Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This week’s theme is Jest for Fun: photos that make you laugh … so post your pics so we can all laugh at with you. 😉
Website of the Week: Cute Overload, a daily dose
of cute and funny creatures and critters.
Olivia's Jest for Fun Fotos
Grumpy Gus
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Curious George
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Nosey Nelly
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AndiF’s Jest for Fun Fotos
Edward Scissorstree
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JimF’s better half
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Brave Bebo and The Rope-Float Monster Click image for larger version |
- Next Week’s Theme: In the Frame: Using human or natural structures or a combination of both to create an opening through which one views the focus of the photograph.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Seen at Paradise Meadow, Mt. Rainier National Park
click for larger
Someone had a sense of humor…
I love Olivia’s calf nose and your picture of “brave Bebo” made me laugh out loud.
Yep, that’s the best keep off the grass sign ever.
It’s the lamb that makes me giggle.
WBP action shots are always a hit … 😀
And the Edward scissorstree is just a great photo. Otherworldly.
Yeah, that photo of Bebo is so cute. Andi caught it at the right moment. 🙂
Since we’re on signs (some may have been posted before):
All above shot on a 150 yard stretch of Placencia’s Main Street.
Main Street in Placencia (not kidding):
Those are great signs, ask but the “main street” is just stellar.
Hi ask.
Agree w/ Andi … those are great, but the shot of Main Street is fantastic esp w/ your shadow there … 🙂
Love that sign … 🙂
Kittens are always good for a laugh.
LOL … 🙂
Hi Bob.
The kitties are way cute but the Marty Feldman eye is the winner.
This is a walk over a spillway after the flooding from Fay.
I’ve probably posted this before.
Knowing how to relax is a critically important talent.
Hi budr. Cute photo. Cats are good at getting comfy … 🙂
Out of focus, but the four year old in the his native wild habitat moves too quickly for my small point and shoot camera.
I love those teeth. 😀
Someday, a dentist will love them too.
Too cute. 🙂 Hiya Toni.
You clearly live in the land of the wildly funny critters. They’re all great but the toilet paper pic is my absolute favorite.
The head and upper body in the pillow is pretty funny! Although, not so much for SN and her pillows. Eek.
Here are a couple from my trip to China, which I still owe AndiF a diary for one of these days 🙂
Our food drinking our drinks
This bear is doing exactly what it looks like he is doing
Must be difficult to do without opposable thumbs….
Yeah, where’s my diary!?! 🙂
That top picture is seriously disturbing.
The bottom one is a hoot (in more ways than one).
Well, er, um…I just haven’t gotten around to it, and I don’t have a better excuse 🙂
I do have my pictures up on my web server though, with some commentary. If you’re interested, they are here.
Wow, there are a lot of photos there to look at — that ought to keep me busy for awhile. Thanks.
Yeah, it took me awhile to go through them. I still have over 2,000 more pictures to go through from a couple of the other people who went on the trip, but now that I have mine up there, I’m having trouble getting motivated for that 🙂
Thanks for sharing the link. 🙂
I believe the bear is saying, “I got you Wall Street rescue plan right here!”
jest for the birds
going south for the winter? you’ll need one of these… 2 styles to choose from:
© jfi shop
and for those that stay, there’s the bird[dog] house…with built in security system:
©jfi shop
clik to enlarge
those campers are hilarious! Did you make them?
nope, the guy sitting behind the table makes them. he and his lady make furniture, stained glass, etc., and he throws these together when he’s bored.
he’s got a wicked sense of humour…and they’re really bird houses too.
All the birds around me are going “I want one! I want one”
Love those birdhouses … 😀
This is still fun. Taken in Grants, New Mexico on Santa Fe Avenue.
Aw, almost makes me feel sorry for him. Almost.
Twas upon a chilly Saturday morn…
I think I`ve been framed.
If this is supposed to be for next week, do not look at it till then.
Thank you for your considerate attention.
Fridge, totally coked out.
Hi mom.
Is this a cute alien or not?
This Pot will make you smile.
Don`t bogart.
Don`t ever tease a cross-eyed cat.
His bark is worse than his bite.
All guffaw-worthy photos but I have a thing* for Old Man Tree — he always brings a smile to my face.
* not quite at the blenny level but very, very close.
I heard some scratching noises coming from under my keypad tray & looked underneath it to have this cutie staring back at me.
Not as funny as a bear, but just as personal.
(if you go to the original size you can see more details, if you know what I mean) I`m kidding, but do go see it. The blue one has a section open on it`s abdomen where something must tickle.
No photos this week. Just a request for a future theme. Since we are now in October I am hoping we get some Halloween themes. I design and carve a jack-o-lantern every year and have a few good ones I’d like to share.
You got it — the theme for October 31 will be All Thing Halloween: spooky things, dressed-up things, candy things, orange things, Thing things 😉.
Wacky musicians on the loose on the coast of France. Photo by friend Austin. Thanks for bringing yours and estHer’s work over here, LEP! I’ve always enjoyed lurking the Friday photos at ET.
This is my brother David & friend Thomas exploring after a gig in Paris in 2002.