Su-u-u-re ya were!
By picking Palin, McCain made a mockery of his claim for independence. If he was really the independent maverick, he would have stuck with his first choice – Joe Liebermen, and let the chips fall where they may. He would have lost, but he would have lost with honor.
Now, the only way he can win is with dishonor.
McCain is simply not McCain anymore.
I have long maintained that the 1994 election was heavily influenced by the OJ Simpson case. The Secretary of State in California begged Ito not to hold any hearings on election day for fear that no one would go to the polls. If you could go back and watch the cable news networks that went on from June 13, 1994 to election day you would see an incessant demonization of Simpson. I say this knowing that almost everyone I meet has never reviewed the autopsies or read the coroner’s investigator’s report and presumes his guilt.
So what trial is now about to start in Las Vegas? OJ II. With this one they’ve supposedly got videotapes of everything too. And everyone’s rolled over and have lined up to testify against him. Simpson may even be guilty this time. So I suspect this trial will drag on for a month or two (What happens in two months, folks?).
Black man. Criminal. Scary. Killed white woman. Killed Jew. Don’t trust black man.
OJ is better than Willie Horton.
All white jury. Revenge. We got ’em this time.
That is way to conspiratorial and unlikely, Bob, and I just don’t see any connection, despite the items you enumerated.
PS There are a lot of reasons to believe that he was guilty of those murders, including his own behaviour. The man shows very strong narcissistic traits, too, which tend to make it more plausible that he is the murderer.
Not to mention the very important fact that OJ had abused Nicole Simpson for years. Men who abuse their wives are likely to kill them.
I mean, choosing a VP to firm up your base is an admission of defeat. Veeps are for reaching out to voters you aren’t getting yet.
I don’t care what the polls say, McCain let the election degenerate into Jerry Springer territory with this pick, and he won’t have a prayer of getting it back.
“McCain let the election degenerate into Jerry Springer territory with this pick“
Yup. I have been saying that Jerry Springer’s show is going to be a major stop on the campaign trail now.
“and he won’t have a prayer of getting it back.“
Ummmmmm – wellllll – right now it is looking like Obama is the one who has to get it back. McCain appears to have it at the moment.
Had he picked Governor Jodi Rell of Connecticut it is likely that he would have picked up many swing voters and a few Democrats. But Rell is too competent, well respected and apparently just not sufficiently attractive for the maverick. (Governor Rell is probably thanking her guardian angel every day.)
McCain had an entire bench of QUALIFIED GOP WOMEN he could have chosen.
But, none of them were the poster child for the Religious Right.
So, he went with the unqualified religious right wacko.