Author’s Note: Part 1 wouldn’t cross post here due to my heavy use of fonting. Follow the link below if you wish to read it.

In #1, I explained the Math of why Unions (read YOUR rights as a Worker) are a good thing.

Now, lets talk about “Why the Jobs went away” and disperse the clouds of disinformation about “Global Economies”. Lets talk about TRADE.

I am not an economist, in fact my eyes roll back in my head at the dry numbers and endless spin economists like to put on things.

I am however not STUPID, and can bring this down to a few simple truths.
Truth number one? The next statement is a lie.

“Things are different now, because we have to compete in a Global Economy.”

Things aren’t so different. From the 1st tribal peoples to the East India Trading Company, trade has rarely been confined within borders.

“Have to?” We don’t HAVE to do anything. We have CHOSEN to. Period.

Lets make it simple, how many of you even know the currency in Bolivia, let alone what a loaf of bread costs there? How about what you use and how much to pay for a pound of rice in Indonesia?

“Global Economy” is what the Owners of Megacorporations use as a code word for “Colonialism”.

“Colonialism” is code talk for coming into someone else’s backyard and taking their best shit. Otherwise known as Larceny.  Was that too big a word, America? Try THEFT.

The idea of “Hey, they grow great tomatoes, and we can’t, but we grow great corn and they can’t; lets swap” is not inherently evil.

So lets talk about what Fair Trade really is and is not.

If we can only sell China 10 cars and they can sell us 100, its not fair. Most of you get that part. I’ve heard you bitch about it. Why would our government, our Corporations have agreed to this in the first place?

IT WAS NEVER ABOUT FAIR TRADE IN THE FIRST PLACE. It was never really about trying to sell them our shit. We know they couldn’t afford it.





Lets see… if we only have to pay some grunt in Vietnam an American dollar a day, why pay our guys a hundred.

Lets see… if getting rid of toxic waste byproduct costs a thousand dollars here, and we can dump it there anywhere free, why not? Its not in OUR backyards.

Lets see… We just saved 1,099 dollars right there. No one will notice. The car still costs 50,000.

When we started noticing, they had to direct the blame elsewhere.

They babble a mile a minute about trading and trends, about how a “Global Economy” will bring workers elsewhere up to an equitable income, and they will become consumers of our shit.





The jobs went away so THEY could make more money. Period.

Trickle down never happens. The rich hoard their wealth, and have no intention of not making RECORD PROFITS, no matter where they have to move their businesses to.

This statement, if they ever spoke plainly, would be true.

“Unless you are a member of our Caste, which you will NEVER be, get used to the idea that in pursuit of our PROFITS, you are interchangeable with any third world person anywhere. You will work for us, at whatever we want you to, or we will find someone else who will. You can all eat grass for all we care. Stupid Cattle.”

The ONLY was to stop this permanent exploitation is to either close our borders, and make it illegal to sell anything made, even in PART, outside our borders in the US, or for workers WORLDWIDE to unite and refuse to make anything they cannot afford.


Think about it.

They have convinced you you are powerless. They have all the assets. They have all the riches.


They have paper, not goods. They have desks, not skills. They have fancy houses that are nothing but buildings we built on land that is permanent, owned only by the construct of said paper.

They have nothing without us.

We grow the food, build the skyscrapers, run their telephone companies, service their limos.



Who can own the land on which a man walks, the air that he breathes? It sounds like such a simplistic comment. It is not. It is truth.

They don’t you want to remember you are free men.

Trade? Is entirely dependent on us, so we must DEMAND Trade that is in our interests.

The only FAIR TRADE AGREEMENT for American Workers, and Workers Worldwide is that there MUST be a cap on how the Elite can profit from us, or the elites themselves have to be eliminated.

We are the wealth. They are just Paper Dolls.

That concludes Math Lesson Number Two.