Promoted by Steven D.
Today on FOX News, McSame campaign manager Rick Davis revealed his strategy for winning on Wednesday: Taking Obama to court in every state that Mcsame doesn’t win.
If the McCain campaign believes voter fraud from groups like ACORN tainted the result of Tuesday’s election, it will resort to “legal remedies,” McCain campaign manager Rick Davis said.
Fox’s Chris Wallace asked Davis the following: “But I just want to make it clear. You reserve the right, if you feel that something has gone down wrong in any state in the country, that you’ll go to court.”
Davis responded: “Absolutely. There’s no question that we’re going to monitor this election. We have the largest election day operation in the history of our party’s activities to ensure that we have a fair and honest election.”
Alluding to past election fraud, Wallace asked Davis if allegations of Republicans suppressing voters could create a “blizzard of lawsuits” that would prevent a decisive tally for weeks after Tuesday.
“I think on Wednesday morning you’ll wake up and John McCain will be president elect,” Davis said.
When Wallace questioned Davis about recent allegations that Republicans are preventing thousands of eligible voters from casting their vote, Davis said the fault lies with “liberal activist groups.”
“What’s happened is a bunch of liberal activist groups like ACORN and others… have taken it upon themselves to try and frame this election as anything but honest,” Davis said.
The GOP has denounced the accusations of voter suppression as a “reckless strategy” of the Obama campaign, which has released fliers warning of the issue.
Davis pointed to the federal investigation underway against ACORN as an example of liberals, and not Republicans, being guilty of fraudulent election practices.
“In fact, if there’s anything to look at, it’s the manipulation of these voter rolls before the election that’s caused so many problems,” Davis said. “We’re not going to stand for it.”
Pay attention folks. The real battle for the Presidency will only partially be fought on Tuesday. The GOP still controls the courts.
The election will not be over on Wednesday. Should Obama actually come out ahead by anything less than a massive landslide, the GOP will sue, sue, sue.
They will try to paint Obama as illegitimate as possible. What Democrats SHOULD have done to Bush in 2000 will instead be done to Obama in 2008.
Stay tuned. This is just beginning. Should Obama win Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida, I predict McSame lawsuits in all three states as well as Virginia, NC, and Colorado if they go blue.
These lawsuits will seek to disenfranchise millions upon millions of voters. I guarantee it. McSame will not roll over like Gore did in 2000. No way. No how. Obama must have cheated and we’ll sue and sue and sue until the Supremes step in and decide this election again. Watch. It’s coming.
I hope I’m wrong. I really, honestly hope to God, Goddess, Allah, Buddha, Sikkar the Lightbringer and the Flying Spaghetti Monster that I’m wrong and Obama’s margin of victory just crushes McSame across the board in battleground state after battleground state.
So vote Tuesday by all means. We have to run up the scoreboard. Vote Monday if you can. But keep in mind Rick Davis has revealed his campaign’s hand: John McSame’s temperament will not allow him to lose without a violent and ugly fight, the result of which at the minimum will be to make Obama look as illegitimate as Bush 43 should have looked to the nation in January 2001. The wingnuts will not allow him to give up. And the whole rotten stinking kettle of fish may end up in front of the ultimate activist judge panel.
What does John McSame know that we don’t know? What gives him that preternatural calmness and confidence? He knows the true battle begins Wednesday.
Does anyone here honestly believe the GOP will accept the complete and utter repudiation of their party without scorching the earth beneath the feet of America’s political system into blackened glass?
Me either.
So vote. Get your friends to vote. Drive people to the polls. Do whatever you can. I’m taking Monday and Tuesday off to do just that, knock, hit the call centers for Ohio across the river, the 72 hour bombardment, whatever it takes. I’m reporting bright and early Monday morning here in Cincy.
Run up the scoreboard. Prove the mandate of the people beyond any shadow of a doubt. Pray that BooMan’s predictions of the Great Realignment are true, and that everything breaks Obama’s way in a blue tsunami that utterly crushes and drowns the GOP.
Because the alternative is going to be five of nine old people deciding that everything we did in the last twelve months didn’t matter and that millions of our votes didn’t count.
