Sarah Palin wins the debate tonight no matter what happens. Expectations are so low for her that being able to stand on two feet and speak her name will be probably all she needs to do to be acclaimed the victor by the media. But Joe Biden can win the debate with the rest of the 70% of America that has Bush Derangement Syndrome by being simply himself. He comes off well with a certain blue collar charm, he has a reassuring voice and I doubt anyone else on that stage will sound half as grown up as he will.

No, the person I pity is Gwen Ifill. Watch and see if the media and the GOP spinners don’t spend 90% of their time telling us how mean and nasty and angry and UNFAIR! the black woman moderator was to poor Joe Sixpack Sarah Palin. I wouldn’t want to be in her place for a million dollars.

Well, Okay, maybe a million.