And here I thought the one thing you couldn’t criticize John McCain for is a lack of courage. Boy, was I wrong. He’s a flat-out tail-tucking coward. He’s a yellow-belly. Look at this complete lack of manliness:
(CNN) — McCain supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham tells CNN the McCain campaign is proposing to the Presidential Debate Commission and the Obama camp that if there’s no bailout deal by Friday, the first presidential debate should take the place of the VP debate, currently scheduled for next Thursday, October 2 in St. Louis.
In this scenario, the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin would be rescheduled for a date yet to be determined, and take place in Oxford, Mississippi, currently slated to be the site of the first presidential faceoff this Friday.
Graham says the McCain camp is well aware of the position of the Obama campaign and the debate commission that the debate should go on as planned — but both he and another senior McCain adviser insist the Republican nominee will not go to the debate Friday if there’s no deal on the bailout.
John McCain has no cojones. None. He is afraid to debate and he is doubly afraid to have Sarah Palin debate. I mean look at Sarah Palin. Look at her.
She has no clue. She has absolutely zero clue. John McCain wants to delay the first presidential debate and the vice-presidential debate. Does he think delay can help turn Sarah Palin into a credible public servert…a credible potential president? Please. No amount of training can cure Stupid.
McCain is a fool and a coward.
The “Palin Effect”: put Sarah Palin and any other person in the room, and the other person suddenly seems like a perfectly reasonable candidate for president.
you, for example, would be able to bullshit your way through an interview with Katie Couric.
I would not blink at Katie because I have complete confidence in that readiness and in that mission so I would not hesitate because we cannot blink booman we cannot blink.
we can’t blink unless we are asked to debate. Then we tuck-tail and flee for the Lollipop Forest.
Yeah I just watched that. Watch it again – that Katie Couric look is priceless – she’s in total disbelief.
Will you be surprised if the McCain camp requests that the election be postponed too, for an undetermined date?
So the guy has a jet. U of Miss is not 10 hours from D.C.
fly in fly back.
And to postpone the VP debate
What a ploy.
What a worm.
This has something to do with it – the Polls. –
Politico: Obama moving into electoral lead
I think the more important point is that McCain’s “set politics aside” excuse is a direct attack on the very meaning of democracy. Politics is supposed to be about the public deciding on important issues. McCain dismisses it as a sideshow. If you want more of the secret unitary presidency, vote McCain. Or move to Russia.
was comfortable dropping bombs on people who’d never done anything to him and has been complaining ever since about being treated harshly by those same people once they got their hands on him.
It’s like saying: “I only tried to kill their children, why were they mean to me?”
Sarah Palin is like the broken arcade machine that keeps giving you free tickets…except her tickets are full of epic fail.
Why can’t the VPs debate this Friday? I’ll make that trade.
How about this? Palin and Biden can debate the Monday before the election?
I wonder if they want to push these debates past the voting window in Ohio?
Oooo, even better. Maybe by then, she can find examples of McSame liking regulations.
“I will bring them to ya?” OMG
What is there really to add to this at all? I would have pity for my Republican friends forced to defend her but they are so dirty, I do not.
I thought her answer about Rick Davis was an eye opener. She seemed confused about the man running McCain’s campaign.
they gave her script and she didn’t now how to respond once the question went beyond her script. McCain should be at the Debate Friday night, or he might scare the American Public and we should all go to the bank Saturday morning and withdraw all our money. Because, John McCain sez there is a financial crisis and were heading to either a Great Depression or Hell.
Palin is just stupid, like McCain.
Seems McCain is issuing the challenge: will Obama agree to a bailout by Friday. If he doesn’t then all financial woes will evidently accrue to Obama and the Democrats (using the GOP what-you-say-bounces-off-me-and-sticks-to-you-like-glue school of accounting).
Is he suckering the Democrats into rushing into a deal?
How will a vote turn out? Will the Democrats schedule any votes for Friday?
Could they both go into voting not knowing how the other guy will vote?
And Bush tonight asked the candidates to join him in fixing this mess.
How does Obama respond? If he insists on having the debate instead of going to Washington and “fixing” the problem he may be taking a chance. Bush and McCain will blame any failure on Obama wanting to “make pretty speeches” instead of rolling his sleeves up and “working to solve America’s economy”. McCain will be looking like he’s solving the crisis with Bush. If they don’t act by Friday expect the entire Republican caucus to walk from the bill and blame the Democrats.
It’s a suckers game.
We cannot look to the criminals that got us in this mess for advice. Tweedle Dee and Twiddle Dumber have no business making suggestion on how to “fix” the ecnomy. Obama and the Democrats need to ignore all of their suggestions (or do the opposite).
McCain and Bush together, the drama continues. will bush kiss and hug McCain. will they have cake together, will McCain stand next to W, the drama continues. Who will mention 9/11 first W or crisis the new 9/11 scare tactic.
Will McCain weasel his way out a debate, because his Chief of Staff is on the payroll of Freddie and Fannie.
I want to hear how they will fix the economy and if McCain will take responsibilty for votin 90 percent of the time with W.
I say compel the banks to loan money, if they don’t nationalize them and sell them off within a week to a company willing to make inter-bank loans, without taxpayer assistance.
Exactly. How dare these criminals present us with a Trillion dollar bill and hold a gun to our heads. We should be presenting them with a bill.
This a game of “Chicken w/ a dash of pow” and the only ones playing this idiocy are McBush. Period. This is BS of the highest SmallWorld order. Surely we’re not that STUPID!
Wow. I don’t know what to say…except NO! and enough already!