Once more into the breach, dear friends. We have a job to do. We have to fight over the next two days to make sure this is won Tuesday.
Because the GOP is planning to start the real fight on Wednesday.
That thought goes with their sleazy, slime of a campaign. Running on an empty tank…or aiming to incite riots…and it won’t be all of one color.
that threat to sue will have the same outcome as the frivolous lawsuit claiming Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen….and the same outcome as in 2000. It’s our turn to call them sore losers. The Supremes won’t want a second burn ….they can’t be proud of their gig in 2000 –
interventionusurping the Constitution.The RNC has money for lawyers…and designer clothes for Palin; perhaps they should’ve deployed that money on the ground game…keep some offices open.
I think the critical mass, the tipping point has been reached.
I’m off to the Obama rally here in Cincy tonight at U of C’s football stadium. Expecting to see a lot of college students there…but I’m expecting to see a lot of folks from the tri-state there too.
I don’t honestly know what kinda shot Obama has in Kentucky, but Ohio and Indiana he can take and he knows he can help get rid of Mitch McConnell. It could go either way.
Anyway, off to the rally.
will you share the moment?
Here’s a must read tale from NC: A conservative Republican does GOTV for Obama:
Know Hope.
This is a great story.
Back from the rally, and it was amazing.
I don’t know how many people were there but most of the stadium was full and the field level was full of people standing, local news call it at 27,000 and it was at least that if not 30k.
The podium was set up in the end zone. Cincy Mayor Mark Mallory was there, as was Ohio Governor Strickland. I had a cance to talk to some folks from nearby Hamilton Ohio, as well as a Arvin Meritor worker from my neck of KY, young white guy there with his wife. The man told me flat out he drove up here because he believes McSame is going to cost him his job. He has time to vote, turns out his hours have been cut to 3-4 days a week.
Obama himself was a very impressive public speaker. He’s been to Cincy a couple of times actually, because the Obama folks believe Hamilton County could decide Ohio this year. I believe it.
They’re going to vote on Tuesday. The guy, Brian, told me he had never voted before. He never cared enough to do so. Now he does.
It’s going to be amazing.
If my brothers in NC, one 27 and already cynical, one 32 and married for a year, neither one active in politics, neither one has bothered to vote fbefore either, just like Brian.
They are both for Obama. Hell, one of them stood in line for 4 hours to vote early.
We gotta run up the score, folks.
On Tuesday, an estimated 5,000 lawyers and law students supporting Obama will fan out across Florida to monitor polling sites and assist voters, especially in minority, elderly and heavily Democratic precincts. The volunteers supporting Obama will be wearing baseball caps tinted Democratic blue.
Guardian: US election – Lawyers arrive in Florida
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
But Kerry did. Had a huge war chest of money and lawyers, and he laid flat and let the Media and the Neocons run over him like a plastic bag on the road.
Do I have any faith in the Democratic Party to push fiercely for proper reconcilliation of a contested election? NO. Their track record is dismal and cowering.
I hear “this time it will be different . . .” but I have every reason to be 100% skeptical. Will mister nice guy Obama who shuns conflict enter into the greatest conflict in his life when the Reps go ballistic at midnight November 5th? This is the lack of fighting spirit many of Obama’s detractors on the Left have been concerned with. He hasn’t shown he’s a fighter, and we’ve been worried about that from the beginning of his ascendancy. Nov 5th is the real contest, now that the game of the presidential elections was changed and brought into a new dimension with Bush v. Gore in 2000. It’s the power structure’s private election/selection process, taking away even more legitimacy from the American people’s voting power.
It goes like this: 1. Primary season — 21 months of spend spend spend on Media buys and campaign consultants + 2. Post-convention spending spending spending on Media buys and consultants for 3 months + 3. Post Election Day spending spending spending on lawyers and pundits and consultants = final purchase of the Presidency.
The third section is a private concern, using our courts, paid by our taxes, to adjudicate the Upper Classes’ bitter fight over who’s next going to copiously steal from the Treasury.
Welcome To America. It’s Not a Democracy.
