Always classy:
“This guy was a community organizer for 20 years,” [House Minority Leader, John] Boehner said. “If somebody can tell me what a community organizer is, maybe I can understand it better.”
Since Boner asked, a community organizer is someone that contacts people in their community and gets them involved in a cause or campaign to better that community. Here is what it looks like when you understand what community organizing is.
And here is what it looks like when you don’t.
You see the difference? No? Don’t worry, you’ll understand better on election night.
Any questions?
Yes, what’s Boner’s favorite drink? Scotch or Bourbon?
From what I’ve heard, both.
Laugh your ass offfffff !!!!!
I’m not just hoping for a win, I want a big badass crushing titanic tsunami kinda win that really sends a message.
“Don’t worry, you’ll understand better on election night.”
Brilliantly said.
Excellent shots from 538. I wonder how long it will take for Rep. Boehner and his party to realize that insulting us is not the best way to prove their case.
I love the shots of Obama himself appearing in these field offices, making calls, and doing these people are doing for him every day.
His canvassing bit in Ohio was pure gold.
Anyone who has actually done some community organizing understands the power behind bringing people together for a common cause. Building social capital, networking, shared leadership, problem-solving are just a few ways that community organizing empowers people. But the true north of community organizing is building trust. Creating an environment where people learn to depend on each other and bring diversity of ideas together to make a stronger cause.
It is not always easy – trust me, I have been designing and helping communities build community built playgrounds for 20 years. Driving consensus in homogeneous communities is tough – you can imagine it takes more effort when there is diversity.
Boehner displays a profound hostility to the bedrock principles of democracy when he denigrates community organizing. Indeed, it is how our country was founded, and remains the backbone of our communities.
Community organizing is important work. We solve today’s problems while planting seeds of community activism in the minds of our children.
I am proud to call myself a community organizer and would compare my list of accomplishments to Boehner’s anytime.
Of course Boehner is hostile. He and his cronies are scared witless The People might actually wake up and take control of their destiny. In their minds, we only exist to provide the privileged class with whatever their little hearts desire – nothing more.
Yeah, but after the election they will conclude that the reason they lost was that they weren’t conservative enough. So they will veer ever further to the right in the hopes of recapturing the old magic.
Boner is a corporate whore, of course he doesn’t know what community organization is, totally foreign concept.
Damn tired of everything sensible and therefore Democrat having to be ‘translated’ by the Boehners of this world into Rep speak/logic. And yes, Boehner had better get used to figuring things out for himself in this new world because he’s not worth the wasted time for the doers to stand around pablum feeding his stupid ego.
While sign-holding yesterday, we found dems want to talk and talk about their excitement, while repugs just make some snarky comment and skulk away, not even making eye contact.
Fun, good times.
yeah, girlfriend called to say her wayward son who is a lawyer and McCain supporter hit the last straw yesterday. He went down to do some phone banking per his promise to the campaign and there was only 1 phone in the room. Trash on the floor and a general mess.
Keep up the great work!
The one thing that the Obama team is a little worried about is not knowing if our enthusiasm will turn into actual votes. Every sign held keeps the momentum going – you know, objects in motion tend to stay in motion. The inertial on the Republican side is staggering.
Come to think of it, the U.S. president is a community organizer. Sh/He organizes the community of the U.S. That’s the job, and success depends on the community’s organization. Georgie and his gang have disorganized society, created chaos at home and abroad, openly swindled and lied. As a result, communal organization is breaking down. Newspaper people and quite a few Democrats played major and minor roles in the scam which defines the Bush Adminstration.
So, for you Mr. Boehner, and former VP hopeful Palin – A community organizer is someone who runs a campaign that ORGANIZES a mass of people across many COMMUNITIES to help out in a campaign that will SPANK the Republican party on election day. Once this is done, said COMMUNITY ORGANIZER receives a promotion to Commander In Chief. Got it now? I’m so glad we cleared that up on Tuesday.