John McCain and his wife, Cindy, own 13 cars. The Obamas own one car. John McCain told the people of Michigan that he’s bought American vehicles “literally all my life.” But John McCain owns a Lexus, a Volkswagon convertible, and a Honda. I personally favor Hondas and can’t think of an American car I’d consider buying. I think owning thirteen cars is a little excessive, but I don’t care that McCain owns non-American cars. A lot of Honda’s fleet is manufactured right here in the Good Ole USA, in any case. But the people of Michigan have a long history of resenting foreign car ownership. In the late 1970’s my brother was almost driven off the road in Detroit while tooling around in his Mazda.
Things are nowhere near as tense today, but it’s not a good political move for John McCain to lie to the Michigan voters. As for people whose livelihoods don’t depend on manufacturing automobiles and their accouterments, it’s hard to relate to a guy that owns 13 cars and more homes than he can keep track of. Moreover, McCain is McKept, as his wife or her beer-distribution company technically own 12 of the 13 cars.
it’s what he does. He’s a kept flunky of his wife. Damn, I wish the Dems were as low as the GOP sometimes. This mofo has been on someone else’s dime his entire fucking life.
44 days we’ll how much whiteness matters.
It’s the white team of McCain-Palin, “ordinary folks like us” against the One drop.
In a financial meltdown, unemployment mounting and folks are still mouthing “we have to build up the military, win in Iraq and Afghanistan to keep America safe” –
the 8 year security blanket still with us.
Unbelievable that so many can be uninformed or just don’t care.
Just depressing.
only 13? that’s not even 2 per house.
hell, most people don’t own 13 cars their entire lives, regardless of make…l just counted and l’ve owned 8….but, hey, they gotta have transportation for those days they’re there, can’t be renting one, or two, or…
if this is what it takes for the union people to get in an uproar over mcstain, so be it…but he’s been complicit in all the legislation that’s led to their decline in a lot more serious ways than this.
the shallowness of the rhetoric in this election is astounding.
I saw this through digg earlier:
The problem with the Democrats accusing McCain of this kind of elitism is that virtually all of the Democratic leadership is much wealthier than him. The Clintons are, Gore is, Kerry is, and on and on. Obama is raking in big money from corporate donors. Kind of a double standard going on here, don’t you think?
Joe Biden is the poorest U.S. Senator.
John McCain is the eighth richest U.S. Senator (and richer than Hillary Clinton).
Barack Obama has sold a lot of books recently, but he doesn’t compare to the elite of the Senate.
Do Barack and Michelle really only own 1 car for the two of them? Otherwise, we should consider the Obamas’ combined family car ownership, since we’re comparing with the McCains’ combined ownership.
I’m curious as to just what kind of car Obama owns, too.
I can totally believe that McCain doesn’t own a bike, though.
source for that data
Car registrations, like real estate transactions, are public records. Did he really think that no one was going to check out his statement?
Anyone ever wonder if Republicans ever blog as psuedo-liberal Dems??
McCain is the type of person will tell you what he thinks you want to hear. A Honda and Lexus, like exporting jobs to Japan.
Just think of what he’s spending on fuzzy dice.
Good thing Cindy has such deep pockets…