In case you were wondering, you can’t be a Christian and vote for Barack Obama. This is probably proof that Barack and Michelle Obama are not Christians. I know this is confusing but Deuteronomy explains it all.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I think there’s a way out of this dilemma: quit being a Christian and vote for Obama. It’s a win-win.
When you think about all the shit that’s been done in the name of God, it’s kinda scary.
How do these people look the other way as innocent people are killed, torchered and starved? I just don’t get it.
Good thing that I’m Jewish.
Are you trying to skirt your responsibility for that Deuteronomy thing?
Aaaahhhh, yes. Now I remember why I walked away from my Baptist upbringing when I reached my early 20’s. These people are downright freaking scary.
I asked a friend this morning if she was going to vote for McCain. I thought I had heard her talking about it last week. She told me she wasn’t sure; that what she wanted to do was vote for McCain so she could say she did, but have Obama win.
Do not rest lightly, people. I would love nothing more than a landslide, but I’ll settle for the slimest of margins. Keep pushing people to get out and vote.
I’m very nervous.
Did you explain to her that anybody she’d have to lie to about voting for McCain is a Person of the Lie, so she’d just be obeying the Golden Rule?
I was happy she was forthright with me. I told her what I thought, and why. She is undecided, truly, and torn – perhaps she’ll vote for Obama yet.
Did you tell her she should just vote for Obama and tell people to mind their own business about who she voted for?
Could she vote for Chuck Baldwin? Or Bob Barr? Or write in someone who is not McCain?
Convincing folks to vote for Obama is great if you can do it, but if they won’t do it – for whatever reason – convincing them to lodge a protest vote instead of voting for McCain is almost as good.
It’s impossible for me to believe that we win a close election. Color me cynical, but close races scare the bejeezus out of me.
We’re in a small NH town (population 3,000 +/-). We have a very impressive GOTV operation going on. Phone banking three nights per week, and 20+ people canvassing every week. The coordinated campaign still struggles from time to time, but the level of competence, enthusiasm, and participation are the highest we’ve ever experienced here in NH.
We saw a recent UNH poll showing a 16 point lead for Obama in NH, but we are working for every vote. Size does, indeed, matter…the larger the victory, the more overwhelming the vote total, the less chance of Republican chicanery. We are all too familiar with deceptive Republican efforts here in NH…
All the fun stuff is in Leviticus.
Thus reinforcing why I call that site WorldNUTDaily.
old news, christine flowers in Philly and her despicable editor are flogging that particular notion.
I guess you also can’t be a Christian and propose the largest military budget in the history of the world, then, huh? “Thou shall not murder” and all that.
Oh. wait.
Unfortunately, for literalists, proof-texting is their idea of the best use of scripture — to hit people over the head with it. No point in trying to persuade these folks that you can disagree with them and still be a “real Christian.”
Around here the fundies are circulating “Obama is a Muslim” e-mails. Our county chair got one today and was so pissed he fired back this rejoinder to everyone on the list.