It must be fun to be a sourpuss:
The other day, I was at a drugstore and the clerk was talking to what looked like a Baby Boomer who was discussing how he voted for Obama. They both scoffed that not many in Tennessee voted for him, “what do you expect?” said the older guy, “this is Tennessee we’re talking about.” They both chuckled in agreement. I looked at the clerk and said in a loud voice, “So what you’re saying is those of us here in Tennessee who voted for McCain are rednecks, is that right?!!!!” There were several people milling around in line at this point and the clerk turned red and stammered, “No, ma’am,” and went on to give some lame explanation about what he meant. But I knew I had him. He was visibly shaken and I hope the next time he decides to diss Tennesseans while at work, he’ll think twice.
Palinists are rednecks, but they don’t necessarily live in Tennessee. Some of them live in Pennsylvania. Others are from Wasilla.
Well, Tennesseans are rednecks. I’m sorry, but even in the liberal areas, where all the black folks live, Tennessee is a definite redneck state.
I don’t quite get the “Wasilla redneck” thing, unless redneck simply refers to all poor whites in rural areas now. Rednecks are supposed to be from the rural South. Wasilla — and, granted, I’ve never had the “privilege” of visiting — sounds more like an inbred stepchild of rural Wisconsin or Minnesota. Rednecks don’t like hockey (sorry, Levi). Hockey is for Canadian and Yankees with anger-management issues. Rednecks like football. And they shoot deer and birds, not wolves. And they don’t do it out in the open from airplanes.
Rural Pennsylvania? Redneck. Alaska? Just…no.
And, by the way, someone’s going to have to explain to me the Pennsylvanians living N of Pittsburgh with the Confederate flags who voted for Obama. That’s too much crazy for me to make sense of it.
Well, Tennesseans are rednecks. I’m sorry, but even in the liberal areas, where all the black folks live, Tennessee is a definite redneck state.
Wow Drew, you’re the first person I’ve met who knows everybody in my home state. You do get around. That’s impressive.
So I’m a redneck with my Master’s in math, loathing of football, music collection that spans everything from Mozart to Miles but surprisingly enough has no Toby Keith or Lee Greenwood and a cellar full of French wines. I don’t own a gun and never have, am an atheist and have identified for the last four decades as a Democratic Socialist. But I was born in Tennessee and have spent all but 10 of my 60 years living in the South. So by geographical default, I’m a redneck. The rest of your post shows what an anthropological expert you are, so you must be right.
Attitudes like yours are one of the reasons it’s going to be so difficult to turn red states blue. Don’t know where you are from, but please stay there.
will be swayed if theY benefit from the new New Deal:
He’s got some huge problems to solve. But it’s also an opportunity to make some huge changes.
People like “sourpuss redneck” are just snobs. They like looking down on people and hallucinate that the rest of the world is dominated by welfare brats, hos and pimps. Something that actually increases equality is an anathma to them.
I always had the best luck dissuading people from Palin when I pointed out how snobby she was.
I love it when her male compatriot Ted Nugent and Joe the Liar pipe off.
They also think that bullying others is cool.
You want to feature these people in blog posts as much as possible.
I’d love it if a few others here would read Conservatives Without Conscience, this is a substitute read:
You’ve hit on something, Stray Roots. With all due respect to our friend from Tennessee, there are areas of the country that can be accurately described as “red-neck” and that includes my state, Colorado. Of course, it hardly describes everyone — which hardly needs to added.
The term redneck evokes an image of a loud, opinionated bully, and it’s an accurate description. It’s a certain personality type rather than just an ideology. Some excerpts below provide us with a guide.
l’ll bet they’re luvin’ pfailin though, especially after her latest performance…sarah talks turkey. note: rude pundit caveats apply.
the future of the RATpublican party?
l don’t think so.
Gee, that blogger lost me right at the start by referring to “good advice from Ted Nugent”…
The correct answer should have been, “No, I know a lot of rednecks who voted for Obama. I’m saying that a whole lot of y’all who voted for McCain wouldn’t vote for a (n-word) if your life depended on it, and guess what? You life depends on it! I’m saying that a whole lot of you who voted for McCain, if you found out that Jesus was a (n-word), you’d start screaming ‘Allah Akbar!’ I’m saying that there’s a whole lot of ignorant people in Tennessee who still think that Saddam Hussein masterminded 9/11 and that it would be ignorant of the rest of us to think that y’all would actually vote for a (n-word). That’s what I’m saying. Who’s next?”
I’m tired of pusillanimous progressives – fight back!
I’m saying that a whole lot of you who voted for McCain, if you found out that Jesus was a (n-word), you’d start screaming ‘Allah Akbar!
OMG, no you didn’t! I almost spit dinner on the screen, that was so funny.
Us eastern, elitist, latte-drinking, Volvo-driving, America-hating socialists are enjoying the long overdue decline of the Republican party, and the sad fearmongering with which it attempts to effect “change”.
That lady is insulting us rednecks. There are a bunch of rednecks who voted for Obama–not the prissy churchy ones but rednecks nonetheless.
Funniest sight this election season. Old red pickup truck with confederate flag in rear window, gun rack, and an Obama 08 bumper sticker.
Thought to myself, must be one of the few union guys down here.
I have a suggestion for those that are attempting to defend those states that have large “redneck” populations. Applaud them and support them. They are the future! The will keep the Dems in power for DECADES.
Just look at the populations of the states that tend to be considered-redneck country. In general, they are the lowest populated state in this country.
We should encourage them. We should support the “loonies” that they listen to on the radio. We should even go so far as to donate to their local causes. Yup, they are our future.
Ya know how they quarantine areas that are diseased so that the disease won’t spread? Well?
Too harsh?
Lessee – “Dr Helen”, a 30-40-ish (judging by the picture on her blog page) psychologist, was in a drugstore & confronted the near-minimum-wage clerk about whether she was a redneck for voting for McCain.
Gee, wealthy Right-wing customer confronts poor Left-wing clerk – no power imbalance there.