The House Republicans seem to have three talking points. Here they are:
“We have fundamental philosophical differences. We’re in an era of unfunded liabilities,” said John Culberson , R-Texas. “This stimulus is really a Trojan horse. It’s part of a plan that would turn the United States into France.”
“We want the president to call Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi and tell her to work with us,” said Minority Whip Eric Cantor , R-Va.
“The president is a naive man. He is naive about what to expect from enemies of the United States overseas and about what to expect from the left wing of his party,’’ added Dana Rohrabacher , R-Calif.
‘It’s part of a plan that would turn the United States into France.”
Heaven forbid that we should become like France, a civilized country with a fantastic education system, great architecture, world-class food, and just happens to attract more tourists than any country on earth. What a tragedy that would be.
They can be highly protective of their language and culture from foreign influences. You’d think that folks like English First would probably like that kind of attitude, and would praise the French for their efforts.
My head spins trying to sort it out…
The French health-care system is awesome! More of that!
Less of French food though. I prefer poultry to beef.
Coq au vin?
Cracking on France is so 2002. Get with the times, people.
Oh dear gods. “Unfunded liabilities” from the party of the Iraq War. And cracking on France? Please.
Oh noes! Nancy Pelosi is being mean to widdle Ewic Cantow again! Somebody get the principle! Poor widdle Ewic might just bweak down into teaws….
I don’t even know how to answer this one. It seems to mock itself.
Hey, at least point 1 is 60% true for an overall ‘Reality Rating’ of 20%.
A huge improvement, no?
Pardon, but isn’t that non?
Please tell me they’re not bringing up that freedom fries crap again!
They’re crying foul on Judd Gregg, too.
What gives with Gregg, anyway? I mean yeah, 60 votes…but it’s not like Gregg’s a progressive or anything. He voted against SCHIP, Ledbetter and EFCA.
Why is Obama so keen on making him Commerce Secretary again?
because he’ll be out of congress, where he can do harm and tasked with carrying out obama’s agenda, which he’ll be accountable for doing.
As for discussing the talking points, I have 3 words: HA. HA. Ha.
“We have fundamental philosophical differences. We’re in an era of unfunded liabilities,” said John Culberson , R-Texas. “This stimulus is really a Trojan horse. It’s part of a plan that would turn the United States into France.”
“Unfunded libailities?” Like Medicare Part D? Iraq? Rebuilding New Orleans? i agree we have fundamental philosophical differences: you’re more loyal to your party than to America, and more loyal to Rush LImbaugh than to your party.
“We want the president to call Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi and tell her to work with us,” said Minority Whip Eric Cantor , R-Va.
Shorter Cantor: “I am scared of Nancy Pelosi.” not Obama’s problem. also, anyone else remember how the GOP shut down meetings House democrats held, like when they forced Conyers to have a hearing in broom closet or whatever? I say cantor’s lucky he’s even got a microphone.
“The president is a naive man. He is naive about what to expect from enemies of the United States overseas and about what to expect from the left wing of his party,” added Dana Rohrabacher , R-Calif.
yes, that explains why we won so decisively in 2006 and 2008. Because the president is naive. Idiot.
awww…they’re having a hard time with their new role as doormats…watb’s:
Love that one!
Cry-babies and petulant toddlers.
(BTW: Does anyone agree that the biggest crooks always seem to be the biggest whiners?)
So they’ve decided to go with “creeping socialism” and “Pelosi/San Francisco”. IE, class war, sexism, homophobia. All wrapped up in epic denial about who created the biggest debt in the history of the world, and whose faith-based excuses for economics is directly responsible for the worst economic disaster since at least the Depression. I guess the plan is to hold onto the most delusional segment of the base until America’s short attention span comes to the rescue.
I hope all this is showing Obama that sometimes “reaching out” just means getting an infection from the scum at the bottom of the barrel.
If I had a nickel for every time these guys actually stoped their backstabbing whining and actually did something to move this country forward….well, I’d have a nickel
Perhaps we’ll all be speaking French by this time next year.
Nous pouvons toujours espérer le ce, Monsieur Boran.
Point by point:
In conclusion, are they trying to cater to their 20% base or the rest of America? The GOP doesn’t know what to do. They are lost. They are just flailing its arms and falling back to old rhetoric that the American public is tired of now.
Wait, I thought he was from the left wing of the party. I remember hearing that Obama was “to the left of Bernie Sanders” or something.
Response: This is true, and in two successive elections the American people have rejected the Republicans’ fundamental philosophy. We have no intention of going back to the failed policies of George W. Bush and his Republican Congress.
Response: Let me get this straight: a little woman from San Francisco is kicking your tail so tough that you have to ask the big Black man to make her play nice with you? Would the little boy like a lollypop too?
Response: You mean to tell me that a naive man beat and then neutered the mighty Clinton political machine, and then beat a decorated war hero? I believe Obama has earned the benefit of the doubt while the Republicans have earned nothng but doubt. Given a choice between yesterday’s failed Republican policies and the hope for a better tomorrow the choice is clear, and America has indeed decided. Obama won.
When the political party you belong to is a failed one, the only thing left to do is carp on the opposition, or take the last of your marbles and go home. (I would prefer the latter option!)
But outside the house, get a load of this, from the RNC’s new chairman, per ABC News:
What a load of H—sh–t!