The Dems should be saying “No way!” to the UberBailout.
There are four very good reasons behind that.
- The real problem is the housing depression. This does nothing to solve the problem of housing prices that will fall another 10-25% nationally. More homeowners will go underwater. More banks will go insolvent as the good mortgage loans on their books go bad. Most likely we’re going to see a flood of Alt-A mortgages go bad — the ones that are only a step up from subprime — mostly issued in 2006 and 2007. Many of those had 2 or 3 year “introductory rate” offers. Those are going to reset big time in the next year. And they will blow up just as badly or worse than subprimes did.
- Banks are still leveraged way out of proportion. They don’t have the cash on hand to handle another wave of defaults. And another wave of defaults is most certainly coming when Alt-A’s detonate. They are still leveraged to the hilt in huge amounts of funny paper…far, far more than $700 billion.
- The problem is not liquidity then, it’s insolvency. These banks aren’t going to survive. This plan doesn’t even begin to address how much bad derivative debt these banks are carrying…they are basically insolvent and have been for months. All this plan will do is buy them enough time to dig a deeper hole for the next President to fill with our money.
- This plan does nothing to stop moral hazard. Banks now have every reason to take crazy risks because they believe even the lousiest derivative traps they have set for themselves will get wiped off the books. We’re socializing the debt of these bad investments and letting the banks keep the profits privately. All this turn out to be is a delaying tactic. No additional regulatory oversight, no punishment, no safeguards, just Bush demands $700 billion. Why should we do that?
So it’s painfully clear that the UberBailout is destined for failure. The only people who can stop it are the Democrats…but given their track record on standing up to Bush, there’s zero hope.
Let’s face it. The Democrats have failed us at nearly every opportunity in the last two years. They’ve failed us on Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, FISA, equal pay provisions, protections for civil liberties, oversight actions, curbing executive privilege, torture as standard operating procedure and now they are about to sign away our souls to the GOP and end our economy.
When UberBailout fails…and it WILL fail…we will be in a world of hurt. A third world, that is.
What we need is for the Dems to demand complete accountability and for them to come up with a real plan to deal with this issue…and yes, that means letting Wall Street deal with the consequences of its actions.
That will never happen. If anything, the Dems will want hundreds of billions more to bribe us with. Maybe some of it really will go to homeowners, but what of renters? What of the millions of us that don’t own a home?
The GOP clearly doesn’t understand how much danger the economy is in right now. Or maybe they do, maybe this is the plan all along. But they couldn’t have done it without the Dems.
No. The Dems will fail us again…maybe for the last time. And when they do finally fail us, when this plan fails to save the economy from collapse…
Who will be left to save us then?
There’s a glimmer of hope. A small one.
House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday that Democrats want to deal swiftly with the Bush administration’s $700 billion financial market rescue plan, but also want more oversight, taxpayer protections and regulatory reform.
“In working with the administration, we will strengthen the proposal by ensuring that the government is accountable to the taxpayers in any future actions under this broad grant of authority, implementing strong oversight mechanisms, and establishing fast-track authority for the Congress to act on responsible regulatory reform,” she said in a statement.
“We will also seek to protect lower- and middle-income Americans … from the fallout of the ongoing Wall Street crisis, by enacting an economic recovery package that creates jobs and returns growth to our economy,” the California lawmaker added just hours after the rescue proposal was unveiled.
But is it going to be enough?
if you have any trust in madame speaker after the fisa, and energy bill
cave insdebacles…power to you.…“is it going to be enough”
it’s bargaining time on the hill, and at the end of the day, the demoRAT’s powder will still be dry…not to mention beyond it’s ‘use by’ date.
this is the only thing that will change the equation:
you know that as well as l.
prospects of that happening between now and whenever?
Zandar, do you ever give credit on a link?
The Dems are over a barrel, locked into this Bush fiasco – he now confesses ” didn’t realise how severe problems were”
Anyhow, what America needs now are magic wands. Others are wishing us good luck with this $700 billion plan. We’re facing the great depression II.
The (derivatives) problem was last reported by BIS (Bank of International Settlements) as one quadrillion, one thousand one hundred forty four trillion – just an ant hill larger than the $700 billion requested to make whole the problem. With derivatives, notional value becomes full value when the counter-party goes into default (bankruptcy, restructuring, can’t may a payment).
Does any one think $700 billion will buy us out of this hole?
And the big overhang question – from the Independent UK, link above – since this bailout does not apply to –
what happens to all these toxic bonds – CDO, CDS, SIVs FWMDs exported by the US to foreign banks and central banks? These originated with US banksters and are now illiquid assets? You bet there’ll be demands to ship these back to Wall Street. CDS felled AIG.
