Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This week’s theme is All Things Halloween. Spooky things, dressed-up things, candy things, orange things, Thing things … 😉
Website of the Week: Yes We Carve — what happens when people like Obama and carving pumpkins.
olivia's Scary Stuff
Walk in the woods
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Pumpkin …
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… at night
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AndiF’s Halloween Scenes
Headless Horseman coming to Sleepy Hollow? Click image for larger version |
Home of the Great Pumpkin?
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Haunted Gas Station?
Click image for larger version |
- Next Week’s Theme: Light: Presence, absence, bright, dim, straight, bent … anyway you want to shine a little bit of it on us.
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When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
I’m up early so why not. The pics this week come from a Halloween story telling we went to a week or so ago. I took the first as the sun was just beginning to set.
and perfectly fine too.
Ah – a sunset! Quite lovely.
Wonderful atmosphere in this one … the color of the sky in lovely.
Thanks. 😉
I like using Capture NX2, because I shoot raw .NEF, it can really make everyday photos a little better after processing. The saturation and brightness is adjusted.
Like Head says down thread, “Photoshop is your friend”.
The next two were taken as the ghouls came out.
Every year I try to come up with a clever Jack-O-Lantern design… something other than a face. I make my own templates, I don’t use pre-made designs. Using the internets as a resource, I draw the design on paper first, transfer it to the pumpkin, and carve away.
I put a mini strobe light inside this Pacman-O-Lantern. The parents who brought their kids trick or treating got a kick out of this, the kids didn’t know what it was supposed to be.
Don’t tell Pixar I used their character without permission. This year I am doing another Pixar pumpkin, this time with Wall-E. I’ll try to post it tonight after I carve it.
Here’s a new spider silhouette I took last week:
Love the strands of web you’ve captured too — you’ve got steady hands!
Not steady hands, a steady tripod. Plus I sometimes use the timer setting so that my button presses don’t shake the tripod.
Those are really gorgeous and beautifully carved. Can’t wait till see your newest one.
These are wonderful! Not sure what tools you use – I have only used a kitchen knife and a serrated “kid safe” pumpkin carving knife. I am usually most satisfied if I can make triangles 😉
I use the serrated kid safe pumpkin knives in various shapes and sizes plus the plastic drills, hole pokers, etc that come in the cheapo carving kits.
One of the secrets is to scrape the walls from the inside until they are less than 1 inch thick. Super thick walls are not conducive to detailed carving. Still, I usually break at least one tool every year
Dremel makes a power tool for pumpkin carving, but I have not tried it.
For some amazing carvings, check out this guy: http://www.villafanestudios.com/pumpkins.htm
One of the secrets is to scrape the walls from the inside until they are less than 1 inch thick. Super thick walls are not conducive to detailed carving.
An important piece of info – thanks.
I also meant to tell you that the pumpkins in the link you provided were phenomenal – thanks.
Not photos. Learning to use Photoshop.
This is called “Let Us Prey.”
And “The Eyeball”
Very cool.
I use both images & PS tools to paint in other details, for some of my creations.
These are very good.
PhotoShop is your friend.
I put both of these images on T-shirts at Zazzle: http://zazzle.com/mrboma*
Hi mrb. Those are fantastic! You’re very talented … lol re the pac man/strobe light. That is a great idea!
My wife always does an upside-down jack-o-lantern.
My Wall-E didn’t come out as well as I had hoped. My smallest/finest carving knife broke last year. But I did the best I could with the tools I had, and the kids still liked it.
Looks pretty damn fine to me. And I like the way you framed the pumpkins.
but here’s what I have.
The little guy wearing his costume last week and again last night. And he’s got his “Happy Halloween” and “Trick or Treat” rehearsed and in order for tonight.
I wish you had too — those pics pictures are so charming. I especially love the happy face in the bottome one.
I should have some more tonight. I’m getting out of work at 7 and then going straight to meet up with the trick or treaters.
I wish I hadn’t had work today. I had several opportunities to go some shooting both with a Univ. City Halloween parade and the Philly’s rally today.
we’d love to see ’em.
The diary will be around for the w/e. 🙂
One Halloween I overheard a three year old trick or treating for the first time say with total awe, “They gave me candy!”
