I am now hearing endless blather from incompetent hustlers about how we must “…preserve the credit system of this great nation or we face disaster!!! Without credit, no one will be able to get loans to start businesses that run at a loss!!!”
Or something like that.
The usury-based American business model is in a shambles. “Credit” is an addiction. Big credit or little credit. Just like your next door neighbor who was too fucking stupid and/or too fucking strung out not to borrow more than he can pay …or just like yourself, God and Mammon help you…so have the corps made the same, weak set of errors.
This sort of information is not exactly news y’know.
Wake the fuck UP!!!
Christ evicting the moneylenders from the temple.
Fer chrissake!!!
Read on for more.
I have had extensive experience…both personal and with friends,….in the addiction world. There is really only one way to kick, and that is cold turkey. All the anti-addiction drugs and techniques and organizations and clinics and whatever else people invent not to be forced to face the cold, hard turkey truth of the matter are just stopgaps and substitutions. You want to kick? You stop getting high, which really means that you stop living the life that you have built around that addiction. That SET of addictions, actually, because no addiction lives all by itself. Addiction is a set of habits, from the first fix and/or cigarette and/or drink of the day to the last one. You have to dismantle the entire construct and start over clean and naked as a just-washed newborn infant. And man…is THAT ever frightening!!!
Baby, it’s COLD outside!!!
Been there, done that. Bet on it.
Your house and your lifestyle and your retirement prospects and your car and even your childrens’ so-called higher education (Which is mostly a crock of shit in and of itself; “higher education” in the U.S. consisting almost entirely of hypno-socialization designed to make the recipients sleeple enough to accept their positions in Debtor Nation at a slightly higher level than that of their less apt contemporaries, but then that’s another article right there, i’n’t it?)…do these middle class, rented “possessions” (If the bank actually owns and controls, them, then THEY ARE NOT YOURS.) force you to remain in debt?
Then they must be jettisoned.
So it goes, and tough shit, baby.
So here I am, doing my morning webcrawl, and what do I find?
The following article, which I reprint unabridged if for no other reason than the fact that this man can flat out write.
Lissen up.
From the wonderful site Counterpunch.
<Center>The Economy of Dead Sperm
Or What I Learned From My Race-Car Grandpa Who Had No Bankers</center>By CHRISTOPHER KETCHAM
My grandfather knew about bankers. With his father, my great-grandfather, he built a machine-shop business in Cleveland, Ohio, based on the idea that you offered a product in the free market – machined ball-bearings and such – and if there was a demand, you succeeded. My grandfather paid for his house in one of the outlier suburbs of Cleveland, what was then countryside, with cash from his wallet. No mortgage on the house. I’d like to imagine my grandfather – who drank too much, he was a happy drunk and had to be chased out of bars with a feather, and raced cars in his off-time – telling the banker: `I have just enough money here for this house to pay everyone but you.’ The middleman parasite is the heart of economics in the US today, so my grandfather wouldn’t have come off well.
He had a barn where he hid Ferraris – he was an amateur race car driver – and it was the same house that I loved as a child, visiting from New York City every summer. He had a wild old unshaven Model T Ford that he raced around the two-acre property under the cawing of the crows in the big trees, with us kids, the cousins, hanging like pubic hair for dear life and wanting the thing to topple. And ol grandpa would bash the machine into first gear from third and rage the engine and we slivered to right and left on the knoll of his property, the grass getting torn and the neighbors wondering. When I was five years old, a moment I’ll never forget, my grandfather had me in the passenger seat of his Ferrari, which he had bought and rebuilt – engineer and entrepreneur that he was – from someone who couldn’t love Ferraris.
So there were we. Blasting. The old man shifting through the gears, the car shivering, the engine screaming. No seatbelts, no cops. The six-year-old kid in love with the old man behind the wheel. A motorcycle gang pulls past us on the vast avenue. The old man, now young as night and the car at his beck, tells me, “How much you bet we race `em?” I said, “Urkay.” And so grandpa mashed the car into the wind and it was that first moment of speed in my little life, the car showering its sparks of scream, my grandpa with madman grin grabbing the road, the car shaking, true, beautiful, all love and compassion and light weighted on his face, the darkness of his love of speed, his eyes like sun. “There,” he said, and the motorcycle gang faded like dead sperm.
I’m thinking of my grandfather these past few days, thinking of the trauma to be visited on the American taxpayer in the proposed bail-out which is said to save the United States from itself. I’m thinking of that simple radiance of the fact that he refused to take a debt on his house. Cash up, cash forward. Nothing for the bankers. Fuck the bankers, fuck the loan-artists, fuck those who will tell you there’s a deal on the horizon as long as you sleep. I think of my friends in Utah, living on their own wits, mostly off the grid, in the bygone idea that American values are built not of government telling you how or where to build your house or sustenance or solitude. I think of my friends Kiley and John, who are as old as my grandfather and as young as America, eking out their existence as carpenters. They have built a home apart from the grid, high atop the desert, where the canyons answer their need with sun and rainwater in monsoon they collect off the roof. More power to them. Kiley and John will answer, in the end, to the sun, and to the water. They have gotten almost nothing from debt. Their product, their home, is the work of muscle, waiting, accident, honesty. Which makes them anti-American, in the current configuration. They believe in the dream: Why should they answer one penny of their tax-dollars to the greed-fuckering on Wall Street?
The bigger picture is this: There is no real economy beyond people llike Kiley and John. No real economy beyond the shaping of the bottom-line of the quotidian from one’s hands. I think of my grandfather, whose machine shop made a thing that could be felt, palpated, held in the hand. The future of America is not in the degenerate United States where nothing of worth is offered. The future is our return to the machine shop of our forebears, to the light of the eyes of men who made things worth holding.
Christopher Ketcham writes for Vanity Fair, GQ, Harper’s, and many other magazines. You can contact him at cketcham99@mindspring.com
Couldn’t say it any better myself.
Not as well, truth be known.
Think on it.
Stopgap measures…although it’s about 1000 to 1 that stopgaps are all we that are going to see until a real economic hard rain cames pissing and pelting at our doors…stopgap measures ain’t gonna work.
Just like American Big Pharma medicine, they will only mask the symptoms while simultaneously further damaging the organs of the society that are supposed to clean its system. And if Obama wants to be elected…always supposing, of course, that he is aware of this problem…he can’t do shit about it. About the buyout. Errr…I mean bailout. Why? Because as soon as he says word ONE about anything even remotely resembling a cold turkey solution, the media favor that he has so assiduously and successfully cultivated WILL BE GONE IN ONE MASSIVELY SPONSORED MOMENT.
Bet on it.
So it’s clomp clomp clomp we go, into the valley of economic death and may God have mercy upon our souls and upon our bank accounts as well.
Have fun…
I will.
Because I have so little to lose.
Lucky me!!!
A few quotes about usury:.
Dig it.
And then…dig the fuck OUT of it.
If we cannot trust our revered lawmakers to do so…and it is quite obvious that we cannot, because in order to become lawmakers each and every one of them has to prove fealty to the usurers in order to be able to assemble enough money to get elected…
If we cannot trust our lawmakers to do so, then WE MUST DO IT OURSELVES..
Bet on it.
Credit IS Debt
it’s an addiction that fuels greed.
Along with Debt comes slavery, loss of freedom…
to the Massa – the big man,
he owns your soul
and you don’t care
so you rationalize
it’s not debt but credit
and it makes you feel good
but a debt will always be paid
Always be paid.
if not by the debtor
by the lender