You have to teach small children big words like “assassinate” because they don’t learn them on their own:

Madison County, Idaho was once dubbed “the reddest place in America” by Salon, but that didn’t make it any less shocking when elementary school children started chanting “assassinate Obama” on the school bus.

Matthew Whoolery told KIKD News he found out about the chanting from his second and third graders, who had no idea what the word “assassinate” meant.

“They just hadn’t heard anything like this before,” Whoolery stated. “I think the thing that struck us was just like, ‘Where did they get the word and why would they put that word and that person together?'”

Well, we know where they got it. Assassinate wasn’t on these kids spelling lists, I can assure you of that. One or more of their parents taught one or more of these kids that chant and they passed it along to their friends on the bus. I’m sure it must have seemed hilarious to those right wing adults to hear such ugly, murderous invective come out of the mouths of little children. Because, of course, the rationale, as it always is, when conservatives use eliminationist language toward liberals or minorities is that “it’s just a joke.” As if calling for the political assassination of the President of the United States is funny. Well, I guess Ann Coulter got away with it in a best selling book, so why not a bunch of kids on a school bus in Idaho?

Thank you Man of Honor, John McCain, and you too, Sarah Palin, Camille Paglia’s favoritest jazz riffing Hockey Mom, for stirring up the racist stew o’ hatred and bigotry. This is on your heads. I don’t recall in my lifetime any story of small children on a bus chanting anything nearly so heinous. Adults yes, but children . . . ? This is beyond sickening.

I’m grateful that the majority of McCain’s supporters don’t feel this way, but all it takes is a small dedicated minority to threaten anarchy and mayhem in a society. Just ask Timothy McVeigh.