“I was working for Ronald Reagan in 1980 when he trounced Jimmy Carter and Republicans swept to 12 pick-ups in the Senate and 33 in the House. Reagan was much more respected — and effective — in working with Congress because of that thumping victory.”- David Gergen
As Sarah Palin would say, “You Betcha!” I have been arguing all year that this election would break late one way or the other (most likely to the Democrats) and that this would not be another close red/blue election. I’ve also been arguing that the whole culture of Washington as we have known it since the 1980 election (and, especialy, the 1994 midterms), will change if Obama is swept into office in a realigning election.
All those assumptions about how this is a fundamentally conservative, center-right nation? Out the window. But don’t get too excited. Even a center-left American political culture is miles to the right of the Left in Canada or Europe. Our center-left is closer to their center-right. But, it’s progress. And we’re progressives, right? That means we’re winning for a change. And winners don’t have to apologize for who they are. Winners can point at the other guys and turn up their nose and say, “they’re conservatives.” And everyone will know why that’s a bad thing to be.
We have a chance tomorrow to do what we failed to do in 2004. And that is to tell the world that America is better than George Bush, Tom DeLay, and Bill Frist. We can be a good neighbor. We can be good partners. And we can be good leaders. If this election goes well, we’ll have the foundation for a new Democratic majority for a generation or more. We’ll be on offense again.
Do you remember what it looked like to be on offense? It’s been 40 years.
Ooh, yeah! Can you feel it?
easy, cowboy.
and amen.
Hey, I’ve been one of the most bullish, optimistic people around all year. You think I’m going change my ways tonight?
no doubt: no.
happy tomorrow!
Dixville Notch, NH:
Voted at midnght
McCain 6
Obama 15
Bring on the landslide
it is so important that Obama wins. Our reputation has been ruined. It is time to at least start to sort this out and signal we as Americans want to be part of the world community.
This may not be something crucial at home but to those abroad it is important.
Oh shit, that photo rocks. Here comes the cavalry, yall.
Here is some sick music for you.
Pardon me, my mistake. I should have said “Here comes the goddamn cavalry, mothafucka!”
At the four minute mark, you will hear one of the top ten Jerry Garcia lead breaks of all time. Trust me. Garcia was great, but when you talk about best lead breaks in his career, you are talking something almost as special as the election of Barack Obama.
Sweet. 🙂
Oh, but you probably want his best lead break ever, don’t you. Wait until the end.
Yeah, I’m kind of a sucker for a big statement.
that’s pretty sweet, thanks.
that picture..again..history short changed..not this time..
I love the way that the graphics keep forming big Os.. O for Obama!!!!
Oh, can I ever feel it. I’m just barely too young to vote this time around, but I’m freaking out any way. I can’t focus on anything but tomorrow. GOTV!
Here, here.
They musta wrecked that Chrysler, and Chrysler has enough troubles.
Booman, if you like guitar you might enjoy checking out some of the European Gypsy players. Here’s Angelo Debarre, Bireli LaGrene and Stochelo Rosenberg live in concert. I spent a month in France in 2007 listening to this stuff. Hot…
Obama’s in the lead! He just won Dixville Notch, NH!!
Harts Location too;
Obama 17
McCain 10
(in the primary the democrats only got 13 total votes, and the republicans got 16)
Current results from New Hampshire;
Obama 32
McCain 16
Real History Lisa’s diary – Obama wins the first contest – Dixville, NH
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I know this is totally off topic, but I just wanted to check back in about the RSS formatting. I know you said you would look into it, but I didn’t know if you had a chance yet. I am aware that you might have other priorities at the moment; the election is probably taking up most of your time. But just in case you had looked at the RSS problem, I wanted to let you know that all BooTrib posts still show up as single giant blocks of text. No paragraphs, no indents, no formatting at all and no images. All my other political blog RSS feeds format properly, so the problem isn’t on my end.
Of course, having difficult to read RSS feeds could be considered a smart strategy (or is it a tactic) to get people to navigate to the site. Some sites only give headlines in their RSS feeds, and some only give a short intro in order to get people to click through to the full article and so they can collect their advertising fees. Then there are also a couple of RSS feeds that include banner ads so that the site doesn’t miss out on advertising revenues when people view the RSS feed instead of navigating to the site. But that is highly annoying, so please don’t do that.
Still, I used to hang out here a lot and comment all the time. I don’t really do that anymore, and a big reason is that I use the RSS feeds to amalgamate articles from all the sites I visit instead of visiting each site individually. Much more efficient, but also more passive.
I am ready.
I am so tired of the Shit Republicans.