Progress Pond

A Morning Laugh and a Serious Concern.

I started my day with a laugh, thanks to  a great video in Crooks and Liars.  It’s a dramatic reading of the Transcript of the Town Meeting of Wasilla, Alaska – May 1996 (read by the actor Chris Schneider): go there.

Being a mayor implies so much executive experience!
When you’ve had your laugh, get serious again. Salon has published a revealing article called Meet Sarah Palin’s Right-Wing Pals By Max Blumenthal and David Neiwert. This has really been well-researched. It is long and detailed.

Here’s a clip:

At a national convention of secessionist groups in 2007, AIP vice chairman Dexter Carter announced that his party would seek to “infiltrate” the Democratic and Republican parties with candidates sympathetic to its hard-right, secessionist agenda. “You should use that tactic. You should infiltrate,” Carter told his audience of neo-Confederates, theocrats and libertarians. “Whichever party you think in that area you can get something done, get into that party. Even though that party has its problems, right now that is the only avenue.”

Carter pointed to Palin’s political career as the model of a successful infiltration. “There’s a lot of talk of her moving up,” Carter said of Palin. “She was a member [of the AIP] when she was mayor of a small town, that was a nonpartisan job. But to get along and to go along she switched to the Republican Party … She is pretty well sympathetic because of her membership.”

As Palin continues to raise questions about Obama’s past associations, even though they have been repeatedly explained during the primaries and have been found to be entirely unjustified, her own questionable associations need to be revealed. If you support secessionists and documented “America Haters”, you are a questionable choice to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Under The LobsterScope

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