John McCain and his wife, Cindy, own 13 cars. The Obamas own one car. John McCain told the people of Michigan that he’s bought American vehicles “literally all my life.” But John McCain owns a Lexus, a Volkswagon convertible, and a Honda. I personally favor Hondas and can’t think of an American car I’d consider buying. I think owning thirteen cars is a little excessive, but I don’t care that McCain owns non-American cars. A lot of Honda’s fleet is manufactured right here in the Good Ole USA, in any case. But the people of Michigan have a long history of resenting foreign car ownership. In the late 1970’s my brother was almost driven off the road in Detroit while tooling around in his Mazda.

Things are nowhere near as tense today, but it’s not a good political move for John McCain to lie to the Michigan voters. As for people whose livelihoods don’t depend on manufacturing automobiles and their accouterments, it’s hard to relate to a guy that owns 13 cars and more homes than he can keep track of. Moreover, McCain is McKept, as his wife or her beer-distribution company technically own 12 of the 13 cars.