“A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it.”- Frederick Douglass
Exit polls are coming in…
Please add interesting news links in the comments.
Dang! They announced exit polls and then cut to a commercial….
LONG line when I went to vote today. I waited until about 9:30am, thinking people would be at work. Wrong! There were about 50 people ahead of me in line at my precinct, and another 50 in line for the other precinct sharing the location. But it all went smoothly. And I’m grateful we have this “ink-a-vote” system in Los Angeles. It’s like punchcards, but you “punch” a nice dark dot of ink. I always check the paper after to make sure I marked the right holes. Looked good. They scan them at the precinct to check for under- and overvotes. But I was good.
I’ve been up since 3:30am, and will likely be up to close to that time. I was hoping to take a nap about now, but now, we’re going to get data, so I dare not..!
The campaign is hosting a big blowout party at the Century Plaza Hotel, commonly called “White House West” because a lot of presidents have stayed there. A fitting place, I daresay.
I phonebanked OH and VA this morning. Will call some more in a few hours. Trying to get the only rest I’ll get all day for the next few hours…!
Commercial is over…
Woohoo! 62% said the economy is their biggest concern!!!
Los Angeles County – just saw that 43% of all registered voters voted by 1pm today. wow!!
Looks like Iran’s regime will be changing in a year too?
The Iranian hardline has a loser as it’s champion.
That bodes well for Obama’s open diplomacy, regardless of it’s merits.
If McCain wins, perhaps the hardline stays in Iran because of his war mongering rhetoric, and perhaps we have war.
God I hope Obama wins.
Time to vote.
Since the economy is such an important election issue, it’s interesting that the plug-in electric Chevy Volt, the car that is supposed to save GM, will cost as much as $40,000.00! Not exactly competition for the Prius at that level, and beyond the reach of most consumers. Bye bye GM.
Lots of SUV’s and pickups on the road again. If it’s bye-bye GM, it’s because nobody can get a loan. Sparrows building a nest in the downspout.
hello honda insight hybrid at about 1/2 the price…a no brainer.
Perhaps GM is counting on large gov’t subsidies and tax breaks to buyers to make the Volt affordable. There is precedent for such things. And an Obama administration may make it even more likely.
We just need a government that has its priorities straight. I used to live next to a Roebeks Juice franchise owner. He needed a company car, and any small vehicle would have been just fine. Instead, he bought a Hummer because the Gov’t gave him a $100K tax rebate for buying a car over 6000 pounds. The rebate was supposed to help businesses that need vans or delivery trucks, but instead it encouraged every business to buy giant vehicles wether they needed them or not.
Obama should turn this rebate around and give the big money to companies and individuals buying high MPG vehicles. After all, not all hybrids are created equal (see the coming Escalade and Tahoe hybrids). And some non-hybrids get great mileage (See the VW Golf TDI).
Also, GM never sold the EV1, they just leased it. Maybe that is the plan with the Volt. So I wouldn’t pass judgement just yet.
Hey mrboma, nice to see you. Obama did say that he would give rebates for buying hybrid or fuel efficient cars to make sure we get more of them on the road.
Would this have made a difference?
Source (click on ‘News’ link).
Hah! It would be 90% Obama 10% McCain.
McCain would never have even been on the ticket if he was black.
It will be a cold day in Republican hell before they put a black man up as their head guy.
At one point there was talk of a black woman, Condeleeza Rice.
True, but only for Veep, IIRC.
Maybe it’s the hair, but that white Obama looks a bit like Ahnold Schwarzenegger.
Disregard the garbage you hear about “not trusting” them. It’s horseshit. Kerry had the election stolen from him in ’04; the exit polls were right on the fucking money back then. It was the frickin’ votes that were wrong.
If it happens again–a republican win, that is–it’s a LIE. There is NO WAY that Obama loses this election except via vote fraud. And by that I mean computer hacking.
I just hope to GOD that if it does happen Obama stands up for us.
Watch those exit polls. Post ’em if you got ’em.
Allegedly from a Democratic source, sent to a local Obama list.
BIG CAVEAT – younger people are more likely to answer exit polls than older people.
Original source for the above is this HuffPost piece:
will be HERE as they come in.
it was pretty current last time, and during the primaries.
Norah O’Donnell reports that a republican spokesman in NC describes turnout as an obama tsunami….that will likely sweep Dole out of office!!!
One of my republican friends asked his republican friends who they were voting for. They all said Obama, because of the Palin pick. They felt that showed really bad judgment on McCain’s part.
A long time GOP colleague of mine, who actually worked on Agnew’s staff early in his career and have voted GOP ever since told me the same thing. He voted Dem for the first time in his life because of Palin.
8 (Kentucky) electors to 3 (Vermont).
Now it’s 16 to 3! Oh no!!!!!!
current msnbc summary: obama 103, mcstain 34
add 77 to that…for cal, oregon, wash and hawaii…per tpm’s election central…and he’s well on the way to a blow-out l’d say, tho ymmv.
He just said that turnout in VA was almost 80%.
Watching a bit of FNC, they are in mourning and totally dead with energy.
They are reduced to sharing cookies Rove brought them and talking repeatedly about all the cool technology they have that, if they would only use it, shows O kicking their butt