If you really want to see something funny, watch Letterman tonight.
Or, just watch it here! I’m still laughing and I’ve watched it repeatedly.
I know I’m a minute or two early, but Happy Birthday!
Hehe, thanks 🙂
It looks like the McCain campaign sent me a huge batch of schadenfreude as a gift! I’ve been laughing my ass off all night.
today was definitely a new low for McPalin…glad you’re enjoying it too. 🙂
OMG! Letterman ripped him a new one. And then Craig Ferguson kicked ass, too.
Of the bailout, Ferguson said: Wall St. crashed the Ferrari, cried like little bitches, and now wants their Uncle Sam to buy them a new one.
McCain can stand up to 5 years of Vietnamese torture, but a 2-hour debate with Obama is way too scary for him? Not to mention a half-hour with Letterman?
He used up a lifetime of integrity and honor at the Hanoi Hilton, it’s all gone.
JHC, what do you think Mitt Romney is thinking right now? He’s the veep pick who could have actually helped McFail at this point.
Romney, is thinking just four more years and he will be the Republican nominee. Thank you Jonny for not picking me, for you losing ticket. And somewhere in a dark corner of his mind, I wonder if anyone will figure out a lot of immigrants make the Marriott Hotels work…
Plain and simple.
And Caribou Barbie?
She IS as bad as we thought she was. This is unbelievable. Unfuckingbelievable that she is ANYONE’S RUNNING MATE.
Couric just calmly and politely nailed Sarah to the wall.
Nicely done, Katie!
I am now going to hit myself over the head with a cast-iron skillet…
P.S.: I changed my mind about the cast-iron skillet.
Snarky poetry is more satisfying. Check out my blog link for my latest — hey, for all its faults it’s better than Saint Sarah’s blunderfest with Katie!
I’ve gone through job interviews for positions I was not qualified for and gave more cogent, to the point, and accurate responses on subjects I had no clue about, told the interviewer I had no experience in, but answered well enough to get called for 2nd and 3rd interviews (because they felt I was honest and trainable for that skill set).
She’s not getting called back for one.
She has now shown her capability in dealing with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric; now will she ever show up anywhere but Fox in the future? And McCain couldn’t even handle The View.
Hah! This is the best day evah! Meknows McFalin got played today and their camp has omelets on their faces (cheese, anyone?) and have only 2 non-choices: pres. debates at Ole Miss. & vp debates w/ Joey. I have never laughed so hard when I saw the whole coverage and realized that they just got it good! Hah! What happened today to them is so far better than a good old novel. THINK ABOUT IT! Think dysfunctional Palace politics, as in King Henry VIII. Sorry, couldn’t resist the Henry part (Time cover of Paulson as King Henry). And WOD (wrinkly old dude) was on his way to BDW-NO’s (Bubba don’t want no Obama) Global Initiative? On Couric’s show? Skip Letterman? Not in DC? But somehow solve the trillion $ problem. Cover up w/ what’s rising from the cesspool of Sarah, etc. Then, what’s up w/ the old guy’s left eye (check out his press conf. and photos thereafter). Bugger if Keating Five didn’t just rise up again. What else? Guillotine anyone? Nah, their brilliant idea: we’ll just suspend this !@##%^ campaign. Done. Cook the Goose.
He has always been a coward. Dropping bombs from high in the sky takes no heroism, guts, courage, integrity, honor. NONE.
From the wet start on the USS Forestall (a show-off play by an inept fly-boy) to the planes he crashed once airborne, he probably killed more US soldiers than Vietnamese. McCain was the first man taken off the Forrestal, BEFORE THE BURNED AND WOUNDED were evacuated. Some hero.
(the site is anti-zionist but has good photos)
As for not taking early release (if it was offered) that wasn’t heroism. It would have been treason and his family would have killed and shamed him if the government didn’t.
Look at how he dealt with his injured wife! Carol was heroic, raising the family despite her injuries. McCain couldn’t look at her, so he drank even more and played around with lithe strippers and pole-dancers. A real man would have stayed and helped her recover. He can’t face reality.
The Keating 5 scandal? He managed to duck blame despite being the most heavily involved. He wasn’t held accountable, and look at what the lobbyists have done to further his career since! A hero turns down a bribe.
Cindy in the hospital with a drug overdose? He removed her and had a car bring her back to Sedona… far from a treatment center. He’d rather that she died (leaving him all that money) than have to answer a doctor’s questions. Coward.
His Senate stands? He drapes himself in words such as “maverick” “war hero” “patriot” but his colleagues talk about his drinking and his anger, not about introducing unpopular legislation and sticking with it year after year until it becomes law. Kucinich is a hero. Feingold and Dodd and Wexler have shown heroism. I loved the way Barbara Lee stood up to Bush and the war-mongers. She is a hell of a lot more heroic than McCain could ever be.
So yes, he avoids reporters unless they bribe him and flatter him. He avoids speaking at places where the audience isn’t pre-ticketed and vetted for loyalty. He avoids congressional votes that are a part of the permanent record. He avoids exposing his medical or financial records to review.
And he’ll avoid the debates like the cowardly yellowdog dingo he is.
Is he running for President… or just running, running, running?
To judge by his face, he is running out of time.
Now she needs more time to file her finances. Wouldn’t this stuff have been pulled together when they “vetted” her? Wouldn’t it be smart, even if she said she had no issues, to see what the whole world would eventually see before you made the first really big decision of his administration? Maybe that’s just me, but doing your homework before you pick a VP or invade a country seems like a good idea.