What’s your favorite debate moment of all time? Here’s mine, from the October 8th, 2004 presidential debate:
BUSH: I own a timber company?
That’s news to me.
Need some wood?
What’s your favorite debate moment of all time? Here’s mine, from the October 8th, 2004 presidential debate:
BUSH: I own a timber company?
That’s news to me.
Need some wood?
The look on Dan Quayle’s face after Lloyd Bentson neutered him with the no Jack Kennedy line. The line was great, but the look on Danny Boy’s face…
Was that when he wasn’t wearing a mic and hearing aid?
Huffpost reports McCain is declaring prematurely that he won the debate.—the debate, mind you, that was postponed.
Who is running his campaign?
Second thought, never mind.
McCain’s campaign reminds me of a line from an episode of M*A*S*H:
This is interesting:
Why McCain needs to keep pulling out rabbits
She was 13 at the time.
Funny thing was, she was probably right!
It was many moments but, I’ll never forget how young and healthy Kennedy looked in B&W while Nixon looked like a tired, unshaven hobo. Gawd, I was a Young Republican then. It was horrifying to watch Nixon growl while Kennedy sailed forth with passionate eloquence.
My mother said, “I’m going to vote for that nice young man, Kennedy,” and my father roared with indignation, “Don’t be fooled by good looks! We want a president who knows what he’s doing!” Of couse, a few years later, he was calling me a Communist…
Tonight’s show promises a similar contrast between young/good looking/articulate and old/tired/incoherent. How many fathers will be roaring about McCain “knowing what he’s doing”?
And don’t believe that Obama’s smile isn’t worth a pound of gold. It’s another variable in this contest, but not a bad one to have. If Obama can get McCain to scowl a few times in the debates, maybe provoke his legendary temper. it will get him more votes than some position on some issue whatever it is.
Lesson from mom who voted for Ike when dad said vote Democratic, and she didn’t even know what women’s lib was all about.
What about Poland?
Ford was just a little ahead of his time.
Let’s not forget about Dukakis struggling to answer the question about Kitty being raped…talk about cringe inducing.
Reagan mocking his age with Mondale.
But my favorite was watching Bush meltdown in what I think was the second debate in ’04. Man, I don’t know how he pulled it together, he was that lost. Must have been a coke flashback.