Crossposted from MY LEFT WING
First, for all you people who think he was “taken by surprise” by McCain’s announcement — the withered fool showed his hand in their second phone conversation. You don’t think from that MOMENT Camp Obama was preparing a response? Pshaw.
Obama may not share all my political views, but with each passing day he has my growing admiration as a superb politician.
He made everyone wait for his response — and they cut into all programming to run his PRESS CONFERENCE about it. He got free air time to
A) Act, sound and look Presidential — AGAIN;
B) Tell the TRUE story of how things transpired that day — AND make McCain look like the weaselly douchebag he is by illustrating how McCain stole the credit for the joint statement idea and tried to undercut Obama by going ahead with the “postpone the debate” idea and calling his own press conference; and
C) He basically got to call McCain a chickenshit who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time — in his usual cool, unimpeachable way.
Every day, in every way, I’m feeling better and better about this election.
He comes back with shit they never anticipated.
It’s called “Winning.” Get used to it.
Look! Over there! A shiny object to distract you while Obama and the Dems give the Wall Street criminals trillions of dollars and sell out America. This is what victory looks like? No thanks.
How you could be applauding your Boy Wonder because he won the silly political stunt contest whilst screwing America for generations is beyond me. But I guess this is just icing on the cake for the way Democrats treated our country the last 8 years. I don’t know why I’m surprised that my putative allies on the so-called Left are such small-minded simpletons that they cave-in on the big issues but cheer such silly phyrric victories as this.
This is not victory. It’s the rancid, rotting smell of defeat being sold as “change”. Don’t fall for it.