“The party is in transition,” said Ed Rogers, a Republican lobbyist and close ally of Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour. “Our leaders have not found their voice or direction….Limbaugh is filling a vacuum in a world that requires a constant media counter-point.”
Kind of says it all.
“Our leaders have not found their voice or direction….”
Gosh! And I am always told by my Republican friends that Democrats “don’t know what they believe” and “don’t stand for anything”.
“At least Republicans”, they say, “believe in something”.
Ironic, ain’t it?
Yeah, they believe whatever Rush Limbaugh says.
You know, I haven’t had a Republican use that line on me in a while now. A couple of years, actually.
I don’t think Republicans know what they believe any more. I will say this – the Republicans I know who have actually sat down to think about what they believe – instead of just voting Republican because they always have – have become Independents in the last couple of years. And none of them voted for McCain this time around.
I think, even as frank as this may seem, it’s still not the whole truth. The point/counter-point model is not merely about stirring up controversy, or trying to appear balanced – it’s about giving complete falsehoods equal weight with facts.
The ruling elites live a fact-free existence – on purpose. The facts are nasty things.
In some ways I actually have more time for tyrants and sadists. They’re honest about what they do and why they do it – power is very intoxicating.
Who I don’t have time for are those who screw over their fellow human beings and claim that they are the superior human beings for doing it. Without the myths of the meritocracy and moral superiority they might actually have to feel, well bad, about their privileged lives. Or, at least acknowledge that there’s a connection between too much on one side and too little on the other. Nah.
Am I hearing this right?
A Republican lobbyist is quoted as saying Rush Limbaugh is the closest thing they have to a leader in the party now?
Excuse me for a moment…
I was just rolling on the carpet and laughing hysterically.
Well, if he’s going to do any leadering, he better hurry up. He looks distinctly unwell, his voice sounds forced, and he just doesn’t have the old Rushbo enthusiasm.
And media would include television, I would think. And that’s a medium that he crashed and burned in. Twice. In short periods.
I think I’ll roll around and laugh some more.
Oh, he’ll be fine once he gets his prescription filled.
This is playing as I predicted in Boos Rush post of a week or so ago. The GOP and Rush/Hannity types will spend the next two years screaming that they lost because they were not Conservative enough and didn’t stick to their values. Heck it might even be four years. http://www.sarahpac.com/
It will take at least that long before a face and voice in the GOP can emerge that will speak to enough of the non white, male, xenophobic, racist klan to get elected.
The biggest issue consciously or unconsciously is the Right inherently doesn’t trust the government to do anything so competency is not an issue. It bothers them none in the least if Sarah six pack is able to do the job because they figure not doing the job is better than doing the job (hence the Rush “I hope he fails comments”).
How Bush hasn’t transformed that thinking is beyond me.