Looking back over American history, obviously some elections were more important than others. Here is your chance to play soothsayer: How important will this election be seen to have been by historians 500 years from now? Take the poll, and feel free to leave a comment explaining your position.
Note: “Important” doesn’t mean that you agree with everything a given president did, just how much influence they had on the nation’s history. Thus the appearance of Reagan and Nixon on the poll…
And again, the question isn’t how you feel today; it’s how you think historians will remember this election in 2508… and the comments are your chance to explain why.
Do people still do the tip jar thing? Or is that soooo 2007?
Of course, in 2508, McSame will be making his 10th attempt at the presidency.
Obama may be our Gorbychev.
At least that is the hope. He will be respected.
But in five hundred years history will have moved on. The last decades of the US may not be of foremost significance.