Your grinning pumpkin is delightful – can’t help but grin back.
too cute!
Love that second one … he looks so happy, and esp w/ the green stem on the top of the costume!
Hey, for some reason I couldn’t get BT to load last week, but I saw your additional cloud photos — wow! — and thanks to Andi, b2 and Head for explaining Friday cloud blogging. I’d love to feature one of your photos in a guest post — I’ll send you an e/m or flickr mail. 🙂
I really like the smile on your pumpkin – my interpretation is that s/he enjoys snow 😉
Love the bit of snow glow reflecting the candlelight in the night photo!
lol … I think the pumpkin might be the only one in this house who is enjoying the snow! It’s way tooooooo early … not ready yet … 😉
I do not care for scary or spooky stuff, so I really like the “Home of the Great Pumpkin” as one could imagine all kinds of Great Pumpkin creation stories that don’t involve screams – really beautiful photo.
The gas station isn’t really scary either — since it’s a restaurant and inn. I’ve had lots of great meals there and not one of them has been haunted. 🙂
I’ll try to post some b2 boy shots later on.
Please do!
(We’ve had 28 trick-or-treaters so far.)
l admit, halloween is my least favourite holiday, so really haven’t much beyond this sunset from a couple years ago:
clik to enlarge
for those w/ children and who do get into it…enjoy!
What a beautiful photo – I find dramatic sunsets akin to fireworks in slow motion. Even then, I often want each moment of the sunset to last longer – it is such a pleasure to have or to take the time to watch a sunset unfold. Thanks.
I watched a speeded up version of a 360 degree sunset, through all it`s variations during a total eclipse of the sun.
It`s the opposite of what you wish, but I`ll never forget that one. A few minutes later I was treated to a rising sun, in the same fashion.
A 360 degree sunrise in all it`s glory but lasting only a short time also. Even so, not one moment of it was lacking.
Like you though, as a constant sunset watcher, I never want them to end.
May all your sunsets inspire you.
That’s one hallow’s of show the sky put on for you. I really like the mosaic effect of the branches.
Beautiful … 🙂
Hiya d.
Some of my Halloween images & artwork.
The “LITTLE WITCH” is my grand daughter`s doll, & she directed me in post production.
Field of dreams
Blue Plate Scare
Leaves & Let Die
Death Row
(Please go to original size)
Sultan of Neewollah
The Little Witch of Ubilam
Sacked Monk
I`ll have you, my pretty.
What`s good with children? I`m still hungry.
A few bad apples.
I knew you would come up with a lot of good stuff for Halloween but you outdid yourself. 🙂
I love everything about the last one — the framing, the light, the color and, most of all, that great face.
Thank you Andif,
And here`s a special one for you.
These are what I`ll call, “Pumpkin Fish & Greens”.
The strong sensation of movement of the fish and the equally strong sense of stillness of the leaves really work well together.
Wowie zowie! That scary clown face is going to give me nightmares …
In that case, my objective will have been met.
even has ghosts upon the road.
l really like the stark, desolate feel of this…a harbinger of winter yet to come.
PSed an apparition on the path … seemed fitting. 🙂
That is a very good & subtle apparition.
Anyone you know?
For Olivia,
Reflecting on her double life.
A great photog, & a very caring young lady.
Thanks for providing the venue.
What does this have to do with the Halloween theme?
Only in these waters, have Pumpkin fish been known to live.
Pumpkin fish … can Peach be an honourary pumpkin fish. He’s the right colour. 🙂
Thanks Head.
The fish chicks will be all over that finely finned stud pumpkin.
Peaches can float on in, anytime.
As a matter of fact, one of the pumpkin fish is an albino one.
I call her, “Cream”.
You see where I`m going with this, right.
Fish & Chicks
Peaches & Cream
Fins & Fantasies
If Cream whispers sweet nothings in his ear, he can say, she went to MaGill. hahahahhaaaa
Old hilltop graveyard, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, CI
48 small goblins and princesses have visited our door so far.
nice id….l love wandering around in old cemetery’s….they’re full of interesting things, eh.
is that an lF [infa-red] conversion, or did you do something else in post processing….cause l ain’t buyin’ that as a “real” image…:{)…very kewl.
