One thing Stuart Rothenberg should do before he puts finger to keypad is ask himself how many lives have been lost (in a global sense) because of the United States government following the advice of punditheads on MSNBC. And then he should compare that number to the number of people that have lost their lives as the result of the U.S. government following the advice of the punditheads on FOX News (which probably is approaching one million souls).
There simply is no moral equivalence between Sean Hannity and Keith Olbermann. There is no equivalence between people that support unjustifiable violence and people who do not. There is no equivalence between Dick Morris and the staff of The Nation.
Civility is not destroyed by people that vociferously and vituperatively oppose torturing people that are in our custody and at our mercy. Civility is destroyed by those that call civil libertarians ‘traitors’ and tell us to move to Canada if we treasure habeas corpus more than our Dear Leader’s say-so.
Rothenberg does for wanking what James Brown did for funk. He defines it.
I guess that he left out Rush for lack of a left-leaning false equivalent.
You mean soon to be Senator Franken?
I sure hope so.
It’s funny. One of my brothers is about as left-leaning as I am, although he might be considered as more practical. And he told me over Thanksgiving Dinner that he wasn’t really comfortable with the idea of a Senator Franken. Part of it had to do with his associations with Franken in certain SNL skits. But it mainly had to do with the idea that he isn’t ‘senatorial material’. I pointed out that 75% of our senators are shitbags, and he didn’t disagree. He also didn’t change his opinion.
I think that my brother’s way of thinking is widespread enough in Minnesota that it just may cost Al a seat in the Senate.
It might have been better if he had lost the primary. Wasn’t it close?