Sometimes it is hard to remember that Nancy Pelosi is a former member of the Progressive Caucus and that she has progressive preferences even if she has to lead the entire House, not just those that agree with her on policy. But you can occasionally get a glimmer of her progressive feistiness, like when she stripped fellow-Californian Jane Harman of her Intelligence chair, or when she tacitly supported fellow-Californian Henry Waxman’s successful coup against John Dingell’s chair of Energy & Commerce. The Politico has a story up today that shows how Pelosi is staking out her turf with the Obama administration.

In talks with Emanuel and others, sources say, Pelosi has “set parameters” for what she wants from Barack Obama and his White House staff — no surprises, and no backdoor efforts to go around her and other Democratic leaders by cutting deals with moderate New Democrats or conservative Blue Dogs.

Specifically, Pelosi has told Emanuel that she wants to know when representatives of the incoming administration have any contact with her rank-and-file Democrats — and why, sources say…

…Pelosi “is not going to allow Obama to triangulate her,” said a Democratic source close to the leadership. “It’s not going to happen to her.”

Pelosi’s mantra, in a way, is “no surprises.” The speaker wants to be told when [Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid is communicating with the Blue Dogs or other factions with her caucus, and she expects the same from Obama when he arrives in the Oval Office, said Democratic sources.

I’d expect nothing less from a progressive speaker, but it’s good to see her being explicit about this. The Blue Dogs still wield considerable power in the House, but they don’t have the support of Pelosi or the raw numbers of the progressives. Obama will use Emanuel to get the votes he needs, using any coalition that is available. That’s fine. All Pelosi asks is to be informed.