I don’t want to make a big deal over every bigoted jerk in the country that does something overtly racist, but it’s sad to see how unapologetic some of these people are. And not all of them are just random citizens, some of them are elected officials:
Rep. Michelle Bachmann is nuts. She is seriously deranged. I watched a program on PBS tonight about slavery in the 19th-Century. I’m thinking that the mere fact that I watched a program about slavery probably makes me anti-American in Rep. Bachmann’s book. And PBS must be filled with communist program directors. I saw Bay Buchanan on CNN earlier tonight defending Sarah Palin’s comments that some states are anti-American. Ms. Buchanan said that there absolutely are anti-American sectors of the country. Namely, colleges and universities that teach some of the unpleasant history of this country rather than constantly cheerleading in proper jingoistic fashion are anti-American. It’s a wonder Campbell Brown (Regis University, Denver, Colorado) didn’t slap Buchanan’s mouth.
The Republican Party no longer makes the slightest pretense to being an inclusive party and their dog-whistles are bringing more and more hounds. It’s even making people on the left crazy.
Throw enough mud and some will stick. Its Rove politics. Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin’s parents and grandparents saw a completely different side of our culture then did Barack and Michele O’bama’s parents and grandparents. Sarah and Michele do not question something that has brought them so much. Some have not benefited to the same degree. Even those with some amount of empathy for their fellow citizens question their country.
What we have here is not a class war. It is indeed an occupation by the elite. Michelle and Sarah will not easily let go of their status. You throw off an occupation, you do not reason with people who have so much to lose. If pretty and rich are no longer worshiped then Sarah and Michelle will also question the policies and violent history of our nation. BTW, I love my country and I want us to acknowledge and learn from our mistakes. Vote out the occupiers.
Another Jewel of the GOP.
Little friendly advise to the Repubs..
Be sure and wash your hands after any attempts to shine this turd.
So, are the books on the shelves behind Rep. Bachman real or a wallpaper design?
I read a biography of Freya Stark, an Englishwoman who created a life outside the confines of her society and culture through travel and by living for periods of time in the middle east from the 1920’s on. She was sent by the British government in 1945 to promote the British position on Palestine to members of Congress and influential citizens and groups. (It should be noted the British were changing their position unbeknownst to her.)
Stark’s travels and meetings across the U.S. led her to the conclusion the U.S. was a “material wasteland.”
If Freya Stark were to meet with Rep. Bachman, Gov. Palin, or many, many others of our elected officials, would her opinion be changed or just confirmed? A material wasteland – ouch.
And when the cameras go off, they unplug Bachmann and peel off her latex skin:
Don’t forget Bay Buchanan in that picture .. being Pat’s sister is bad enough .. but look whose campaigns she chose to work on .. Tom Tancredo’s .. and when that went down in flames .. Mittens Romney
I thought Tweety did a good job letting this woman expose herself.
Just once, I wish someone BLACK on a panel with Bay would ask:
Bay, were you proud of this country during Jim Crow as they lynched Black people?
Good point.
we need not go that far back in history. Look to the present.
Who could be more anti-American than Bush who completed ‘the Mission’ in shredding the Constitution? Habeas Corpus, FISA, Torture and more. What could be more anti-American?
Let’s begin at the beginning name names. The Justices on the SC on December 12, 2000 who violated the Constitution, installed Bush to complete the Mission.
We’re not asleep. The GOP has been taken over by brown shirts
Wake Up. Exorcise this in the bud.
that is if she gets re-elected
I am terrified thinking about Michelle Bachmann “exposing” herself.But then,halloween is not too far off and Michelle might be trying to get a head start.
Michelle Bachmann’s comments today on Hardball was very Anti-American. She seems to believe in the same attitudes of Joe McCarthy.
Donate to her opponent Elwyn Tinkenberg. Minnesota’s 6th District deserves better.
Here is the link to El Tinklenberg’s ActBlue Page
Thanks for the link. I was so furious at this frothing, bat shit crazy know-nothing that I gave a few dollars, too. She needs to be defeated.
Stupidest Congressperson in the United States
I could only bear to watch the first part of the interview. I was afraid her eyes were going to start spinning like pinwheels and her head was going to twist around. Bachmann is the epitome of the Republican party right now; brimming with anger borne of frustration with her party’s rush down the pipes and scared half to death that a black man, a LIBERAL black man is going to take control of HER country.
Gawd, I hope he does. Imagine the release of pure energy when all the Republicans’ heads explode.
Imagine the release of pure energy when all the Republicans’ heads explode.
If we could only capture that, it would light our cities for a generation;-)
Michelle Bachmann is right. If you define America in terms of greed, racism, rapaciousness, xenophobia and megalomania then all the people she mentions are anti-Americans. This election isn’t about Obama or McCain, it is about how Americans want to define themselves.
McCain has defined himself by his associations with lobbyists for Saddam Hussein, Wall street, Georgian Presidents who cluster bomb civilians in unprovoked attacks, and GWB. Obama hasn’t made those associations an issue because he wants to Govern for all Americans without dividing them into “good” or “bad”, pro or anti- Americans.
But sometimes you define yourself as much by what you are against, as by what you are for. MiChelle Bachmann is quite clear as to who and what she is against. Perhaps it is time for Obama is equally clear. It’s time he came out against the lobbyists who dominate the McCain campaign and put those associations in the forefront of the Presidential campaign.