Why so serious? Wonderliscious events are popping out all over since W took the last plane to Dodge Crawford. Don’t believe me? Well, here’s a story sure to bring a smile to your face:
Iraq Won’t Grant Blackwater a License
BAGHDAD — Blackwater Worldwide, the security firm whose guards killed 17 civilians on a crowded Baghdad street in 2007, will not have its security license granted by the Iraqi government, officials said Thursday. […]
The Iraqi government has sought in the past to expel Blackwater, but American officials in Iraq who rely on the company’s heavily armed guards for security said they had no alternative but to continue using the North Carolina-based security contractor.
Unlike many security contractors in Iraq, Blackwater had been operating without an Iraqi government license, although it recently applied for one.
The request was turned down during the past few weeks by the Iraqi government, officials said.
“They presented their request, and we rejected it,” said Ala’a Al-Taia, an official with Iraq’s Interior Ministry. “There is no longer the necessity to renew their contract because our security forces can handle their mission. There are many marks against this company, specifically that they have a bad history and have been involved in the killing of so many civilians.”
Karma, my maniacal right wing Christian Supremacist Warriors killer thugs, is a beeotch. I hope Erik Prince has plans to travel to countries that actually prosecute mercenaries and their corporate employers for war crimes. Now that would be a truly happy ending to the ugly, mendacious and murderous Blackwater saga.
The test is “will Hillary’s State Department continue to use Blackwater?” It’s not like Blackwater cared about getting a license to operate in Iraq before…Condi and Dubya said “They’re providing US security, not Iraqi Security.”
If the Iraqis tell Blackwater to go home, that’s one thing. They’ve done that before. US said “tough shit, we like em and they’re staying, and that’s that.” If the United States tells Blackwater to go home, then that’s something to crow about.
They may have ended the contract, but you don’t see anyone in the Obama administration rushing to say “and we expect Blackwater to be out of Iraq by this date.” You won’t. Too much foot-dragging to be a victory.
Not gonna happen. Blackwater will find a way to stay. You want to know if Robert Gates and Hillary’s war-hawk tendencies are running our foreign policy or if Barack Obama is? Here’s your first real test.
Gates is on record as questioning the use ofcontractors like Blackwater. Don’t know about Clinton.
Better link
I don’t think Obama’s ideas about foreign policy are very different from those of the people he has chosen to advise on and help him run it. It isn’t just each individual, there is a consistency in most of his choices that is not encouraging.
The problem is that these Blackwater types seem like they are all borderline psychotic, and if they get pitched out of Iraq they will be back here.
I am not sure where they could go instead. Hmm, maybe – how about Gitmo?
They’re your guys, so deal with ’em. Iraqis don’t want ’em, don’t need ’em, and don’t deserve to have to put up with ’em.
This IS good to hear for sure, but I think we will see who is really in charge in “sovereign” Iraq when the U.S. announces that they can bring in anyone they want for any purpose.