ROVE: We saw it in the Clinton campaign, and now we’re seeing it in the McCain campaign, where before the election is totaled up, before the votes are all cast, before the decision is made, people start pointing fingers and blaming each other. It is a sign of undisciplined people who do not have the loyalty that they ought to have to the candidate whom they’re serving. And it’s — it’s a sad sight to see. Nobody makes themselves look good by this process.- Fox News Sunday
Isn’t that exactly what he’s doing?
Last time I checked, Karl Rove was a McCain strategist.
Karl is criticizing people in McCain’s campaign for fingerpointing.
Ipso facto, Karl is finger pointing.
I bet its a chubby finger too…
Rove is the greatest divider of our generation. His politics are “My way or the highway.” Will everyone on McCain’s campaign jump off the cliff if Karl tells them too?
Apparently not.
Losing sucks, no cookie, no biscuit, no job in Washington, so of course, after so many bad decisions, the campaign is falling apart. There was no one strong Rep candidate to run, and whether it was McCain or Romney or Huckabee, the campaign was doomed to fail. Um, if Karl is so freakin’ concerned, why didn’t he take the plunge and run?
I don’t find it sad at all, I’m enjoying it. And blaming ‘undisciplined people’ is missing the boat completely…discipline starts at the top not the other way around.
Undisciplined loyalty because McCain is something less than an inspirational candidate.
To the victor belong the spoils.
And in this case, we the victors get to enjoy the spectacle of carnage over there on the Right. Pass the popcorn…
who cares what Karl Rove says,–he is the one who created the 27% approval rating for W.
The swine should all be practicing the phrase, “Would you like fries with that?”
You have to be able to use a computer to work at McDonalds. They do hire the handicapped, but not the illiterate.