The medical research world is alive with excitement as the FDA has just approved new stem cell research on the repair of spinal cord injuries. These tests will start this summer at the Geron Corporation in Menlo Park, California, developers of a stem cell treatment for such injuries. This is the first set of tests to be held on humans for a human-based stem cell therapy.
It shouldn’t be long before stem cell tests are available in research on diabetes cures, Parkinson’s Disease, and other much needed medical treatments which had been held up by the Bush Administration’s ban.
Thanks for reminding me of at least one very good reason to be happy that Obama is President. This is definitely change we should all be able to believe in and enthusiastically greet.
The statement I recall most clearly from his inaugural speech was, “We will restore science to its rightful place.”
I felt like I’d been waiting a lifetime to hear a president say that. In fact, I’m pretty sure I had been waiting a lifetime.