They’re Baaaaaaaaack!
I’ve always had a healthy respect for the Black Helicopter Brigades. We haven’t seen them around for a while. Not since the Clintons. They positively, absolutely loved to hate the Clintons. But with the election of one of ‘them’, George W. Bush, the greatest president ever, the compassionate conservative who restored dignity to the White House and spread American Christo-fascist freedom around the globe in a series of cakewalk wars, they went into hibernation or suspended animation or back into their natural state – grey gelatinous couch potato stasis, jerking off to Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter.
But now, they’re back and they got their mojo on to dethrone the Manchurian Muslim before he is able to take the oath of office and turn the keys of the kingdom over to the Muslim god, better known as Satan.
And after years of bitter-sweet calm they’re back with their paranoid fantasies, delusions of grandeur and pit-bull frothing about the end of the world.
Now to be fair, the Black Helicopter Brigades aren’t always wrong. The Reagan/Bush regime did run guns and drugs in and out of Mena, Arkansas to fight them pesky communist pedophile Sandinistas. Where it gets murky is accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of personally murdering hundreds of folks to keep their Satan-worshipping, baby-killing, coke-tooting, Web Hubbell sex orgies from the prying eyes of their bible-belted redneck constituency.
And there are Halliburton built FEMA concentration camps in our homeland to house the millions of disgruntled unemployed slackers who lose their jobs in the coming Great Depression 2. (Can you say Hal Lindsay? I knew that you could.) There just might not be the unmarked New World Order railroad cars filled with shackles and chains to ferry all us would-be impoverished god-fisting rabble rousers to the forced labor camps where we will finally have jobs manufacturing rubber bullets and Tasers.
And The Great Unitary Executive (can you say Dictator? I knew that you could.) did toss Habeas Corpus off the sinking ship like so much bilge water, but we don’t need no stinking blue and white U.N. troops patrolling our streets in a surrender of sovereignty to Illuminati Banksters. Hell no, we’ve got good old American Troops positioned in our cites to save us from ourselves and if they can’t do the job we’ve always got the rabid dogs of Blackwater U.S.A. to help out if the troops don’t have the guts to kill their fellow citizens. The Blackwater dudes don’t care who they kill as long as they get paid on time like any good mercenary force.
And Timothy McVeigh was part of a conspiracy and Ruby Ridge and Waco were murder by government. There is no law which says you have to pay tax on your income. The Federal Reserve is a private central banking concern which took monetary policy and the power of the currency out of the hands of the people. War is a racket.
The Black Helicopter Brigades have their hearts in the right place even if their collective head isn’t screwed on tight. Even if they tend to play follow the leader of hate-mongers like Limbaugh and Savage and the aforementioned twit, Hannity.
But now? In their fear of the black man; their fear of Muslims; their fear of invading hordes of “Mexicans”; their fear of sharing breadlines with godless liberals, homosexuals and feminists; their fear of anything outside their self-reinforcing cult of hard-right America, they have drunk the Kool Aid and embraced the crazy and grasped their only straw of hope.
Obama is not African-American. He is merely African. Born there and educated in the terrorist Madrassas and put in a sleeper cell until such time he wins the presidency and turns America Muslim.
I kid you not. Let me relate this story to you. It is absolutely true.
A friend of mine has an acquaintance. He is a retired pilot from a major U.S. airline. He is a Republican. The old pilot said to my friend, “I bet you’re happy Hussein Obama is President now.”
My friend said, “As a matter of fact, I am.”
To which my friend’s acquaintance replied, “Mark my words: One year from now, America will be a Muslim country.”
This is from an educated professional. Think how the Black Helicopter Brigades are already on high alert looking for anything, grasping at any straw of gossip or conspiracy theory to stop American Democracy from having a chance to make the changes necessary to save this nation from the ravages of greed, gluttony and addiction to the Jonestown Kool Aid of unregulated, neo-liberal “free market” capitalism, the hubris induced militarism of American Exceptionalism and the bald-faced evil perpetrated by the true-believers of Neo-conservative totalitarianism.
Sometimes kooks say things which have a whiff of truth. Just because nobody believed Cassandra doesn’t mean she didn’t know what was what.
But this – this fake birth certificate thing is just pathetic.
There are two kinds of societies. Free societies and fear societies.
For generations – from McCarthy to Helms to Gingrich to Palin (not to mention the biggest fear-mongers of them all – Bush/Cheney) – Republicans have tried, and to a large extent succeeded, in establishing a fear-based society. This is obvious and beyond debate. We are supposed to fear the “other” instead of understand and embrace him. “Diversity” is a dirty word like “liberal.” Name calling and labeling has replaced a quest for common ground and mutual respect.
What do the fear-mongers fear? What keeps them up at night?
Fear enslaves and freedom, well, it goes without saying.
The election of Barack Obama, centrist though he is from this leftist’s POV, is about much more than politics. It is about our national state of mind. Who do we want to be when we grow up?
Do we want to continue down the path and codify a society based upon the fear of death and loathing of the ‘other’?
Or do we want to open the door to the fresh air of freedom where we withhold moral judgment of cultural differences; where we do not demonize fellow human beings who fight for their freedom as our forbearers fought for ours and as we will have to fight again in our lifetimes if the concentrated power of the few does not yield to the inalienable rights of the many.
Henny Pennys are good because they make us look up to see for ourselves if the sky is falling. And they can gather others of their ilk to follow them. But that doesn’t mean we should. Because it is plain to see the sky is not falling; it is hysteria fueled by fear and ignorance which causes the Henny Pennys to run around the proverbial barnyard like chickens with their heads cut off.
Freedom takes eternal vigilance to keep. We reject the frightened infantile emotionalism of the Black Helicopter Brigades. And we approach our self-determination with common sense, reason and knowledge there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
We’re Americans. All of us. Especially Barack Hussein Obama.
As much time and effort as you put into the links you added, I could only stomach less than half of them before the bile rose in my throat, my jaw clenched and I wanted to give up on all of humanity.
I don’t know where you people get the fortitude to read these wingers. Yes, I know you have to watch them to see what they are doing, but dear God, it gives my hives and high blood pressure.
The essay itself, even without visiting the links is reasoned, inspirational and lucid.
Three things Americans desperately need more of.
(Preposition at the end. I know, I know. My fatal flaw. Fuck it, it sounds better that way sometimes.)
Oh, there are pieces of the sky falling, be certain, but it comes from above, rather than laterally, where they are looking. It comes from the kleptocracy trying to break us.
We knew there would be backlash. I only hope that the proof of a better existence, and bipartisanship is enough to quell it before they become a danger to themselves and others.
Well done.
Holy moley, I guess I’m a member of the BHB even if I personally don’t obsess over the particular color painted on certain flying devices.
Natan Sharansky? Really though? Oof. I find it a little rich to use him as the counterpoint to the BHB, esp since he’s stridently anti-Hamas, even a democratically elected Hamas government.
Nonetheless, as to your overarching point about “fear” societies, I don’t think any particular political party currently in the US has some kind of monopoly on that particular issue.
In fact, I’d tend to argue that “Crystallizing Public Opinion” to use the opus magnum on the topic is all about engineering political opinion primarily by manipulating fear.
Mark Twain wrote an excellent essay on the subject lo these many years ago called the War Prayer.
If you’re talking about the Dems or the Republicans, there’s lots to say that they’re both just faux-loyal-opposition to eachother, all in service to Corporate Profit, which nicely feeds on fear…