The UberBailout is on the clock according to both sides. There’s a basic skeleton of a deal out now that would phase in the $700 billion over time:
The chairman of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee said the $700 billion U.S. officials want for a financial services bailout would be doled out over time rather than granted all at once.
Rep. Barney Frank, interviewed on CNBC television, indicated a deal on legislation to authorize the fund was near. It would include curbs on compensation for executives whose companies are able to sell bad assets to the government.
“There will be some phasing in of the $700 billion, there will be some equity protection … for the taxpayers, there will be restrictions on CEO compensation for those companies that participate, there will be very strong oversight, there will be strong efforts to reduce mortgage foreclosures,” the Massachusetts Democrat said.
…at the same time the Republicans like Richard Shelby are saying the two sides are still pretty far apart.
Sen. Richard Shelby, the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking committee, emerged from a closed-door meeting about the mortgage plan at the White House and said no deal had been reached yet. “I don’t believe we have an agreement,” Shelby said. Shelby has emerged as an opponent of the Paulson plan in recent days. Shelby talked to reporters briefly and then re-entered the meeting.
Then again Senator Shelby is pretty damn crazy, his brilliant idea is just to have the Fed magically produce the money out of its ass and skip the taxpayer altogether. Wall Street naturally seems to be confident a deal will be reached tomorrow, the Dow jumped 196 points in Dead Cat Bounciness.
So what’s the deal? Which one of the four scenarios are we looking at here?
Right now I’m not sure. Congressional Republicans seem bound and determined to be on the “no deal” side of things. Democrats are acting like they’ve gotten all the nifty provisions they’ve wanted, but it still means throwing billions at a problem that we’ve already thrown billions at. Remember, ultimately neither side wants to do this, it’s political suicide to turn into the bums everyone wants to throw out.
Still, both sides are quite beholden to the corporate interests that run this country. Those that aren’t don’t stay in Washington long at all. Meanwhile as I said, the clock is ticking: WaMu is shopping for a deal (and they are getting plenty of Fed help) as the evidence mounts that it won’t survive the weekend, and Helicopter Ben may have no choice but to toss out another rate cut to stoke the furnace.
If there’s not a bailout on the President’s desk by the time WaMu goes under, things may get Very Very Bad(tm). We’re already seeing the results of the credit crisis, and the honest truth is the UberBailout won’t fix it. Liquidity is NOT the issue: basic insolvency is. The latter is causing all the problems with the former, and this does nothing to help the former.
As long as housing prices keep falling (and they will) we have not hit bottom yet. And it anything, the rate of decline in the housing market is actually increasing now.
Sales of new U.S. single-family homes in August fell to its lowest point in more than 17 years while prices hit four-year lows, a government report on Thursday showed, in a sign of continued weakness in the housing sectorn.
The annual sales pace was down 11.5 percent from July to 460,000 homes and was sharply off the 510,000 pace expected by economists. The August decline was the biggest since November 2007.
The median sales price of $221,900 was off 5.5 percent from July, the lowest since $211,600 in September 2004.
The August sales pace was the weakest since 401,000 in January 1991.
Much more pain is ahead folks. The UberBailout won’t do a thing to stop it. It’s not a question of a soft landing. It’s not a question of keeping the economy from crashing. The question is how many casualties will the impact of hitting the housing bottom cause, and how widespread the damage will be. It’s looking to be global at this point, other countries are already crawling into their economic bomb shelters.
You can forget both candidate’s promises of health care and clean energy and new jobs. They’re not going to happen. Whoever is President is going to be spending all their time trying not to be Herbert Hoover.
It’s just a question of how many individual elements will survive the coming systemic meltdown.
Be prepared.
Cross-posted at ZVTS.
WaMu has a deal
JPMorgan to buy Wamu deposits: Reuters report
Well, we knew it was coming.
This confirms plan Maverick is on.
Tomorrow is going to be a bloodbath on Wall Street. Expect McSame to swoop with the House GOP batshit crazy “less taxes and less regulation” plan to make “Wall Street pay for its own mess.”
It’s a disgusting plan, but McSame will sell it as his idea to save the American taxpayer.
And Wall Street will magically turn around.
Now here’s a pretty sick thought.
What’s the odds of a massive bank run tomorrow morning of WaMu customers?
