This is the weakest shit I’ve heard in a long time.
Republican John McCain said Wednesday he is directing his staff to work with Democrat Barack Obama’s campaign and the presidential debate commission to delay Friday’s debate because of the economic crisis.
In a statement, McCain said he will stop campaigning after addressing former President Clinton’s Global Initiative session on Thursday and return to Washington to focus on the nation’s financial problems.
The Republican presidential hopeful called Obama before he made the statement and told him he was going to suspend his campaign, according to a McCain senior adviser.
Message: What is John McCain afraid of?
Message: John McCain has no message on the economy.
Message: A president can’t postpone a crisis while he gets his act together.
Message: There’s no time-outs in the White House
Message: John McCain isn’t ready to talk about the economy.
Message: John McCain doesn’t want to talk to you about the bailout.
If I were Obama, I’d stand in front of a camera and say something like this.
John McCain can’t wait to get back to Washington. The people he wants to talk to about the economy and the bailout are in Washington. The people he wants to hear from about the economy and the bailout are in Washington. The people John McCain thinks are dealing with the economy and will deal with the bailout are in Washington.
I guess John McCain has forgotten his own words. It’s easy to be in Washington and frankly be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have. Like I said before, if all you do is walk the halls of power, all you’ll hear is the wants of the powerful.
John McCain can go back to Washington and talk with the people he thinks are dealing with the economy and will deal with the bailout. But you know and I know, the people who are really dealing with the economy, and the people who who are really going to pay for the bailout are out here in the rest of America, going to work, paying their bills, taking care of their families, and it’s getting harder for them to do it.
Let John McCain go back to Washington. Until I get a call from the Senate that it’s time for a vote, I’m staying out here to talk to you and listen to you, because the real economy isn’t in Washington, or on Wall Street. It’s right here.
and McCains says… Country first!
.. and nothing changes..
My friends, Senator Obama would rather win a debate than lose a…, wha? harumph
What a battle hardened tough guy! LOL!!
I was looking foward to watching him answer questions about Davis and hear all about Palin talking to Karzai about his new child.
Anyone have a number for the national Obama headquarters so we can tell him not to let McCain off the hook?
Absolutely, T. Obama needs to point out McSame is going back to Washington to give our money to Wall Street.
Do not back down. Do not let McSame direct your campaign. Do not let him go. You’re winning and you can finish the guy off with a statement like that.
And the punditry class needs to f’cking wake up. McSame is playing you all again for idiots, he’s appealing directly to the David Brooks Village Idiots here.
It looks like Obama has done just that. He pretty much called it a stunt without using those exact words.
Breaking News:
Obama holding a news conference as I write. Good Move…giving his chronology of things….and stating his position on the bailout.
“Americans need to have us debate..”..part of the preeident’s job to deal in more than one thing at a time.”
Not looking good for McCain.
Still say this isn’t just a McCain issue. With the Rep Congress torn to shreds trying to figure out their position on the bailout, to have McCain spout his talking points at debate that were likely different from his party members would just add fuel to the fire.
friday’s debate is on foreign policy, ims…which is supposed to be mcstains strong suit…albeit, an empty one.
I saw CNN touting it as a debate on current issues, not just foreign policy.
me bad, ‘foreign policy & national security’
Bill Clinton on Larry King tonight is going to have a great time with this one.
Oh my Lord. You just know Bill got a big ol’ grin on his face when he got this news….
Oh, I do so hope David Broder comments on this selfless act of bipartisanship by Saint McCain.
Look who the hell he’s meeting with about the economic crisis, CEO’s of Bank of America, Merill Lynch and others.
This has Epic Fail written all over it. There’s been what, a six to ten point turnaround in the polls since last Monday?
The Dems are laughing at McSame. The GOP can’t back up McSame on this, because it’s tacit support for the bailout they all went on record and said they hated over the last 2 days. They won’t say a damn thing.
I’ve got money on Preznitman giving us a “nooklear depression” speech tonight to try to terrify America, to the point of making a stock market crash…a real 2000+ Dow loss or worse…a self-fufilling prophecy should there not be a deal by Friday or Monday at the latest.
My favorite take on this so far:
My take: The fundamentals of John McCain’s campaign are strong.
Terrance: To an old guy out here in Michigan, your thoughts look real sound. Why not send them on to the Obama campaign. Perhaps they can borrow a line or two.