Progress Pond

The Right Wing Rings Out 2008

What deep thoughts and issues concern those indefatigable right wing bloggers as the year 2008 rapidly draws ever closer to its inevitable Dick Clark appearance tonight? Well, here’s a chance to find out, based on my own personal tour of wingnutosphereoplis. Much to see and wonder at, indeed there is:

Beginning with Instapundit, the grandfather of them all who reminds us that the real threat to America is the terrorist menance of Hugo Chavez!

Then there is Our Lady of the Pom Poms, Michelle Malkin who performs the valuable service of fingering the real villains who created our current economic crisis by robbing us all blind: The United Auto Workers!

And let’s not forget the good folks at Redstate who have their own predictions for the coming year, including, without limitation, a Russian invasion of Crimea (because who doesn’t want to relive the Crimean War), Iran unleashing its terrorist hordes against the West now that Obama is our President, and last but not least, how the “green revolution” will destroy our economy (or something like that; the whole “economy post” was rather, shall we say, structurally unsound, to say the least).

But enough of the bland mashed potatoes set. Now for some real Red Meat Wingnuts, starting with Pamela of the Atlas Shrugs, who can’t wait to tell you about all the nefarious things those rioting Muslims have been up to. So many I can’t choose just one story so if you are inclined just go there and select your own sampler plate from among all the Islamofascist horror stories available.

Meanwhile, Freeperville has some dietary advice for those of you planning a long life: eat donuts, peanut butter and cheese (just no French brie, for gawdsake!).

On a more serious note, Confederate Yankee has the Final Solution to Israel’s Gaza problem: ethnic cleansing! He’s sure that sending all 1.4 million Gazans to Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon would fix everything. Seriously.

As for everyone’s favorite white supremacist anorexic assassination promoter (and Christian!), Ann Coulter, details for us how she defeated Kwanzaa with nothing but her bare hands. Well that, and her liberal use of the word “Halfrican” to demean our soon to be President of these United States. Because what’s an Ann Coulter column without a few cheap shots at left wing traitors (i.e., anyone whose political views do not concur with hers in every particular)?

And now a last word from the Pillsbury Doughy Pantload himself, Jonah Goldberg who feels compelled to remind us all that the best way for 88 year old women to fend off a naked male intruder is to put the squeeze on his — ahem — privates. Why Jonah found this to be such a significant story that his personal commentary about it on the last day of 2008 at the NRO’s Corner was required, I’ll leave to your imagination.

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