5,000+ WaMu branches across America.
Lines around the block at each one of people saying “I want my money. Where’s my money. I don’t feel safe leaving it in your bank anymore.” It’ll take 1%.
Branches will have to turn people away. It will be carried on every news channel on Earth tomorrow.
No bailout. No confidence. Preznitman’s speech last night being played over and over again as in the background you see video of grandmothers being turned away because there’s no cash on hand at hundreds of these branches. Dow trading suspended, then resumes, then is suspended a second time because of pure panic.
McSame comes in with his GOP “Make Wall Street Pay!” plan.
He is a hero. Dems fold. Bush signs the bill Monday morning. Obama is f*cked.
President McSame, 72, with Palin at his side.
Canada is lookin real good right now.
they’ll be too late, it already happened.
bloomberg .com has more on it: JPMorgan Buys WaMu’s Deposits as Thrift Is Seized
l suspect this was not something they wanted to do, especially given the negative vibes coming out of DC.
can wachovia be far behind?
Indeed, my fear is that the rest of depositors decide to go after their remaining deposits, much like IndyMac.
Only much much lager…and much much worse.
How the deal unraveled:
McCain sabotaged it
Note: in an earlier post it’s reported McCain took with him his advisor. The Obama camp siad they were told to come alone.
going down a different road, the GOP:
Reuters Breaking News Developing Story ….
House Republican leaders say Wall Street, not taxpayers, should fund rescue plan.
That’s quite a change from a week ago when the GOP, led by Boehner said, “we need to pass this, hurry up.”
Barney Frank, Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi in a presser as I write.
Frank – “Sen McCain was hurting, it was a campaign to rescue McCain.”
Count on the GOP plan to make Wall Street pay for the plan through…you guessed it:tax cuts and deregulation!
Bet the house on McSame getting behind this plan and saving the American people from $700 billion plus in Bush-Pelosi-Reid-Obama taxes, even though the plan is so ridiculous on its face as to be laughable.
LESS taxes on businesses? Regulatory RELIEF? It’s a DEAD GIVEAWAY that the ENTIRE BAILOUT PLAN was a manufactured crisis.
Wall Street gets everything it could possibly want. The government doubles down on its bets that Wall Street will continue to be good corporate citizens. The American Sheeple say “Wow, MAVERICK saved us $700 billion that Obama was going to make us pay!”
And McSame ends up 10 points in the polls overnight after tomorrow’s debate where he says “My friends, Obama’s bailout for Wall Street will cost you $700 billion. My plan will make Wall Street pay for it.”
Game. Set. Maverick.
Obama is about to get rolled.
Just watch.
WaMu is the largest bank failure yet.
Futures are down.
Imho, fwiw, we have a serious crisis of confidence here and no money. I expect the markets will lose 700 points tomorrow and or trading will be suspended until a solution is reached aka 9/11 when the markets were closed. Bush will declare a bank holiday- or financial emergency:
GOP leaders are now saying – let Wall Street do their own rescue, not taxpayers. BUT
There’s a run on to the Feds; what else can one call this?
Just up…banks are on life support –
Chaos on the Hill
9:58 PM Presser with Frank and Dodd
In meeting called with Paulson, Bernanke, Dems and GOP.
GOP refused to send people to negotiate.
GOP wants a mortgage backed securities insurance to be paid for by premiums. Paulson said it won’t work.
Dems should now walk away and see what happens tomorrow, Friday, and being the end of the week, end of month should be Hemlets on! buckle up!
It’s gonna be one hell of a game of chicken tomorrow.
The GOP is confident their plan will work. Paulson will get told to get on board, he still works for Bush. Dow will crater tomorrow on this news and the WaMu collapse.
Dems will have to get on board too…Wall Street owns them.
Who’s gonna blink first?
(a) overnight, they’ve changed the narrative. It’s not a
bailout,it’s a financial rescue plan. (Bush just now in his live statement used that term and BloombergTV, other media heads have fallen in line with the descriptive.(b) WaMu was seized on a Thursday night instead of Friday at 5:00 PM under the excuse of leaks.
(c) Reuters News Wire Service published Fed data under the header with comments from JPMorgan spokesperson that the Feds are laying out nearly a trillion a week to keep the banks on life support: repost required because the CONSEQUENCES are unfathomable:
That’s a change in marketing strategy. We have a crisis. It’s grim.
