Sometimes I get angry and make intemperate remarks when I hear people make insensitive remarks related to killing, maiming, and torturing human beings for no good reason. Sometimes I even have a pang of regret that I allowed myself to become so vituperative. Nonetheless, I don’t think there is anything wrong with me expressing my desire that the Capitol Police arrest Joe Lieberman, hold him in a dungeon cell for six years, and periodically smear menstrual blood on him between waterboardings. If they want to throw his Torah in the toilet before feeding him two kinds of fruit, rice pilaf, and orange-glazed chicken, I won’t think anything of it but that Lieberman got back what he so eagerly dished out.

Am I kidding? Just barely. Torture is no joke.

Update [2009-2-1 15:55:51 by BooMan]: A little reality check for Monsieur Lieberman, from the Memory Hole:

At least 108 people have died in American custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, most of them violently, according to government data provided to The Associated Press. Roughly a quarter of those deaths have been investigated as possible abuse by U.S. personnel.

The figure, far higher than any previously disclosed, includes cases investigated by the Army, Navy, CIA and Justice Department.
Associated Press, March 16, 2005