This one is pretty good.
Hey anti-Semite,
How the fuck do I get my membership cancelled from your disgusting, bigoted, rightwing site. Why the fuck don’t you respond to members’ inquiries. Too busy calling for attacks on Jewish civilians? If I start posting tons and tons of extremely nasty comments will that work?
Please advise. It degrades any civillized person to be associated with such right-wing tripe, and I want out.
Username is [deleted]. Get me off your fucking site you fucking bigot. ASAP.
For the record, when you create a user account here (or anywhere else) and make comments or write diaries, you do so without any right to have your scribblings deleted at a later time. A free user account is not a subscription or an official membership that brings reciprocal obligations on my part. The reasons I will delete something are:
1. It opens me up to legal jeopardy.
2. It grossly violates the Community Standards.
3. A user requests I delete something they’ve incautiously disclosed that may impact their privacy or job prospects.
The Scoop software doesn’t even have a mechanism for deleting user accounts. I can cut off your ability to comment, but I can’t delete your account from the database or erase their record from google caches.
So, write at your own risk. I know you are proud to associate with this right-wing, anti-Semitic site, and fully endorse attacking civilians. If you didn’t, why would you be here?
BooMan, I don’t understand. Did the writer mean “left wing” blog instead of “right wing”? He/she does sound a bit stressed and his/her intemperate language suggests some kind of Republican troll. Not to worry, B-Man, we are with you all the way.
I don’t think his/her bullying tactics will faze you in the slightest. Keep up your fine work.
I don’t think it is prudent to try to understand the ramblings of an idiot. I just thought it was entertaining.
A diarist on yesterday’s rec list at dKos mentioned that he had received similar hate mail. It does make you wonder if these are just random malicious bloggers or if this is one more piece of an orchestrated campaign against leftist bloggers by Israel’s Foreign Ministry during its Gaza offensive.
Richard Silverstein notes that the Foreign Ministry has revamped its network targeting liberal blogs.
It’s a long-time member of the site, albeit an irregular contributor.
are instructed to identify themselves as such:
(check the flowchart graphic)
Hey if people are using this logic now, all the better:
“Something I disagree with” = “Right Wing”
I’d say that comment is a solid victory in the attempt to redefine Right and Left, Liberal and Conservative…
Wait a minute… mean people can read the shit we write here??? Holy crap!!
Wow BooMan, guess next time you’d better make sure you don’t leave someone off your Christmas card list.
I received a somewhat similar, though slightly less vulgar, e-mail a few weeks back in the in-box for the Yahoo account that I associate with my user name here. Only it contained a veiled reference for me to “watch out” because they were one of those “crazy right wing nuts” who “hates loony liberals” like me. I was also informed that “there were a lot people” like them out there who thought people like me were all dangerous nuts. I found that observation quite ironic, given what they had just taken the time to write and send to me.
Expect the worst. The hasbara liars sent out hate mail in my name.
that user obviously isn’t a dKos reader, or he’d know that the correct format for that request is:
“Delete my fucking account BooMan!”
i’m here for the beer
WTF…..There’s BEER???
Is that why everyone is carrying those little plastic cups?
yes, though the funnel belongs to me.
There has been a dearth of beer here lately. It’s why I haven’t been around much.
what’s the old adage?
“if you brew it, they will come”
Yeah, me too. It is after all the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.
I come for the pootie pics. Oh wait,…
People like this are not left wing or liberal Democrats. Possibly they are assigned GIYUS operatives intended to counteract criticism of right wing Israeli hegemony over the Palestinians.
The only positive thing one can say is that Booman is getting too much attention and a higher readership and is becoming a threat to the right wing Israeli cause: oblteration of the Palestinian people, their rights to live in a free and self-determined country of their own.
Even Daily Kos is beginning to see its short-sightedness about what should be a central and principled issue in Democratic foreign policy. Today Hillary Clinton talked about two-states and the suffering of the Palestinian people in her confirmation hearing.
People like this are not left wing or liberal Democrats. Possibly they are assigned GIYUS operatives intended to counteract criticism of right wing Israeli hegemony over the Palestinians.
The only positive thing one can say is that Booman is getting too much attention and a higher readership and is becoming a threat to the right wing Israeli cause: oblteration of the Palestinian people, their rights to live in a free and self-determined country of their own.
Even Daily Kos is beginning to see its short-sightedness about what should be a central and principled issue in Democratic foreign policy. Today Hillary Clinton talked about two-states and the suffering of the Palestinian people in her confirmation hearing.
How often do you have this glitch with double posts, shergald?
it’s hit me a once or twice…usually when my subnet is clogged.
Just be glad it’s not a 250-line screed rambling on about nothing in particular with great outrage…
Personally, I’ve found the discussions here to be a real eye-opener and applaud BooMan for his openness.
I hope this article is true.
Booman and others are making those in charge realize that we’re not putting up with murder.
U.S. arms shipment to Israel canceled due to Gaza conflict
I just wanted to say it wasn’t me! 🙂
That’s actually really troubling that Scoop doesn’t have that mechanism. Is that in the TOS when you sign up?
All criticism of Israel will be met with charges of antisemitism. It’s a way of shutting down debate.