Kathleen Sebelius will not be a part of Barack Obama’s cabinet. She has taken her name out of contention and intends to fill out the rest of her term as governor of Kansas. I admit that I’m happy to hear it, not because I don’t think Sebelius deserves to be in the cabinet, but because she is the only Democrat capable of winning Sam Brownback’s senate seat in 2010.

Ross Douthat thinks the anti-choice movement is popular and doesn’t hurt Republicans’ image. He should visit the Philly suburbs and test his hypothesis.

George Will is my Wanker of the Day. How do you waste a syndicated column arguing against a piece of legislation that no one is going to offer?

Freezer Cash Jefferson lost his reelection bid. His opponent will be the first Vietnamese-American to serve in Congress. He will serve for exactly two years. The Democrats also appear to have lost their effort to take over the 4th District’s seat, although the count is close and Carmouche has not conceded.

Here’s hoping the Giants smash the Eagles.