Ahead are the consequences because Ben and Hank will print away. Default on US debt by Hyper-inflating as did Germany.
the dollar on a pyre.
Gold positive
I do and if I’ve failed to do so, I apologize. I have a Reuters feed on my blog and check it often and I often use articles from there. If you beat me to it, then my hat’s off to you, I know you and dada have been on this for as long as I have, and that you understand how bad this really is. We seem to end up with the same conclusions more often then not.
But it doesn’t take much to see that Bush has no real idea, Paulson has no idea, Bernanke has no idea. Double G says all this much better than I ever will anyway.
And no, given the empirical evidence I’d have to agree there’s no real hope at this point. It’s coming down around us. The next President will have to spend pretty much all his time cleaning this mess up for what it’s worth.
Obama won’t be able to get anything done. The GOP will be attacking every single thing he does. They will obstruct everything at every turn. McSame won’t make any effort to clean anything up. Hell the stress will probably kill him and Palin will just end up getting us nuked.
It’s frustrating. We did this to ourselves. Really the only question in my mind is how much we’ll take before we decide the revolution is finally coming.
you’re off the hook. thanks.
Yes ,there’ll be a revolution when hyper-inflation hits joe and jill sixpack. Imho, Obama should let McCain-Palin have this mess. Whoever wins, its a one termer. Obama has been meeting with Volcker, and is keeping his detailed plan under wraps.
As more details of the Bernanke-Paulson plan become known, some including Krugman, are ringing alarm bells.
The two questions, Is this a wise deployment of tax dollars? What’s the cost? That’s unknown. One thing is clear they’re avoiding using the T word
and the GOP can no longer label the Dems as socialists.
Many, including the CEOs who signed off on these derivative products, have no understanding of derivatives. (My uncle is a CA with a household name firm – in 1999 they were alerting to the inherent dangers of derivatives in mindset that the economy would be straight up – canceling business cycles) In 2001, CDS (credit default swaps) derivatives were $900 billion –shot up to $45.1 trillion in 2007.
Derivatives: stated at notional values become full face value in default; when the counter-party to the contract ends up in bankruptcy, financial accident, can’t make a payment – insolvent. It’s unlikely these assets can be bought at dutch auction, or any discounts as banksters’ losses will remain. The objective of this rescue plan is to mop up bank losses. So these Derivatives (think insurance policies) will be at full face value as in your insurance policy on your house covers replacement value. These bonds were insured against default.
All the safeguards and regulations will not stem the bleed.
Over at TPM – Put on the Brakes– includes this link to WSJ:
Makes a lot of sense. But Benny, Hank and W will get away with this as is. They want a deal passed by tomorrow, (Monday) without a study or read.
Everybody wants in…as Paulson clarifies – says (US based) foreign banks can use U.S. rescue plan
Take a number. Pay the lobbyist and you get to stand in line at the begging bowl.
No BAILOUTS for Wall St. Capitalism says failed banks go broke. Let them fail.
It’s called bankrupt. That’s why we have bankruptcy court. We’re going to need to fund the FDIC, not a bunch of failed banks.
Call your Senator and Congressperson and demand NO DEALS.
The Bush bailout is a sham which will only make the situation WORSE. Is that really a surprise – haven’t we seen this bums rush before?
This is not really a Democrat or Republican issue, this is preventing the worst President ever from taking down the whole system! Make the call – stop the insanity!
Here’s a letter to Obama from a banker at
Things are moving fast now. Overnight last night Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley got out of the investment bank game and were converted into commercial bank holding companies.
Good news, right? More oversight, tighter capitalization rules, better regulation is a good thing.
This just means these two now get access to the Trough: the Fed Lender of Last Resort Window and FDIC protection on the depositor assets they’ll be gaining, putting even more strain on the system.
They’re now in the same boat as WaMu and Wachovia now (the one with the all the leaks), instead of the already capsized boat of Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers.
It’s just delaying the inevitable.
It’s utter pandemonium out there.
Nymex oil futures are trading up twenty dollars at $125 a barrel on the last day of the October contracts.
Gold is up $40 an ounce to over $900.
The dollar is in pure freefall crossing the $1.48 mark and heading to $1.50.
There is no rational controlling force in the markets now. Anarchy reigns.
FT brings us tiny nuggets that demonstrate the brush fire is spreading: Everybody wants in –
Soon, very soon they’ll have to close the markets.
Arguably the funniest thing I’ve heard from anyone about this issue, Helicopter Ben says that unless Congress get that bailout going, we’ll be in a recession.
I’ve got news for you Ben. There’s nothing you can do.