CONSEQUENCES: It’s not near, it’s here. The financial world has ended. When the Feds are printing a trillion per week, will US Treasuries be the next to attract a downgrade? Foreign investors are alarmed. Ask the Germans and French.
I hope the
bailoutfinancial rescue package will be soon in place. At least it will buy us some time to get our affairs in order to meet the financial tsunami. The $700 billion won’t be a fix.Reuters Breaking News: Sen Reid says they’ll work into next week. We’ll see if Paulson fights to maintain the Dow in an orderly slide. Slide it will to keep the marketing pressures alive.
And the GOP is playing chicken like this is the offshore drilling issue or something, playing the political angle, and the Dems will fold on their insurance plan, rather than realizing there’s no parachute in the pack after the economy just jumped out of the plane.
But why would you think the GOP is taking this crash seriously? They haven’t so far. That’s why we’re in this situation in the first place.
The really disturbing problem is that as you’ve said, this is it, this is the Big One unfolding in real time. The GOP doesn’t believe it. Just like they believed Iraq would be fine. Just like Afghanistan is fine. Just like every other critical miscalculation they have made.
Everything is political to them. And they will let the market die to protect their political position.
The problem is if that happens, the market’s not coming back. Systemic failures don’t just reboot and you’re fine 2 minutes later. It’s over.
Rome is burning and the fiddles are going.
The only question now is what elements will survive this.
Paulson won’t and can’t buy the GOP insurance plan. It won’t work. An unworkable Agreement is no agreement.
I’m sure Jack Welch, former president of GE, Buffett and all other titans of industry and adults are making calls. And all those on Wall Street on which GOP funding depends will be giving ultimatums.
An example of how the tide has turned read the last three graphs here written by a conservative guy not known for name calling. This website is followed on The Hill.
McCain ain’t looking good – the cowardly spoiler.
McCain is heading to the debates, another flip flop on his ultimatum
Idredit forgive my ignorance but is this 188 billion a day thats being added to the money supply? They are truly printing 188 billion a day. How much is considered responsible growth? The money supply should grow by GDP growth plus inflation correct? If we are not growing this is pure devaluation of the dollar.
You and Zandar have been spot on with the crisis. Do you have any idea how much should be being borrowed per day in normal times? So we are truly in the middle of the meltdown right now. How long until this inflation is felt on the street I wonder? Prices are going to start rising by shocking amounts very quickly I think.
I’m completely freaked out right now.
notice that was $188 billion a day, on average. On Wednesday it was $262 billion…the previous week $47 billion a day. M3 is no longer available for obvious reasons.
dollar is on it’s way to ashes. On a pyre. Hyper-inflation ahead with Mugabe giving us a welcoming party.
Our current true rate of inflation is around 9-11% expected to go to 20% in 2009. What the government gives out is crap numbers to suppress the real rate – since wages and pensions are linked to the CPI.
And you can’t keep printing at double digits without inflation raring it’s ugly head. It’s a hidden tax.
We. is. being. robbed. with. our. eyes. wide. shut. See this link sub.required) but you’ll see two graphs and commentary that will enlighten.
Think food security first. Pool resources. 2009-2012, Oh my.
National City Bank here in Ohio is crashing hard, stock’s down 40% to under $3.
Won’t survive the weekend, folks. Wachovia’s down 20% and wavering, but NCC is toast.
it’ll be laid at Mccain’s feet. He owns those.
Here’s a scary item: GOP don’t give a shit. – putting country last. It’s a rebellion in GOP ranks. Imho, it;s too late for GOP to complain “Bush is tearing up the Constitution.” How convenient? Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, FISA. So full of sh*t.
They know their electoral prospects are dim and they don’t give a sh*t. Frankly the GOP ain’t worth a pinch of sh*t.
I hope it’s a clean sweeping out of all GOP legislators.
Nope. Like digby said:
National City and Wachovia both lost 25%. Expect another frantic weekend of dealmaking just like last night for National City. Rest of the market is still convinced a bailout is coming, Dow up 121.
Gold bounced off the $920 mark today. Credit default-swaps for Wachovia are through the roof.
Wall Street doesn’t expect Wachovia to make it through the weekend either.
And this is just the beginning.