With permission, bold, my editting:

As was previously stated, there is a very good possibility that the World War III option  is an attempt to control the Internet by eliminating  Net Neutrality and  online free speech. It appears that the boundaries set between countries through treaties are vanishing due to the  exponential dissemination of information through the Internet. This is in conflict with the wishes of the oligarchy who are  willing to do anything  to maintain control.

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The attack on the Internet is three-pronged, it involves  bandwidth throttling by ISP’s,  Internet censorship by governments, and the oligarchy trying to prevent  Network neutrality. Just a few examples of what is happening are:

   1. The Australian government is implementing plans for a no opt-out censored Internet.
   2. Britain’s de facto online censor, the Internet Watch Foundation, has been busy banning websites.
   3. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has allowed Bell to continue internet throttling. Unfortunately, this is just one of the issues facing Canadians. Harper’s Conservative Party have promised to re-introduce their version of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, in essence creating a Police State in Canada.
   4. “President-elect Barack Obama has spoken out in favor of Net Neutrality. But special interests in Washington are claiming to the press that Net Neutrality is a non-issue,” and
   5. “Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut is trying to pressure YouTube to pull down videos he does not like, and a recent Senate report and a bill pending in Congress also raise the specter of censorship,” which brings us to the YouTube boycott.

The following two videos discuss censorship on YouTube, and the campaign that is taking place on December 19 (all the way to Dec. 21 for some) to bring awareness of this issue to the general public.
