Political Byline advertises itself as “opinionated, but not partisan.” That seems to be false advertising because not only do they refer to Democrats and other supporters of Barack Obama as “fucktard Liberals” and “Anti-American, God Hating, Baby Killing, Fascist bastards”, but they’ve created a graphic of a noose, Barack Obama, and the message: “Asphyxiation: the fucking solution.”

The alleged point of the post is to fight fire with fire. The blogger is offended by some images he’s seen on Ted Steven’s intertubes that suggest Palin’s parents should have aborted her or that show a fist punching Palin in the face. The noose is supposed to show equivalency.

Let me just make an obvious point, here. I can go find the most offensive, racist image file available on the internets and post it. I can complain about it. But that doesn’t provide me with an excuse to create and post something equally or more offensive. And let me make a second point. If I’m going to post an offensive image and complain about it I should at least explain the provenance of the image. Who posted it? What is their ideological leaning? What did they say their point was? You know, context.

Finally, it’s not necessary to make up graphics of a noose and a black man. You can just post the real thing:

Just post that and say that you’d like to see that done to Obama, his wife, and their two daughters. If you don’t like that particular image, there are many more to pick from. You see, lynching black people isn’t some rare thing in the history of this country, and we have around 100 authentic souvenir photographs of real-life lynchings to choose from. But let me give you Billie Holiday…she can explain it for you:

Any questions?