Big Ed Rendell is unimpressed with Sarah Palin’s political skills:
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell dismissed Sarah Palin’s assessment that the country could be facing another Great Depression Wednesday, saying that the Alaska governor simply “didn’t have a clue” how to answer a question on the economy.
“She doesn’t give answers any more than Senator McCain does,” Rendell said on MSNBC. “The answer to that question is, we can avoid a Great Depression by doing things to stimulate the economy. And that’s one area where McCain and Palin have no ideas.”
“Governor Palin, in her response, didn’t have a clue. She should have pivoted and said, ‘Well, the best way to avoid this becoming a depression is to jumpstart the economy, and here’s how we’re going to do it.’ They don’t have an idea to jumpstart the economy.”
I just have to laugh in the face of John McCain and Sarah Palin. They are suspending their campaigns? I didn’t know Sarah Palin was actually campaigning. I thought she was in seclusion, or talking to Hamid Karzai about the difficulties of juggling work and kids. They’re literally afraid to debate and not even embarrassed about admitting it. And it’s really remarkable that McCain would race back to Washington DC, the place where he is best known and most hated, to parachute in on a process where he was not invited and is not wanted. What do rank and file Republicans want from John McCain? Do you think they want to put him up for the night while he’s ducking a national debate?
They don’t want to vote for this bailout. They didn’t listen to Cheney, what makes John McCain think they will listen to him. They don’t even like him. John McCain is an infamous jerk. It’s pathetic to see McCain and Palin flounder around like swimmers that just realized there are sharks in the water. Obama’s from Hawaii. He swims with sharks all the time. He doesn’t break a sweat. John McCain, the great war hero, is afraid to debate. Unbelievable.
This woman is a fucking moron. Plain and simple. She’s out of her league. She’s a joke. a J-O-K-E. It’s unreal. That someone THIS incompetent is a VP nominee.
Dems ready to cave to this 700 bill bailout?
Wow. Goodbye Democratic party. Unbelievable sellout of America to the bankers and corporate elite. This will reverberate for generations.
When people are losing their social security and any hope of socialized health care remember the Democrats gave the bankers a cool couple of Trillion because Bush held a gun to their head.
Are you referring to the denizens of the land with a 3-second attention-span? It will indeed reverberate for a couple news cycles, but the public will then, once again, dance with the stars…
Bottom line, we just won the election.
Not if more Democrats vote for this travesty than against, and that includes Barack Obama.
McSame’s plan is Mutually Assured Destruction: to force both himself and Obama to vote for the bailout, thereby taking the economy off the table as a campaign issue. Taking it off the table favors McSame. It’s his only way out.
Bush’s fevered rantings of an imminent collapse of our economy if Wall Street doesn’t get our money is the AUMF for Iraq all over again.
Anybody who votes for this measure should be out of a job in November. If that number is made up primarily of Democrats, then yes, you’re looking at a very distinct possibility of us actually losing seats in the House and Senate.
Would you vote for somebody who voted for the bailout?
The House hasn’t even voted on a bailout package yet, so they don’t even have anything to send to the Senate. McCain’s just going to be in DC with his thumb up his ass when he’s not grandstanding.
Bill also has some nice things to say about John McCain and … Hillary of course.
CLINTON: I was surprised. I just — you know, apparently some people who were following it more closely than I were not surprised. But look, I get the down side that the people who criticize her give her, but I can only judge how I think this is going down in a state like Arkansas where I am from, where we have half the people live in communities of less than 2,500 and there are people who are pro-choice and pro-life and more than half the people have a hunting or fishing license. But they like families that hang together, that deal with adversity, that are proud of all their members, that don’t let off from life’s vicissitudes.
So I think that she and her husband and their kids come across gutsy, spirited and real. I have significant disagreements with her about any number of social and economic issues but I find her an appealing person and I think that it’s best to say that Senator McCain looks like he knew what he was doing. He picked somebody who gave him a lot of energy, a lot of support.
And by the way, she also helps Senator Obama. That is when the Obama supporters, the Democrats found out she lit a fire under the right and got McCain more money and more volunteers, then in turn, there was a reaction and Senator Obama started raising more money and getting more volunteers. So it turned up the heat and the energy but to me, maybe it’s just the point where I am in life, I want to know what we’re going to do to turn this economy around, make it work for ordinary people deal with this horrible health care mess and get where people can pay their bills and then get the soldiers home from Iraq and rebuild the military and restore our standing in the world.
If you ask me who is going to do a better job of that, I’d say on the overwhelming number of those issues I think Obama and Biden would be better.
Sarah Palin at the UN absorbing foreign policy experience:
Pakistan’s president Asif Ali Zardari: “You are even more gorgeous than expected.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Bill Clinton is still a self-absorbed egomaniac. No one really cares about him anymore, which is good – he was only in the political game during his post-presidency for his wife’s sake anyways.
Good riddance. The Democratic Party is better off not being tied to the Clinton machine.
one word:
Chicken McNuggets.
“Chicken” w/ a dash of “pow” — a spice found in the SmallWorld cups at DisneyLand. Most times available in other container rides at DisneyWorld.
“Ed Rendell” link points back to:
Rendell: Palin doesn’t ‘have a clue’
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’ve stated McCain’s “withdrawal” is cowardice in 2 different forums today without any response.. sacred cow?
Word of advice on cowards.. never turn your back on them.
Their fear drives them to take extreme measures.
Chicken. It’s self-evident, hence no responses.
bad link: “ed rendell” just goes to Booman Tribune.
link fixed.
think progress