Not a few people think it’s time to draw a line in the sand about politicians that play by their own set of rules and don’t pay their taxes while writing the laws that prescribe punishment for us if we don’t pay ours. Tom Daschle’s tax issues are an embarrassment that we don’t need or deserve. I applauded his nomination to be Secretary of Health & Human Services because I thought (and still do) that his good relations on the Hill would make it much easier to usher through Obama’s health care package. But, in these difficult economic times, it’s impossible to defend someone that piles up hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid taxes while he is tooled around in limousines. Daschle has no excuse, and none of us should be put in the position of trying to defend his actions. Howard Dean might not have equivalent connections and political savvy, but he does understand health care and he does deserve a job in the Obama administration. I say that the Obama administration should withdraw Daschle’s nomination and replace him with Howard Dean.