This is so predictable, but it nevertheless is dispiriting, disheartening, discouraging, and plain dishonorable.
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Top Democrats are planning to introduce a non-binding congressional resolution supporting Israel’s goal in its Gaza Strip operation.
U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the U.S. House of Representatives majority leader, told JTA he was looking at such a resolution, which is being drafted in the office of Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
“Certainly it would not demand a cease-fire,” Hoyer said. “It would speak to the conditions that would justify a cease-fire. A cease-fire is not a just cease-fire when it’s just Israel” holding fire.
The best thing to do in a situation like this is to refrain from empty non-binding resolutions of any type. In this case, there is no other reason to do a resolution than to try to identify the ‘enemies of Israel’ and mark them for punishment. Many members will feel pressured to support Israel even though they object to what they are doing. Since there is nothing to be gained by opposing the resolution and much to be lost, it is assured that the vote tally will be nothing less than a distortion of the true opinion of the Congress.
This, then, creates the false impression that there us near unanimity of support for whatever it is that Israel wants to do. And let me frank about this…sending such a message does more to put Americans at risk than it does it protect Israelis.
Fail. Fail. Fail.
What upsets me about Berman doing this is that he does not seem to care that sending this message of support for blowing up UN schools/shelters provides people with an incentive to want to bomb our schools. And for what? What do we get out of it?
Moreover, what does shit like this have to do with the people in Hoyer’s district? Not a goddamned thing.
pretty much true.
considering over an eight year period 17 Israelis died from those home made rockets and let’s ignore the reasons why.
worth a repost:
and we will ask…..
any of those congresscritters expect the U.S.A will be considered an honest broker? At the U.N. we veto resolutions we view as one sided or too harsh a condemnation of Israel. So what do we do?
Israel, like its mentor and provider of various weaponry (USA), is also adept at killing and maiming children. Just look at Vietnam, Guatemala, Iraq before and after the blockade, Afghanistan and the record becomes eminently clear – Israel and the United States outdistance everyone in the modern world (and most nations in history) at killing kids. And both these monsters are into deep denial over the horror of their actions. For the welfare of the entire planet, maybe the economic meltdown of America can’t come soon enough.
Glad you qualified your statement with “modern world.” Parts of Africa must take the infamous prize for the slaughter of innocents.
In any case, the hypocrisy of both our citizenry and our government in this matter drives me wild and is deeply shameful.
Check out his AIPAC contributions. They own his ass.
But “empty non-binding resolutions” are so fluffy and cute.
Like children. When they aren’t being torn apart by bombs.
If a member of congress vote against it, does that mean he will loose the next election for sure? I mean how do Kucinich and Ron Paul always get reelected when they are quite critical of Israel, or at least America’s support for it? It seems that a few more congressmen could take a stand and get away with it. It is important, not just symbolic. If the lobby feels its grip is weaker, they will be more cautious about demands they make and that will reflect in Israeli policy.
no, many members are in safe districts. but few need the headache of opposing such a resolution and some might invite primary challengers.
Well it could be a test for the new congress…either you’re with us[zionists] or against us…
In an actual democracy controlled by an actual liberal party, AIPAC would be under investigation as an illegal arm of a foreign government.
Steny Hoyer is too conservative for me, and way too close to the electronic voting vendors. Can we PLEASE dump Hoyer and get a progressive in that seat????
You want to run and get crushed? Because that’s the calculus. The first step is a credible candidate who can live with being attacked by the entire establishment and possibly ending their political career with a loss.
Donna Edwards won with the entire establishment against her.
I think this is a great move by steny.
let’s send him to Gaza to deliver it personally!
“Since there is nothing to be gained by opposing the resolution and much to be lost, it is assured that the vote tally will be nothing less than a distortion of the true opinion of the Congress.”
Oh puh-LEAZZZE, Boo: everyone knows the congress and senate are way out of step with the american public on this. It’s not a “distortion of the true opinion of the Congress” at all, but an accurate reflection. You say “israel” at most of these people and it’s like ringing a bell at one of Pavolov’s dogs, except instead of salivating they start dashing off resolutions of support.
Hey, Brendan, I like your style. Does that mean that AIPAC has become a contemporary Pavlov? And, our congress persons salivating dogs?
personally, i think our congresspersons are more like pigs at the troughthan anything else.
As for whether AIPAC is pavlov, that’s up for debate. i do knwo that when AIPAC talks, most of our reps listen and do as they’re told. Glenn Greenwald has written reams of eloquent arguments demionstrating this.
Whether this is due to “true belief” or just fear of AIPAC’s money and power, i do not know, but the result is the same.
And the next time someone with Middle Eastern ties feels the need to shoot at or blow up something American, everyone will just shake their heads and wonder, “Why do they hate us so much? We’ve never done anything to them. All we’ve ever tried to do is give them the opportunity for freedom and democracy.”
You can say that again, Booman.
Do Americans and their leaders always have to be so damned delusional? Particularly on foreign policy, especially when it involves Israel?
Americans are at risk because the Christians in this country led the nation into an insane war in Iraq that killed over a million people. It’s thousands and thousands of times worse than anything Israel has done. But I assume that when the attacks come the Christian majority will blame the Muslims or Jews or somebody else for whatever happens. They just don’t know how to take responsibility for their actions. It will be just another reflection of their absurd position that the Bush and the Republicans were responsible for the Iraq Genocide, when of course the Democrats were there pushing for war every inch of the way.
So what is Israel’s goal? To stop the Qassam rockets from blowing up their bus stops? Can Congress be explicit and say, we want Hamas to stop shooting those rockets into Israel because they might hurt someone? No, because Israel is hurting someone in attempting to prevent those rockets from hurting someone. And the rockets will keep coming.
The rockets are too easy to manufacture and Hamas supports this low-level warfare, not for any military reason but for their own domestic consumption. And no one in Gaza wants to admit that the Jews won’t be driven into the sea. To do so would be to give up on the magical thinking that keeps them from facing the reality of a very poor, very overcrowded, very small piece of land.
This is insane. Regardless of how one feels about the rights of israeli or palestinian people, there is simply no excuse for supporting this sort of slaughter of civilians, anywhere, at any time. I really don’t understand why there is not more outrage against this behavior on the part of Israel.
First order of business? People have said that DC is Israeli Occupied Territory.
How true that is.
Any guesses on how many courageous people will say no?
See Jon Stewart’s jan 5. program.
I wish assholes like Hoyer would just stick to resolving to remember the children and stand fearlessly for goodness.
Hoyer has always done the bidding of aipac. There are congresscritters who were elected with the support of j-street too. Why doesn’t j-street push an “even-handedness” resolution, to neutralize Hoyer?