Obama Surges In Four Battleground States
COLORADO: Obama 52 – McCain 43 pre-debate / Obama 52 – McCain 43 post debate
MICHIGAN: Obama 55 – McCain 37 pre-debate / Obama 54 – McCain 38 post debate
MINNESOTA: Obama 51 – McCain 43 pre-debate / Obama 51 – McCain 40 post debate
WISCONSIN: Obama 51 – McCain 43 pre-debate / Obama 54 – McCain 37 post debate.
October 14, 2008 – Obama Surges In Four Battleground States, a new poll finds —
Boosted by the economic crisis and a strong debate performance, Democrat Barack Obama is over the 50 percent mark in the key battleground states of Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, and for the first time leads or ties Republican John McCain among white voters in all four states, according to four simultaneous Quinnipiac University polls of likely voters conducted in partnership with The Wall Street Journal and WashingtonPost.com and released today.
No need to translate … the Obama ape paraded by a McCain/Palin loyalist says it all.
AMSTERDAM – VIDEO – Een Palin-aanhanger heeft zijn eigen running-mate meegenomen naar een verkiezingsbijeenkomst van Sarah Palin in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Samen met een knuffelaap die Barack Obama moet voorstellen, sluit hij aan in de rij.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I would like to see someone put these tapes on community access channels – in the communities where the rallies took place. Better yet, as a television ad. Seriously. If Goober there is so proud of his hateful little monkey, let’s see how he handles it when everyone from his hometown sees how hollow his soul is.
I know a number of people like this doofus. They are in the safety and comfort of a big crowd. They think their anonymity is guaranteed so they feel free to wave their racist banner with no real reservation.
And then someone runs up and figuratively pulls their hood off and exposes their face. And suddenly we find out it’s the loan officer from down at the bank, or a local policeman, or a school principal, or a county commissioner.
I agree with you, Toni. This would be a perfect opening for some enterprising “real journalist” in the local media to track down this person, get them on camera an ask them, “How do you feel about this black guy running for President? Do you really think black people are monkeys? Are the black people in your community monkeys too?”
Just like a cockroach, when the light shines on them they scatter with the wind. They are pure chickenshits.
If I had the cash (and no 4 year old at home), I might just decide to make a documentary and poke around these communities looking for a guy like that. Heck, I might even enlist the help of the local t.v. channels and announce that I was making a movie and wanted to find these guys and then show the video.
Surge CBS Poll Obama 53 McCain 39
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