I haven’t been watching Meet the Press much lately. I tuned in this morning to see how David Gregory is handling his new job. He had a round table at the end to discuss the situation in Gaza. What struck me was less what any of the guests had to say than the collective failure of imagination they displayed. They seem to understand that the invasion of Gaza is unhelpful to U.S. interests and they seem to agree that it will not end well for Israel. But they just can’t bring themselves to broach what those facts mean.
A more appropriate response would be to pound the table and ask ‘what the hell are they doing?” And it should occur to at least one Villager that by allowing the United States to become completely isolated on this invasion the administration and all our political leaders are increasing our security risks. If you make people want to kill you, sometimes they will kill you.
As I look at pictures of Obama playing golf while Gaza burns and I hear his “no comment,” I think…
This is Obama’s My Pet Goat Moment
well, I disagree. It really is impossible for Obama to publicly take a stand at odds with official U.S. policy at this point in time. It’s better for him to talk quietly to the Israelis behind the scenes. I expect that he is telling them that he wants this incursion wrapped up by the time he is sworn in. I wish he had been able to persuade Israel to have patience, but I suspect he prefers this to happen on Bush’s watch, if it is going to happen at all.
My Pet Goat Moment? He is not even sworn in as president yet. I am capable of criticizing Obama and I probably will over the Gaza issue but I will wait until Obama in in charge.
I am struck about the Village still being unable to call out Republican lies. Mitch McConnell was on ABC lying his ass off on too many things to document right now. George could never correct a simple McConnelll talking point that 41 GOP Senators does not equal representing half the American population.
On CNN, SC Gov Mark Sanford incorrectly blamed the whole financial mess on Fannie/Freddie and the government is the main problem. Sanford wants to give people checks again.
Blitzer never pointed out how wrong Sanford was in his answers or bring him up being forced to accept Federal money the other day or more South Carolina people were going to suffer.
This focus on a few million dollar “gotcha pork” projects amongst a trillion dollar plan of job creation is mind numbing. I do not remember the media focusing on wasteful military spending overseas but go after airport expansions and museums in the US.
I don’t watch MTP anymore. However, I wish that they would have Jeremy Ben-Ami on sometime to discuss the conflict in Gaza. He is the founder of J Street which supports a new direction for American policy in the Middle East – diplomatic solutions over military ones. I am tired of hearing the same old stuff about the I/P problem and think that new voices would be a welcome addition to the discussion.
An excellent point. The J Street project deserves a seat at the wanking table.
Which, of course, makes it a certainty that it will never get one.
PS Nothing against J Street – nice, left wing Zionists are for sure an improvement over AIPAC and the neocons, but what harm would there be to hear something now and then from an actual Palestinian?
I’d like to see someone who could – you know – talk about the Palestinians from the Palestinian point of view or – you know – say something actually accurate about Hamas – something that was based on actual knowledge and insight.
Prof. Hatem Bazian would be excellent on Palestine and the Palestinians. He’s a Palestinian and a professor of Middle East Studies in one of the best MES programs in the country. Helena Cobban would be a great one to talk about Hamas. She actually knows something about them, and she has actually interviewed the top leader, Khaled Mash`al, and the officials who were democratically elected two years ago.
The choice is far more complex than you suggest, Boo. It is US policy that Israel have impunity to do whatever it wants, and that the US will finance any atrocity deemed necessary to the “war on terror”. Pounding the table will make no difference except to spotlight even more brightly this country’s pathetic role as Israel’s little doggy.
To threaten Israel with any kind of sanction for its crimes would call into question the totality of US policy toward it. That would open the door to unthinkable revision of a basic American superstition and would not stand without an all-out open battle. Don’t look for the incoming administration or any other part of the power structure to venture there.
In the meantime the people who want to kill us may be nuts, but they’re not so stupid that a cosmetic demur against a particular outrage would lessen their motivation. They know where the money came from for those missles and that army.
Saudi King warned Bush an attack on US interests was coming if he did not address the Palestinian issue.
It’s in the first couple chapters of State of Denial.
What I’d like to know is when ‘Meet the Press’ became more about the ‘Press’ than any guest they have on. Been that way for a long long time and why I haven’t watched for years.
Russert would have someone on for his half hour then the second half became devoted to a bunch of ‘press’/wankers telling us what they thought that person said or whatever they wanted to pretend that person said. More like ‘Meet the Circle Jerks’.