Just a straight negative of the original.
Ooh, not that is really spooky.
Hi ID … was thinking IR too … really adds to the photo!
Carcassonne looks fascinating, olivia. I’d love to visit if I ever make it back across the water again.
An amazing place. Highly recommend visiting. 🙂
Who wants to visit? That would make a nice little summer home. 😉
LOL … How ya doing?
Hi Olivia.
I’m doing pretty good. I see you’ve gotten some snow. Lucky you. 🙂
We’ve only had clear skies and a little bit of brisk weather. So boring. 😉
Yeah, yeah you keep saying that, but all I ever see are more leaves falling here. 🙂
You’ve got to take more pictures of your barbque and chair this year to show us how much snow you’re getting. Although I haven’t picked up my camera in months, if we get any at all, I’ll take pictures.
Make sure you check to see if the batteries are okay now so you’ll be ready. 🙂
I’m always pretty good on checking the batteries, but on a number of occasions I’ve forgotten to put the memory card back in. I know I’ve cussed more than a few times that I went out to the farm house and remembered the memory card was back in the computer. :O
That’s not good!
So are we going to get to see some FM pix in the next (or this one) foto flog?
I don’t know. I’ll try to get out of my camera malaise and get to clicking. For sure the first snow we have down here. Then again, last year was the first time we’ve had snow in about 10 years. 🙂
You mean we might be waiting another 10 years? 😮
That would work … 🙂
Well now, I can always get a picture of George. I think I’ll start tomorrow and see what I can come up with.
The other week when ya’ll had the theme about light, I did start looking for a picture I took I always liked. When I was walking down the hill from Neuschwanstein Castle, I clicked a picture. It showed in the woods it was kind of dark and across from me you could see King Ludwigs father’s castle and it was bathed in sunlight. Although it was grainy, I’ve always liked that picture.
I messed up and forgot what day it was when I posted last week’s theme.
So you still have time — and you don’t have to post to the theme either. So there, whenever you find it, you can post it. 🙂
Yes Mam!!!
I start digging and try and find it. 😛
So how come you’re up so late — isn’t it way past your bedtime? 😉
I’ve gotten out of my routine, and I’m finding it kind of hard to get back into it. The other night I stayed up until 2:00 am and then slept until 10:00 am. Retirement is so hard sometimes. I mean you can stay up as late as you want and then sleep as late as you want. Just doesn’t seem right. 🙂
Yeah … doesn’t … ;P
You’ll be there one day, and you’ll think back and remember me saying retirement isn’t easy. Of course, being as slackerly as I am, I have a natural edge over most people. 🙂
To prove you right … 😉
Well, I think I’m going to turn in now … Can’t wait ’til Andi sees that you said you’d post a photo in the foto flog!
Sleep tight and I’ll see ya later.
Nighty night.
Not exactly my best photos, but they are certainly Halloween-themed…
Some of this year’s pumpkins:
My little guy in the pumpkin patch (2 years ago)
Spiderman, Spiderman…does whatever a Spiderman does… 😉
There’s nothing like a preschool Halloween party (he ate FOUR cupcakes – and I was even there – WTF? LOL)
Those are great shots — that spider and web pumpkin is really impressive! Wow.
Love the photo w/ your little one in the pumpkin patch … 🙂 Was Spiderman the costume this year? Did he get a lot of treats?
Yep, Spiderman was this year. He had the impressive muscle chest and shoulders – pretty cute. He kept the mask on until it started to get dark – then he couldn’t see 🙂
I can’t take full credit for the pumpkin because I used a stencil to do the Spiderweb design – and WOW did it take a long time to carve! My hand was killing me afterwards. No way would I have been able to do something that cool freehand (although maybe if I had one of those fancy electric pumpkin carving knives…).
I think you did a great job on the pumpkins, and those are really cute pictures in the pumpkin patch and at the party. BTW, 4 cupcakes, yeaaaaaa! That’s what preschool parties are for. 🙂
You did a great job w/ it.
Joining on the compliments on pumpkin — neato keeno. 🙂
I really like the picture of him striding through the pumpkin field, especially his body language and great use of perspective.