To all the pundits with their warnings about the Dems getting out of control since Obama won, right wing bloggers with their anger and and hand wringing, hate talk radio with all their warnings of Doom! and racist bullshit, and the Karl Rove acolytes at Fox News with their complete cluelessness, I have only this to say:
Frankly my dears, I don’t give a damn.
So ends the
Thousand Year Reich…. errr, Permanent Republican Majority.May its authors get their just desserts.
I can easily imagine Obama whipsawing Congressional Repubs about their opposition by simply saying “We tried it your way. It failed. Now get on board or get out.”
I wish.
I spent a few minutes this morning flipping the channels to see what was being said, and started with Fox. They were just bringing O’Reilly on the air to make comments about the MN Senate race. His opening comment was an invective that he couldn’t understand why any American would vote for Franken, because (paraphrasing) Franken is one of the worst and most hateful people. As the Fox group gave clucking sounds of approval, I flipped the channel. I returned a bit later to hear Rove attempting to minimize Obama’s victory with his The Math stats about how Obama “was just a couple of points better than Kerry” here and there. And his cohorts clucked their approval. Flip that channel.
Any conservative going to Fox News to understand what happened is going to be terribly misinformed. To that, I say, “Great!” Comments like those made by Rove and O’Reilly will help maintain Republicans in a permanent minority status, and leave Fox in its position as a refuge for the embittered.
On the local front, Florida GOP leaders claim that they were the victims of the economy, and that McCain couldn’t have done anything better. I hope that they keep thinking that way because then they’ll be far less likely to acknowledge and fix their internal and candidate problems.
And now the president-elect’s middle name can be spoken loudly and clearly for everyone to hear: HUSSEIN. It’s on the front page of the NY Times today: for the first time? Damn it, maybe nothing bothered me more about this election than the deceit and incendiary bigotry about the man’s name, that is, his father’s background.
Considering all of the “celebrabrating” going on last night, I wonder how big the baby boom will be between August 4th and August 11th 2009…
The Obamaboomers?
I hope my fellow Democrats/liberals/progressives take a cue from Obama, and not rub the noses of the other side in their defeat.
This is a remarkable moment with an opportunity for us to forge a new future together. Let’s give the Republicans and conservatives the benefit of the doubt initially. Let’s forgive the past and move forward together. If new crimes are committed, let’s deal with them then. Let’s not presume awfulness right off the bat.
The ground just shifted under their feet. The majority is suddenly the minority. Show them a little compassion. Show them how it should be done.
While we don’t need to rub their faces in it, when it cmes to governing we should give them as much consideration as the average driver gives to curbs – boundries to be aware of, respected and avoided. Their input on policy and legislation is neither required or desired…
When I heard Howard Fineman last night going on and on about how he had to talked with Obama people and that they were planning to staff their incoming administration with a diverse range of non-retread Democrats, assorted minorities and quite a few Republicans my red warning flags shot right to the top of the flagpole. Sure, there are some Republicans he should have discussions with. They are, of course, still a part of the governing body. And there might even be one or two he would appoint to certain positions. But they are the damn party that drove us into this ditch. I hope they are very, very studious about who they put in any position of probable influence. These people have proven dangerous to this country’s interests and health. Don’t give them too much of anything to screw up again.
BREAKING NEWS: AP called The Minnesota Senate race prematurely.
Mandatory recount
It’s looking good. We get a second chance to pick up another Senate seat:
Georgia Senate race runoff expected
Today and forward we enjoy Obama’s sweet victory.
But you don’t want to miss this left over – a morsel from the McCain camp.
Recall how we read tension was high between Palin and McCain?
That Palin keeps giving
This from NEWSWEEK on the Palin shopping spree that perhaps led to a veto last evening?: a Laura Rozen link
Newsweek will sell well
UPDATE: Discussing Palin’s future….Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC just has some more on this NEWSWEEK Palin article, embargoed until after the election:
(Paraphrased) Schmidt and Salter went to Palin’s room to brief her. She entered the room from the bath wearing just a towel…told them to talk with her husband Todd, she’ll be right back.
She needed clothes, huh? WOW….. leaves one breathless.
I was at the White House last night celebrating with thousands of jovial people. The makeup was our base: young, old, black, white, and people of all color. We were singing Obama songs, dancing, cheering, chanting America, and waving our flag. Cars honked “Yes We can” and it was a massive non violent display of emotion that proves the only angry ones reside on the right.
Our next first lady’s comment was premature because I have never felt more proud of my country until last night in DC.
Frankly my dears, I don’t give a damn.
And may I add, “Suck. On. This.”
When Martin Luther King, Jr said “And he allowed me to go up to the mountaintop. And I looked over….”
Well maybe, just maybe we saw last night what MLK saw a long time ago. Something has changed in American, yesterday, for the better.
Michelle had it right. For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.
My daughter said nearly the same thing. For her it was for the first time in her life, but she’s only 13.
I think there are many, many people feeling that way today. 🙂