Americans are like the retarded offspring growing at the edge of a lush and healthy European field. You know, the row of corn too close to the road commission’s weed kill spray to flourish, but not close enough to die out completely.

We just don’t get it, but think all corn should look like us. USA! USA!

When I used to speak daily with people in Sweden, Germany, and Belgium working as an Atlas Copco distributor (tooling for auto plants) they were amused and disgusted by our working conditions.

You don’t have a year off paid with your new baby? 9 weeks, unpaid? Your husband has no time off with his baby either? You don’t get a month paid Holiday in the summer? No free health care? No free College? The option for a 4 day work week?

You Americans let them treat you like slaves.

I was STUNNED, had no idea how good they had it.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I, Vermont) recently spoke about this on Bill Maher. Worth the 5 and a half minutes of clips:

The top 1 percent earns more than the bottom 50 percent in America.

The top 1 percent has more WEALTH than the bottom 90 percent.

As Bill Maher said in reply, we tend to vote like we are that rich person in our imaginary lives. We vote against someone taking what we don’t have as we drive to work in our beat up Honda Civics.

We are watching the GM/Chrysler merger slash bankruptcy closely.

Have you noticed every commercial is slated towards uber-rich people buying Luxury cars these days?

A sexy perfectly coiffed woman murmurs huskily, “When you turn on your car, does it return the favor?”

My husband always answers, “Only since they added the heated dildo to the heated seats, huh lady?”

Gee willakers, I coulda saved the auto industry by telling them a couple things.

Market inexpensive cars that get good milage and maybe more than 1% of the population could afford them…. or quit sending jobs overseas and people could afford better ones.

The 250/1 ratio of exec pay to the pay of the people that actually produce the product sunk your asses.

Detroit… actually all of Michigan is dying due to that corporate greed.

Henry Ford had wished to use mass production to lower the price of his automobiles which in turn increased the market size at which is automobiles would be sold. Ford chose this method of selling a large quantity of cars over increasing the maximum profit made per car.


But he also said, “Money doesn’t change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that’s all.” and I have to wonder if he had any insight at all, for time has proven the rich have become ever more greedy.

Socialism as done in European countries has made them happy, relatively wealthy, healthy and educated.

The rich don’t want us to be any of those things.

We live in a serfdom where we all believe we will be masters one day by some imaginary American Lottery.

Redistribute baby!!!!!

It IS Patriotic, and should be the American way. America is not the 1%ers, its us! We should not be wage slaves!

Worker Party 2012!