Obama’s team (as efficient as ever) has put up a new transition website at Change.gov. Go check out their policies and plans.
I’m still reading through it, and only one thing really annoys me so far: Agricuture and food issues are hidden away under the heading of “rural”. A inner-city single parent is unlikely to click on “Rural” as a concern, even though her child depends on the hot lunch program in school. We all eat, not just “rural” people.
What suggestions are you going to send in?
Obviously, agriculture is a hot button issue with me. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are in the pocket of agribusiness (the specific reason I voted against Hillary) with few exceptions. Since Obama has said that he is going to reach across the aisle, I sent in my suggestion for Dick Lugar as SecAg. If you care about Ag, do a search on “fresh act” to get some idea of Lugar’s views. Obama has worked with him, and they are friends. I know lots of people are trying to be strategic in their across the aisle choices in the hopes of picking up more Senate seats, but in this case, I believe he is the best person for the job.
Thanks for drawing attention to the new site – very interesting – I also found the linked GSA transition directory quite interesting – but then I’m a bureaucrat!