Obama may be ‘mr. nice guy’ but he didn’t get to this point in the election by being a pushover or wanting to avoid conflict. I can only go by my own personal experience…people have told me most of my life I’m ‘too easy going’ only to find out when something that is really important that they hugely undersestimated me. Being quiet and softspoken doesn’t mean pushover and doesn’t mean I haven’t fought hard for something I believe in.
On the other hand I think McCain will fold like an empty suit once the election is over and he loses…I think he’s too lazy to follow through and fight. The party may make trouble but I don’t see McCain himself doing any fighting.
In regards to challenging the election results:
I wonder, will McCain concede all these legal challenges in a manner similar to Kerry? McCain has been doing the bidding of Rove/Cheney and their advisers throughout the campaign, and he might just go “maverick” on them once he loses the race and implements the lawyers/court route to facilitate the stealing of the election again.
McCain can say “stop.” He can’t be drowned out by his advisers, they are not the candidate. He has the legitimate right to stop the madness in the courts just as Kerry did. McCain is an old man, he’s fighting for his life, and the thought of another 2 months of disruptive fighting might push him over the edge to a sense of resignation — that Obama won fair and square. I don’t think McCain is an evil person at heart like Cheney and Rove and the Scheuneman/Black axis behind him. He’s been pushed to not be John McCain, and he may break the mold after Nov 4th.
He is by all accounts a complete asshole with delusions of grandeur.
But the Washington press corps used to attend barbecues at one of his wife’s homes, so he’s an honorable guy.
That can be said of millions of people. But psychologically, he’s a cracker, and could bolt. Who knows? Maybe the Neocons have a McCain-bot they’ve prepared to take John’s place once he goes ballistic? Oh, that’d be Palin.
Time to start nail-biting.
Once the voting is done, there is little that the Republicans can realistically do however. They can file suits, but the votes are already done, and all mixed together. The only thing they could do is try and force a re-vote after dumping tons of Democrats, and I don’t see this happening.
So the Republicans will beat their chests and complain, but they won’t really be able to change much. I suspect they will use this to try and build a narrative that the election was “stolen” or some such. That’s where I suspect this is really heading.
But Zandar is right — the Reps control the courts.
Of course, remember, contested presidential elections are supposed to be decided in the House of Representatives, but since we through out the Constitution sometime during the Clinton-Bush transition, it seems we’ve been socialized to think it will go to the Supremes.
Bad. Wrong.
But lower courts? That’s the purvey of the Reagan/Bush/Republican Revolution.
They would have to find a reason to actually do anything. They would have to prove that there were tons of illegal votes – one or two won’t do it. And they have to be real illegal votes and not someone who has their name misspelled on their voter registration card.
and further tainting of the electoral process.
I think Davis’ Faux stuff was just another attempt to scare away new voters. Suing in every jurisdiction to prove the unprovable strikes me as pretty unlikely. I’d much more expect them to send in the army and declare a national emergency.
I don’t think the sour grapes with Obama will be that strong, strong enough to declare martial law. Obama is so pro-military, pro- War Department spending, so pro-Israel, that I don’t think they’ll go too far. They will try to get McCain/Palin in via their court buddies, disrupt the nation once again, but Obama will give them plenty of what they want, the $$ and power the Treasury provides. Hell, the Treasury is flushing $1T their way now, with yet another huge increase in “defense spending” in September. If there was a real progressive elected, then we’d see martial law.
Not that I’m naive about this. I have always thought, from the moment I heard that Bush and Cheney were running together, that they might steal the government away with martial law by 2008. Obama now gives them what they want most – military power and free Treasury handouts.
If the hard work bears the fruits of Democracy those that win their office had better be prepared for communities across the land standing up and demanding the very best representation.
And with Obama’s network in place I wouldn’t want to be a Rep dinasaur on the receiving end of the email list Obama’s campaign holds.
All I can say is, “Bring it on!” Obama doesn’t do “cower!” We’re ready for em’!
frankly, l think it’s bluster on their part, idle threats. where are they going to get the money? they’re bankrupt, financially and morally…but like they say
clik to enlarge
this one’s going to be loud and clear, imo.
We’ll see. Watch PA, GA, NC, and VA.
Particularly VA and PA. If they are both still too close to call by 9 PM, something is up.