Progress Pond

Americans… are strange people but they deserve a really good president.

So does the rest of the world.

My title comes from the concluding lines of a piece in the Sunday version of the Sydney Morning Herald, written by a former left-wing Labor politician who, together with her two activist sisters and five other Australians, are currently volunteer workers for the Obama campaign in New Hampshire.  Her impressions can be read here.
Over here in Australia, we’re geting pretty excited, too.  The latest polling shows that Australians want Obama to win over McCain, 72% to 9%.  The detail shows:

Not much different to the views of the rest of the world, really!

Friends, truly, the excitement really is building all ’round the world – we can sense what is going to happen on and from Tuesday.  This is going to be a great victory.  Our best wishes for the GOTV effort.  The world wants a landslide for Obama to prove that Americans can redeem themselves!

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